1,157 research outputs found
Biomass and length distribution for roughhead grenadier, thorny skate and white hake from the surveys conducted by Spain in NAFO 3NO
Data for roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax), thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) and white hake (Urophycis tenuis) from the Spanish Spring survey are presented. Abundance and biomass were estimated for roughhead grenadier and thorny skate for the period 1997-2015 and for white hake for the period 2001-2015. The length distribution is presented as numbers per haul stratified mean catches for the last five years (2011-2015). The roughhead grenadier indices showed no discernible trend until 2012, reaching a maximum in 2004 - 2006 and afterwards stabilised at levels slightly higher than in the early years. In the last two years a decline was appreciated in the indices, reaching in 2014 one of the lowest values of the entire time-series, increasing again in 2015. Thorny skate indices follow a large oscillating trend, dropping in 2007 and being since then more or less stables at a low level, reaching the minimum of the series in 2014. White hake indices were highest in 2001 and then showed an overall decreasing trend until 2008 with low values. Indices increased since then until 2013 but declined again in 2014, increasing sligthly in 2015. A small recruitment event was detected in 2005 and in 2013, with individuals between 16 - 26 cm.Postprint0,000
Yellowtail flounder, redfish (Sebastes spp.) and witch flounder indices from the Spanish Survey conducted in Divisions 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area
Since 1995, Spain carries out a spring stratified random bottom trawl survey in Div. 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area. Total mean catches, biomass and mean numbers for yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) are presented for the period 1995-2015, for redfish (Sebastes spp.) for the period 1997-2015 and for witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) for the period 2002-2015. Detailed indices are presented from 2011. Yellowtail flounder indices do not show a clear trend. Biomass increased from 1997 to 1999 and then remained almost constant throughout all the period, decreasing slightly in 2014 and 2015. Redfish indices oscillate greatly over time, probably because the gear does not sample adequately aggregating pelagic species. There was a sharp increase in 2009 and since then has maintained higher values than before 2009, comprising the 3N around the 90% of the total biomass in the last years. In 2014 all indices decreased, increased again in 2015 in both Divisions. Good year classes have not been registered recently. Witch flounder is very scarce and its indices show a general decreasing trend throughout the period (2002-2015) remaining at very low levels. Recruitment was quite good at the beginning of the series but very poor in recent years.Postprint0,000
Yellowtail flounder, redfish (Sebastes spp.) and witch flounder indices from the Spanish Survey conducted in Divisions 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area
Since 1995, Spain carries out a spring stratified random bottom trawl survey in Div. 3NO of the NAFO
Regulatory Area. Total mean catches, biomass and mean numbers for yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea)
are presented for the period 1995-8 for redfish (Sebastes spp.) for the period 1997-2018 and for witch flounder
(Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) for the period 2002-2018. Detailed indices are presented from 2013.
Yellowtail flounder indices do not show a clear trend. Biomass increased from 1997 to 1999 has maintained
almost constant values until 2013 and then decreased in 2014-2018. Redfish indices oscillate greatly over time,
probably because the gear does not sample adequately aggregating pelagic species. There was a sharp increase
in 2009 and since then until 2015, biomass fluctuated maintaining higher values than before 2009. In 2016
biomass dropped and increase again in 2017-2018 to the 2012 level. The 3N division comprises around the
90% of the total biomass in the last years. Good year classes have not been registered recently. Length
distribution in thousands (abundance) by Division and year since 2002 is presented. Following the trend of the
biomass, most of the abundance corresponds to Division 3N. Witch flounder is very scarce and its indices
fluctuated throughout the series reaching the minimum value in 2014 and 2018, with an increasing trend in
the middle time. Recruitment was quite good at the beginning of the series but poor in recent years
Biomass and length distribution for roughhead grenadier, thorny skate, white hake, squid and capelin from the surveys conducted by Spain in NAFO 3NO
Data for roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax), thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) and white hake
(Urophycis tenuis) from the Spanish Spring survey are presented. Abundance and biomass were estimated for
roughhead grenadier and thorny skate for the period 1997-2019 and for white hake for the period 2001-2019.
The length distribution is presented as numbers per haul stratified mean catches for the last five years (2015-
2019). The roughhead grenadier indices showed no discernible trend during the whole series, reaching a
maximum in 2004 and a minimum in 2019. In 2017 and 2018, a quite good presence of small and medium
lengths (1.5-19.5 cm) can be seen. Thorny skate indices follow a large oscillating trend, dropping in 2007 and
has been since then more or less stables at a low level, reaching the minimum of the series by far in 2019. In
2017 there is a discrete presence of length between 12 and 18 cm. White hake indices were highest in 2001
and then showed an overall decreasing trend until 2008 with low values, generally increasing since then with
some fluctuations. The 2019 biomass is the second lowest of the period studied. Small recruitment events were
detected in 2004, 2012 and 2013, with individuals between 16-26 cm. In 2017 the highest numbers are at small
lengths, between 20 and 24 cm, being around 34 cm in 2018. In 2019, the mode is around 8 cm. The estimated
biomass of squid is inconstant and very low in general. There were no catches of squid during the 2002 and
2013-2015 surveys. In 2018 and 2019, a step increase in biomass was observed during the survey, being 5.5
and 7 times, respectively, the third value of the series in 2011. Length samples were taken in 2011, 2017 and
2019. The lengths range between 3.5 and 19 cm. Capelin biomass reached a maximum in 2012, decreasing
sharply since then until 2017. In 2018 the index increased to a level similar to that in the early 2000s,
decreasing slightly in 201
Yellowtail flounder, redfish (Sebastes spp.) and witch flounder indices from the Spanish Survey conducted in Divisions 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area
Since 1995, Spain carries out a spring stratified random bottom trawl survey in Div. 3NO of the NAFO
Regulatory Area. Total mean catches, biomass and mean numbers for yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea)
are presented for the period 1995-2019, for redfish (Sebastes spp.) for the period 1997-2019 and for witch
flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) for the period 2002-2019. Detailed indices are presented from 2015.
Yellowtail flounder indices do not show a clear trend between 1999 and 2016. The 2017-2019 values were
lower than the 1998 one. There has not been good recruitment in recent years. Redfish indices oscillate greatly
over time, probably because the gear does not sample adequately aggregating pelagic species. There was a
sharp increase in 2009 and since then until 2015, biomass fluctuated maintaining higher values than before
2009. In 2016 biomass dropped and increase again in 2017-2019 to or below the 2012 level. The 3N division
comprises around the 90% of the total biomass in the last years. Good year classes have not been registered
recently. Abundance by Division shows since 2002 shows the same trend of the biomass; most of the abundance
corresponds to Division 3N. Witch flounder is very scarce and its indices fluctuated throughout the series
reaching a low level in 2014 and 2018, with an increasing trend in the middle time. The 2019 value is the lowest
of the series, being less than 50% of 2014 value. Recruitment was quite good at the beginning of the series but
poor in recent years
Yellowtail flounder, redfish (Sebastes spp.) and witch flounder indices from the Spanish Survey conducted in Divisions 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area
Since 1995, Spain carries out a spring stratified random bottom trawl survey in Div. 3NO of the
NAFO Regulatory Area. Total mean catches, biomass and mean numbers for yellowtail flounder
(Limanda ferruginea) are presented for the period 1995-2017, for redfish (Sebastes spp.) for the
period 1997-2017 and for witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) for the period 2002-2017.
Detailed indices are presented from 2013. Yellowtail flounder indices do not show a clear trend.
Biomass increased from 1997 to 1999 and then remained almost constant throughout all the
period, decreasing slightly in 2014-2017. The 2017 value is the lowest since 1998. Redfish indices
oscillate greatly over time, probably because the gear does not sample adequately aggregating
pelagic species. There was a sharp increase in 2009 and since then until 2015, biomass fluctuated
maintaining higher values than before 2009. In 2016 biomass dropped and increase again in 2017
to the 2012 level. The 3N division comprises around the 90% of the total biomass in the last years.
Good year classes have not been registered recently. Witch flounder is very scarce and its indices
fluctuated throughout the series reaching the minimum value in 2014 and increasing since 2015.
2017 value is among the highest in the series. Recruitment was quite good at the beginning of the
series but poor in recent year
Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2015
Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) indices from the bottom trawl survey that Spain carries out in Spring since 1995 in Div. 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area are presented. Biomass, stratified mean catches and mean number per tow for the three species are presented since 1997, year in which the survey extended the depth strata. Mean catch per town, length distribution and age distribution are presented for the last five years (2011-2015). Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates presented a decreasing trend since 1999, cut in year 2007 with an increase, reaching in 2009 the highest value in the series. In 2011 the biomass drops under the 2008 value, being stable since then with a slight increase in 2015. In last years it can be seen a presence of juveniles, mainly in 2004, but the greatest lengths have failed, although in 2009 there is a quite good presence of individuals of ages 6-7 and in 2010 between 5-7. In 2011-2015 the presence of all ages is poor, although in 2015 an increase in the range of the length can be seen with regards to last years. For American plaice we can see an increasing trend along the whole period, reaching a maximum of mean catch and number in 2006. The greatest recruitment in the presented series occurred in 2004 and we can follow their mode along the years. No good recruitments were seen since then, but a discrete occurrence of individuals of 12-20 cm appears in 2015. For Atlantic cod it can be seen a general decreasing in the biomass between 2002 and 2005 and an increasing since then, especially in 2006 and, higher, in 2009-2011, decreasing again in 2012-2013 but reaching the maximum in the series in 2014. In 2015 the biomass is in the level of the 2012 biomass but the mean number is almost the same as in 2014. In 2007-2008 the youngest length classes were much over the rest of the length classes. With the 2006 cohort the series reaches the maximum number of its historical values at five years in 2011. There have been no good recruitments since 2009, although in 2015 a discrete presence of individuals of age 1 can be seen.
Results of the 2004 Spanish Experimental Fishing in NAFO Subarea 1
An experimental fishing was carried out with three bottom trawlers commercial Spanish vessels from July to December
of the year 2004 in the Subarea 1. The main objective of the experimental fishing was to search for cephalopods species
concentrations inside the territorial waters of Greenland. During the experimental fishing a scientific observer stayed on
board each vessel to collect effort data, catches and yields by haul and Division. The observers carried out length
distribution samplings of the following species: Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Pandalus borealis, Gadus morhua,
Sebastes spp., Hippoglossoides platessoides and Macrourus berglax. Biological samplings of R. hippoglossoides, P.
borealis, H. platessoides, G. morhua and M. berglax were also carried out. Otoliths of Greenland halibut (1 356) and
Atlantic cod (739) were collected for age determination. Greenland halibut was the main species caught and the
cephalopods, target species, have not been found in the experimental fishing
Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2018
Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and Atlantic
cod (Gadus morhua) indices from the bottom trawl survey that Spain carries out in Spring since 1995 in Div.
3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area are presented. Biomass, stratified mean catches and mean number per tow
for the three species are presented since 1997, year in which the survey extended the depth strata. Mean catch
per tow, length distribution and age distribution are presented for the last five years (2014-2018). Greenland
halibut biomass and abundance estimates presented a decreasing trend since 1999, cut in 2007-2009 with a
high increase. In 2011 the biomass drops under the 2008 value, being stable since then until 2014 with a slight
increase in 2015-2018 comprising a big increase in 2017, reaching the maximum of the series. In last years it
can be seen a presence of juveniles, mainly in 2004, but the greatest lengths have failed, although in 2009 there
is a quite good presence of individuals of ages 6-7 and in 2010 between 5-7. In 2011-2018 the presence of all
ages is poor, although in 2015-2016 an increase in the range of the length can be seen with regards to last years.
For American plaice we can see a stable trend from 1999 to 2015, reaching a maximum of mean catch and
number in 2006, and a severe decline since 2016. The greatest recruitment in the presented series occurred in
2004 and we can follow their mode along the years. No good recruitments were seen since then. The 2016 ALK
for American plaice was not sexed. The 2017 and 2018 ALKs for American plaice are not available yet, so the
2016 ALK was used. In last years the level of all the ages is low. For Atlantic cod, it can be seen a low biomass
until 2008, being higher and variable since then, reaching a historical maximum in 2014. From 2015, biomass
decreased reaching in 2018 poor values at the level of the 2006 biomass. In 2007-2008 the youngest length
classes were much over the rest of the length classes. With the 2006 cohort the series reaches the maximum
number of its historical values at five years in 2011. There have been no good recruitments since 2009, although
in 2015 and 2016 a discrete presence of individuals of age 1 can be seen
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