23 research outputs found

    Hepatic encephalopathy: a critical current review.

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    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a serious neuropsychiatric complication of cirrhosis and/or porto-systemic shunting. The clinical symptoms are widely variable, extending from subtle impairment in mental state to coma. The utility of categorizing the severity of HE accurately and efficiently serves not only to provide practical functional information about the current clinical status of the patient but also gives valuable prognostic information. In the past 20-30 years, there has been rapid progress in understanding the pathophysiological basis of HE; however, the lack of direct correlation between pathogenic factors and the severity of HE make it difficult to select appropriate therapy for HE patients. In this review, we will discuss the classification system and its limitations, the neuropsychometric assessments and their challenges, as well as the present knowledge on the pathophysiological mechanisms. Despite the many prevalent hypotheses around the pathogenesis of the disease, most treatments focus on targeting and lowering the accumulation of ammonia as well as inflammation. However, treatment of minimal HE remains a huge unmet need and a big concerted effort is needed to better define this condition to allow the development of new therapies. We review the currently available therapies and future approaches to treat HE as well as the scientific and clinical data that support their effectiveness

    Astrocytes modulate baroreflex sensitivity at the level of the nucleus of the solitary tract

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    Maintenance of cardiorespiratory homeostasis depends on autonomic reflexes controlled by neuronal circuits of the brainstem. The neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of these reflex pathways are well understood, however, the mechanisms and functional significance of autonomic circuit modulation by glial cells remain largely unknown. In experiments conducted in male laboratory rats we show that astrocytes of the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), the brain area that receives and integrates sensory information from the heart and blood vessels, respond to incoming afferent inputs with [Ca2+]i elevations. Astroglial [Ca2+]i responses are triggered by transmitters released by vagal afferents, glutamate acting at AMPA receptors and 5-HT acting at 5-HT2A receptors. In conscious freely behaving animals blockade of Ca2+-dependent vesicular mechanisms in NTS astrocytes by virally driven expression of a dominant-negative SNARE protein (dnSNARE) increased baroreflex sensitivity by 70% (p<0.001). The effect of compromised astroglial function was specific to the NTS as expression of dnSNARE in astrocytes of the ventrolateral brainstem had no effect. ATP considered the principle gliotransmitter and is released by vesicular mechanisms affected by dnSNARE expression. Consistent with this hypothesis, in anesthetized rats, activation P2Y1 purinoceptors in the NTS decreased baroreflex gain by 40% (p=0.031), while blockade of P2Y1 receptors increased baroreflex gain by 57% (p=0.018). These results suggest that glutamate and 5-HT released by NTS afferent terminals trigger Ca2+-dependent astroglial release of ATP to modulate baroreflex sensitivity via P2Y1 receptors. These data add to the growing body of evidence supporting an active role of astrocytes in the brain information processing

    Brain metabolic sensing and metabolic signaling at the level of an astrocyte

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    Astrocytes support neuronal function by providing essential structural and nutritional support, neurotransmitter trafficking and recycling and may also contribute to brain information processing. In this article we review published results and report new data suggesting that astrocytes function as versatile metabolic sensors of central nervous system (CNS) milieu and play an important role in the maintenance of brain metabolic homeostasis. We discuss anatomical and functional features of astrocytes that allow them to detect and respond to changes in the brain parenchymal levels of metabolic substrates (oxygen and glucose), and metabolic waste products (carbon dioxide). We report data suggesting that astrocytes are also sensitive to circulating endocrine signals-hormones like ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide-1 and leptin, that have a major impact on the CNS mechanisms controlling food intake and energy balance. We discuss signaling mechanisms that mediate communication between astrocytes and neurons and consider how these mechanisms are recruited by astrocytes activated in response to various metabolic challenges. We review experimental data suggesting that astrocytes modulate the activities of the respiratory and autonomic neuronal networks that ensure adaptive changes in breathing and sympathetic drive in order to support the physiological and behavioral demands of the organism in ever-changing environmental conditions. Finally, we discuss evidence suggesting that altered astroglial function may contribute to the pathogenesis of disparate neurological, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders such as Rett syndrome and systemic arterial hypertension

    Mechanosensory signalling in astrocytes

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    Mechanosensitivity is a well-known feature of astrocytes, however, its underlying mechanisms and functional significance remain unclear. There is evidence that astrocytes are acutely sensitive to decreases in cerebral perfusion pressure and may function as intracranial baroreceptors, tuned to monitor brain blood flow. This study investigated the mechanosensory signalling in brainstem astrocytes, as these cells reside alongside the cardiovascular control circuits and mediate increases in blood pressure and heart rate induced by falls in brain perfusion. It was found that mechanical stimulation-evoked Ca2+ responses in astrocytes of the rat brainstem were blocked by (i) antagonists of connexin channels, connexin 43 (Cx43) blocking peptide Gap26, or Cx43 gene knockdown; (ii) antagonists of TRPV4 channels; (iii) antagonist of P2Y1 receptors for ATP; and (iv) inhibitors of phospholipase C or IP3 receptors. Proximity ligation assay demonstrated interaction between TRPV4 and Cx43 channels in astrocytes. Dye loading experiments showed that mechanical stimulation increased open probability of carboxyfluorescein-permeable membrane channels. These data suggest that mechanosensory Ca2+ responses in astrocytes are mediated by interaction between TRPV4 and Cx43 channels, leading to Cx43-mediated release of ATP which propagates/amplifies Ca2+ signals via P2Y1 receptors and Ca2+ recruitment from the intracellular stores. In astrocyte-specific Cx43 knockout mice the magnitude of heart rate responses to acute increases in intracranial pressure was not affected by Cx43 deficiency. However, these animals displayed lower heart rates at different levels of cerebral perfusion, supporting the hypothesis of connexin hemichannel-mediated release of signalling molecules by astrocytes having an excitatory action on the CNS sympathetic control circuits.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTThere is evidence suggesting that astrocytes may function as intracranial baroreceptors that play an important role in the control of systemic and cerebral circulation. To function as intracranial baroreceptors, astrocytes must possess a specialized membrane mechanism that makes them exquisitely sensitive to mechanical stimuli. This study shows that opening of connexin 43 hemichannels leading to the release of ATP is the key central event underlying mechanosensory Ca2+ responses in astrocytes. This astroglial mechanism plays an important role in the autonomic control of heart rate. These data add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that astrocytes function as versatile surveyors of the CNS metabolic milieu, tuned to detect conditions of potential metabolic threat, such as hypoxia, hypercapnia and reduced perfusion

    CO2 signaling mediates neurovascular coupling in the cerebral cortex

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    Neurovascular coupling is a fundamental brain mechanism that regulates local cerebral blood flow (CBF) in response to changes in neuronal activity. Functional imaging techniques are commonly used to record these changes in CBF as a proxy of neuronal activity to study the human brain. However, the mechanisms of neurovascular coupling remain incompletely understood. Here we show in experimental animal models (laboratory rats and mice) that the neuronal activity-dependent increases in local CBF in the somatosensory cortex are prevented by saturation of the CO2-sensitive vasodilatory brain mechanism with surplus of exogenous CO2 or disruption of brain CO2/HCO3− transport by genetic knockdown of electrogenic sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter 1 (NBCe1) expression in astrocytes. A systematic review of the literature data shows that CO2 and increased neuronal activity recruit the same vasodilatory signaling pathways. These results and analysis suggest that CO2 mediates signaling between neurons and the cerebral vasculature to regulate brain blood flow in accord with changes in the neuronal activity

    Multimodal assessment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with transmission-reflection optoacoustic ultrasound.

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an umbrella term referring to a group of conditions associated to fat deposition and damage of liver tissue. Early detection of fat accumulation is essential to avoid progression of NAFLD to serious pathological stages such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods: We exploited the unique capabilities of transmission-reflection optoacoustic ultrasound (TROPUS), which combines the advantages of optical and acoustic contrasts, for an early-stage multi-parametric assessment of NAFLD in mice. Results: The multispectral optoacoustic imaging allowed for spectroscopic differentiation of lipid content, as well as the bio-distributions of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in liver tissues in vivo. The pulse-echo (reflection) ultrasound (US) imaging further provided a valuable anatomical reference whilst transmission US facilitated the mapping of speed of sound changes in lipid-rich regions, which was consistent with the presence of macrovesicular hepatic steatosis in the NAFLD livers examined with ex vivo histological staining. Conclusion: The proposed multimodal approach facilitates quantification of liver abnormalities at early stages using a variety of optical and acoustic contrasts, laying the ground for translating the TROPUS approach toward diagnosis and monitoring NAFLD in patients

    Mechanism of succinate efflux upon reperfusion of the ischaemic heart.

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    AIMS: Succinate accumulates several-fold in the ischaemic heart and is then rapidly oxidized upon reperfusion, contributing to reactive oxygen species production by mitochondria. In addition, a significant amount of the accumulated succinate is released from the heart into the circulation at reperfusion, potentially activating the G-protein-coupled succinate receptor (SUCNR1). However, the factors that determine the proportion of succinate oxidation or release, and the mechanism of this release, are not known. METHODS AND RESULTS: To address these questions, we assessed the fate of accumulated succinate upon reperfusion of anoxic cardiomyocytes, and of the ischaemic heart both ex vivo and in vivo. The release of accumulated succinate was selective and was enhanced by acidification of the intracellular milieu. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition, or haploinsufficiency of the monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) significantly decreased succinate efflux from the reperfused heart. CONCLUSION: Succinate release upon reperfusion of the ischaemic heart is mediated by MCT1 and is facilitated by the acidification of the myocardium during ischaemia. These findings will allow the signalling interaction between succinate released from reperfused ischaemic myocardium and SUCNR1 to be explored

    Impaired brain glymphatic flow in experimental hepatic encephalopathy

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Neuronal function is exquisitely sensitive to alterations in extracellular environment. In patients with hepatic encephalopathy (HE), accumulation of metabolic waste products and noxious substances in the interstitial fluid of the brain is thought to be a consequence of the liver disease and may contribute to neuronal dysfunction and cognitive impairment. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the accumulation of these substances, such as bile acids, may result from reduced clearance from the brain. METHODS: In a rat model of chronic liver disease with minimal HE (the bile duct ligation (BDL) model), we used emerging dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and mass-spectroscopy techniques to assess the efficacy of the glymphatic system, which facilitates clearance of solutes from the brain. Immunofluorescence of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and behavioural experiments were also performed. RESULTS: We identified discrete brain regions (olfactory bulb, prefrontal cortex and hippocampus) of altered glymphatic clearance in BDL rats, which aligned with cognitive/behavioural deficits. A significantly lower level of AQP4 expression was observed compared to the vasculature marker in both the olfactory bulb and prefrontal cortex in HE, which could be a contributing factor to the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the impairment in glymphatic function observed in BDL rats. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first experimental evidence of impaired glymphatic flow in HE, potentially mediated by decreased AQP4 expression in the affected regions. LAY SUMMARY: The 'glymphatic system' is a newly discovered brain-wide pathway that facilitates clearance of various substances that accumulate in the brain due to its activity. This study evaluated whether the function of this system is altered in a model of brain dysfunction that occurs in cirrhosis. For the first time, we identified that the clearance of substances from the brain in cirrhosis is reduced because this clearance system is defective. This study proposes a new mechanism of brain dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis and provides new targets for therapy

    Astrocytes modulate brainstem respiratory rhythm-generating circuits and determine exercise capacity

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    Astrocytes are implicated in modulation of neuronal excitability and synaptic function, but it remains unknown if these glial cells can directly control activities of motor circuits to influence complex behaviors in vivo. This study focused on the vital respiratory rhythm-generating circuits of the preBötzinger complex (preBötC) and determined how compromised function of local astrocytes affects breathing in conscious experimental animals (rats). Vesicular release mechanisms in astrocytes were disrupted by virally driven expression of either the dominant-negative SNARE protein or light chain of tetanus toxin. We show that blockade of vesicular release in preBötC astrocytes reduces the resting breathing rate and frequency of periodic sighs, decreases rhythm variability, impairs respiratory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia, and dramatically reduces the exercise capacity. These findings indicate that astrocytes modulate the activity of CNS circuits generating the respiratory rhythm, critically contribute to adaptive respiratory responses in conditions of increased metabolic demand and determine the exercise capacity

    Gap junctions in liver disease: Implications for pathogenesis and therapy.

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    In the normal liver, cells interact closely through gap junctions. By providing a pathway for the trafficking of low molecular mass molecules, these channels contribute to tissue homeostasis and maintenance of hepatic function. Thus, dysfunction of gap junctions affects a wide variety of liver processes, such as differentiation, cell death, inflammation and fibrosis. In fact, dysfunctional gap junctions have been implicated, for more than a decade, in cholestatic disease, hepatic cancer and cirrhosis. Additionally, in recent years there is an increasing body of evidence that these channels are also involved in other relevant and prevalent liver pathological processes, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, acute liver injury and portal hypertension. In parallel to these new clinical implications the available data include controversial observations. Thus, a comprehensive overview is required to better understand the functional complexity of these pores. This paper will review the most recent knowledge concerning gap junction dysfunction, with a special focus on the role of these channels in the pathogenesis of relevant clinical entities and on potential therapeutic targets that are amenable to modification by drugs