72 research outputs found

    The Acquisition of Free Morpheme by a Two-year Old Indonesian Child

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    The aim of this study was to describe types and how of the free morpheme uttered by a two-year-old Indonesian Child. It was a qualitative research design which was observed with a single case study. The instruments used were observation and interview. The researcher observed the subject for two months where conversation in diffrent contexts in daily activities took place.The data collected were the utterances produced by the subject in diffrent context and interview. The data were analyzed by using the theory of language acquisition and free morpheme. The results of this study were: (1) the two types of free morpheme namely lexical and function word were uttered by the subject in his daily activities in diffrent context. (2) the using of free morpheme occured analysis were: saying statement, refusing advise, saying dislike, asking gift, refusing comment, asking question, and the last is avoiding quarrel. The using of free morpheme based on the speaker\u27s backgruond analysis was internded to be used for the interaction in community

    The Important of Mandatory Consular Notification Between Indonesia and Other Foreign States

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    The advancement of globalization, cause the high rate of migration people from one nation to another nations. They come for many activities that might cause problems for them in the destination countries that make them arrested or detention. Realizing this condition many country establish consular relation by ratified VCCR 1963. In spite of it, there are still many cases not related to that cconvention. The method used is the juridical-normative with qualitative-descriptive approach. The result of paper reveals that the importance of Mandatory Consular Notification (MCN) is to optimalize the protection of Indonesia citizens in abroad. Kemajuan globalisasi, menyebabkan tingginya tingkat migrasi orang dari satu negara ke negara lain. Mereka datang untuk berbagai aktivitas yang mungkin menyebabkan masalah di negara tujuan yang membuat mereka ditangkap atau ditahan. Menyadari kondisi ini banyak negara membangun hubungan konsuler dengan meratifikasi Konvensi Wina tentang Hubungan Konsuler 1963. Terlepas dari itu, masih banyak kasus warga tidak terkait dengan konvensi tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari tulisan ini mengungkapkan bahwa pentingnya Persetujuan Notifikasi Konsuler (Mandatory Consular Notification/MCN) untuk mengoptimal perlindungan terhadap warga negara kita di luar negeri


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    ABSTRACTBased on the students 'learning outcomes Class IX.1 SMPN 1 Lembah Melintang in science sub subjects Describe the system of excretion in humans and the relationship with health found that students' learning outcomes in subjects IPA sub Describe the system of excretion in humans and the relationship with health is still very low. The average student learning outcomes are still below the KKM. The purpose of this study is to describe and obtain information about Improvement Efforts of student learning outcomes in sub science subjects Describe the system of excretion in humans and health relations through the Inside-Outside Circle Learning Model in Class IX.1 SMPN 1 Lembah Melintang Pasaman Barat Regency. This study is a classroom action research. The research procedure in this research includes planning, action, observation and reflection. This study consists of two cycles with four meetings. The subjects consisted of 32 students of Class IX.1 SMPN 1 Lembah Melintang. The data were collected using observation sheet and daily test. Data were analyzed using percentages. Based on the results of research and discussion that have been proposed, it can be concluded that the Learning Model Inside-Outside Circle can improve student learning outcomes in sub science subjects Describe the system of excretion in humans and health relationships in SMP N 1 Lembah Melintang. Student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II. Student learning outcomes in cycle I was 62.22 (Enough) increased to 86.59 (Good) with an increase of 24.38%.Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Science, Learning Model Inside-Outside Circl

    Implementation of Surveilance System and Evaluation of Malaria Program at Department of Health in Indragiri Hulu Regency Health Office of Indragiri Hulu District, 2008-2010

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    Malaria occurences in Indragiri Hulu Regency (INHU) are increasing each year. The increasing of malaria cases may be caused by the weakness of malaria surveillance system in all levels. The aims of this reasearch are determining the implementation of the malaria surveillance system and evaluating malaria program in Department of Health in District INHU from 2008 until 2010. The research was quantitative descriptive designed as a case study conducted by interviewing and document searching Quantitave descriptive as case study was designed to investigate the implementation of malaria surveillance system and to evaluate malaria program in Health Office of INHU District 2008-2010. Data obtained from interview and documents review.. The research subjects were official engaged in malaria surveillance system who were chosen by non random technique using purposive sampling. The result of this study shows This study showed that the implementation of malaria surveillance system was generally considered less. Most of Malaria's patients in the years 2008-2010 at Indragiri Hulu more was in males is 55.3%, with the largest mostly in the age group 15-54 years is (50.7%), and 76.1 % the most in Kulim Jaya subdistrict. is 76.1 ‰ In generally, malaria case occured at September. Most commonly the case in September. This study suggests improvement of malaria surveillance activities and malaria program implementation, human reasources and budget from health office of INHU District. Department of Health in District INHU is expected to improve malaria surveillance activities and malaria program implementation, improve the quality and quantity of human resources and budget more funds for this activities

    Jaringan Komunikasi dan Peran Perempuan dalam Mempertahankan Budaya Rudat (Studi pada Masyarakat Desa Negeri Katon, Kecamatan Negeri Katon, Lampung Selatan)

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    The objectives of the research were (1) to describe the configuration of communication network related to thedissemination of information about the rudat culture and to examine its specific roles in the network (2) to examinethe role of women in the process of dissemination of information about the rudat culture and the ceremony in DesaNegeri Katon, and (3) to examine the relation between the peoples communication network and the role of women inthe process of dissemination of information about the rudat culture and the ceremony in Desa Negeri Katon. TheResearch was held upon the people of Desa Negeri Katon, Kecamatan Negeri Katon, South Lampung. Primary datahad been collected by methods of survey, sociometry and indepth interview. The survey was held by sets ofquestionnaire asked to 97 respondents, the sociometry was used to analize the communication network, and theindepth interviews were used in collecting qualitative data. The intervariable relation was then analized usingstatistical test correlational coefficient rank spearman and the multilinear regression test. The results showed that 1)the structure communication network composes a mere great clique, 2) the specific roles in the network are star andneglectee, and 3) there are significant connection between its communication network with the roles of woman in theprocess of dissemination of information

    Utilization of Fly Ash Waste in the Cement Industry and its Environmental Impact: A Review

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    The cement industry is one of the most important industries in the development of a country. However, the production activities of the cement industry also cause significant environmental impacts, one of which is air pollution. One of the by-products of fuel combustion in the cement industry is fly ash, which if not managed properly can pollute the air and the surrounding environment. This research aims to provide an overview of the environmental impacts of using fly ash in the cement industry, especially in relation to air pollution. This research uses the literature review method, which is by collecting and reviewing literature or documents related to the research topic. The data sources used in this research are scientific journals, books, and other related documents. Data analysis in this study was carried out by reviewing and examining literature or documents related to the research topic, then summarizing and compiling the results of the analysis into an overview. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of fly ash in the cement industry has significant environmental impacts, especially related to air pollution. However, there are several technologies and fly ash processing methods that can reduce the environmental impact of cement industry production activities, such as the use of fly ash as raw material for making lightweight concrete or as raw material for the production of other building materials.    &nbsp

    Formulasi Tablet Ekstrak Etanol Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L) Dengan Variasi Avicel Ph 101 Dan Amprotab Sebagai Bahan Pengering

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    It has been conducted a research on ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L tablet formulation. This research was aimed to find out whether composition variation of Avicel PH 101 and Amprotab as absorber could be formulated into tablet dosage form that meet requirement of good physical characteristic. The advantages of Avicel PH101 were having good compressibility and good the flow characteristic and fastening disintegration time of tablet. The advantage of Amprotab was cheap. Morinda citrifolia L. was extracted by maceration method by ethanol 70 %. Tablet of Morinda citrifolia L. was made by wet granulation. Ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L tablet was made in three formulas, they were formula I (100% Avicel PH 101), formula II (100% Amprotab) and formula II (50% Avicel PH 101: 50% Amprotab). Dry granule was examined the flow characteristics whereas tablets were examined the physical characteristic (weight uniformity, hardness, brittleness and disintegration time). Various combination of Avicel PH 101 and Amprotab resulted a good flowing time so that meet weight homogeneity, a good tablet hardness, lower brittleness and longer of disintegration time. Key word: Morinda citrifolia L., Avicel PH 101, Amprotab, tablet, wet granulation

    Dampak Program Pembangunan Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan di Kota Payakumbuh

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    This research aims to discover and analyze the effect of the development of drinking water program and environmental health in improving the quality of life in Payakumbuh city. The background of the research is the various environmental problems in Payakumbuh. This research is quantitative as well as descriptive qualitative. The population of the research is the community of Payakumbuh city in five districts. The result shows that the provision of basic sanitary system in Payakumbuh is in medium level. This can be inferred from the data analysis that shows the average basic sanitary level in 3.6 between 1 to 5 and the TCR reaches 63.20%, which means medium category. The waste management of Payakumbuh city is in medium category, where the anticipation of local waste is only 2.85 between 1 to 5 and TCR 57.00%. The drainage facility of Payakumbuh city is in medium category with the score reaching 3.13 between 1 to 5 and the TCR 62.60. The quality of environment in Payakumbuh city is quite good, shown by the score 3.25 between 1 to 5 and TCR 65.00%. This means the environmental quality of the developing city is quite good and within medium category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of drinking water program and environmental health contributes to the quality of environment that are proven by the sub-variables; all in medium category

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Concentration in the Follicular Fluid of Bali Cattle and Its Role in the Oocyte Nuclear Maturation and Fertilization Rate

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    The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of IGF-I in the follicular fluid (FF) of Bali cattle and its role in the nuclear maturation and fertilization rate. The follicular fluid was collected by the aspiration technique, then it was centrifuged at 1500 g for 30 min at 24oC. The supernatant was collected and stored at -20oC until being used in the experiment for analysis of IGF-1. A total of 1105 oocytes were used in this study. The oocytes were matured in M199 without supplementation of bovine serum albumin, with supplementation of BSA, and with supplementations of 10% FF (v/v) from the follicle with diameter Ø<4 mm, 4≤Ø<6 mm, 6≤Ø<8 mm, and Ø≥8 mm at the luteal phase and then fertilized. The results showed that the concentrations of IGF-I in the FF obtained during the luteal phase was significantly higher (P<0.05) compared to those obtained during follicular phase. The IGF-I concentrations in the follicular fluid of follicle with diameter smaller than 6 mm were significantly higher (P<0.05) compared to those with diameters larger than 6 mm. The percentage of nuclear maturation rate of oocytes cultured with FF obtained from follicle with diameter <4 mm was significantly higher (P<0.05) compared to those obtained from the other groups of follicle diameters. The supplementation of maturation media with BSA and FF were able to improve fertilization rate significantly (P<0.05) compared to maturation media without BSA. In conclusion, the concentration of IGF-I in the follicular fluid obtained during the luteal phase was higher compared to those obtained during the follicular phase. The IGF-I concentrations in the follicular fluid of smaller follicles (diameter <6 mm) were higher compared to those in the large follicles (diameter ≥6 mm). The supplementation of FF can improve the nuclear maturation and fertilization rat
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