604 research outputs found

    Andreev tunneling into a one-dimensional Josephson junction array

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    In this letter we consider Andreev tunneling between a normal metal and a one dimensional Josephson junction array with finite-range Coulomb energy. The I−VI-V characteristics strongly deviate from the classical linear Andreev current. We show that the non linear conductance possesses interesting scaling behavior when the chain undergoes a T=0 superconductor-insulator transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii type. When the chain has quasi-long range order, the low lying excitation are gapless and the I−VI-V curves are power-law (the linear relation is recovered when charging energy can be disregarded). When the chain is in the insulating phase the Andreev current is blocked at a threshold which is proportional to the inverse correlation length in the chain (much lower than the Coulomb gap) and which vanishes at the transition point.Comment: 8 pages LATEX, 3 figures available upon reques

    Singularities of Nonlinear Elliptic Systems

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    Through Morrey's spaces (plus Zorko's spaces) and their potentials/capacities as well as Hausdorff contents/dimensions, this paper estimates the singular sets of nonlinear elliptic systems of the even-ordered Meyers-Elcrat type and a class of quadratic functionals inducing harmonic maps.Comment: 18 pages Communications in Partial Differential Equation

    Entropy-based measure of structural order in water

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    We analyze the nature of the structural order established in liquid TIP4P water in the framework provided by the multi-particle correlation expansion of the statistical entropy. Different regimes are mapped onto the phase diagram of the model upon resolving the pair entropy into its translational and orientational components. These parameters are used to quantify the relative amounts of positional and angular order in a given thermodynamic state, thus allowing a structurally unbiased definition of low-density and high-density water. As a result, the structurally anomalous region within which both types of order are simultaneously disrupted by an increase of pressure at constant temperature is clearly identified through extensive molecular-dynamics simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication

    Semi-classical Green kernel asymptotics for the Dirac operator

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    We consider a semi-classical Dirac operator in arbitrary spatial dimensions with a smooth potential whose partial derivatives of any order are bounded by suitable constants. We prove that the distribution kernel of the inverse operator evaluated at two distinct points fulfilling a certain hypothesis can be represented as the product of an exponentially decaying factor involving an associated Agmon distance and some amplitude admitting a complete asymptotic expansion in powers of the semi-classical parameter. Moreover, we find an explicit formula for the leading term in that expansion.Comment: 46 page

    A note on boundedness of operators in Grand Grand Morrey spaces

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    In this note we introduce grand grand Morrey spaces, in the spirit of the grand Lebesgue spaces. We prove a kind of \textit{reduction lemma} which is applicable to a variety of operators to reduce their boundedness in grand grand Morrey spaces to the corresponding boundedness in Morrey spaces. As a result of this application, we obtain the boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator and Calder\'on-Zygmund operators in the framework of grand grand Morrey spaces.Comment: 8 page

    Geometric approach to nonvariational singular elliptic equations

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    In this work we develop a systematic geometric approach to study fully nonlinear elliptic equations with singular absorption terms as well as their related free boundary problems. The magnitude of the singularity is measured by a negative parameter (γ−1)(\gamma -1), for 0<γ<10 < \gamma < 1, which reflects on lack of smoothness for an existing solution along the singular interface between its positive and zero phases. We establish existence as well sharp regularity properties of solutions. We further prove that minimal solutions are non-degenerate and obtain fine geometric-measure properties of the free boundary F=∂{u>0}\mathfrak{F} = \partial \{u > 0 \}. In particular we show sharp Hausdorff estimates which imply local finiteness of the perimeter of the region {u>0}\{u > 0 \} and Hn−1\mathcal{H}^{n-1} a.e. weak differentiability property of F\mathfrak{F}.Comment: Paper from D. Araujo's Ph.D. thesis, distinguished at the 2013 Carlos Gutierrez prize for best thesis, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 201

    Functional Liftings of Vectorial Variational Problems with Laplacian Regularization

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    We propose a functional lifting-based convex relaxation of variational problems with Laplacian-based second-order regularization. The approach rests on ideas from the calibration method as well as from sublabel-accurate continuous multilabeling approaches, and makes these approaches amenable for variational problems with vectorial data and higher-order regularization, as is common in image processing applications. We motivate the approach in the function space setting and prove that, in the special case of absolute Laplacian regularization, it encompasses the discretization-first sublabel-accurate continuous multilabeling approach as a special case. We present a mathematical connection between the lifted and original functional and discuss possible interpretations of minimizers in the lifted function space. Finally, we exemplarily apply the proposed approach to 2D image registration problems.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; accepted at the conference "Scale Space and Variational Methods" in Hofgeismar, Germany 201

    The mixed problem for the Laplacian in Lipschitz domains

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    We consider the mixed boundary value problem or Zaremba's problem for the Laplacian in a bounded Lipschitz domain in R^n. We specify Dirichlet data on part of the boundary and Neumann data on the remainder of the boundary. We assume that the boundary between the sets where we specify Dirichlet and Neumann data is a Lipschitz surface. We require that the Neumann data is in L^p and the Dirichlet data is in the Sobolev space of functions having one derivative in L^p for some p near 1. Under these conditions, there is a unique solution to the mixed problem with the non-tangential maximal function of the gradient of the solution in L^p of the boundary. We also obtain results with data from Hardy spaces when p=1.Comment: Version 5 includes a correction to one step of the main proof. Since the paper appeared long ago, this submission includes the complete paper, followed by a short section that gives the correction to one step in the proo
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