118 research outputs found

    On trouve de tout sur Yahoo !

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    Much has been written about the changes introduced by new computer technologies. But what innovations have media like the Internet actually introduced ? This analysis of the server Yahoo ! demonstrates the extent to which mimesis with pre-existing media dominate how such servers are conceived and used. It also demonstrates the impossibility of speaking of a clear "communicational contract" with respect to such media due to the consequent lack of clarity in terms of what kind of informational "contract" is proposed. Confusion due to the variety of types of media and the inability to identify the sources of information are an integral aspect of the user's experience

    Siberian Exile and the 1863 Polish Insurrectionists According to Russian Sources

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    A description of the deportation to Siberia of Poles and others involved in the 1863 Polish Uprising, and of their conditions and activities there

    Katorga: Penal Labor and Tsarist Russia

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    This chapter is an overview of the history of penal labor (katorga) in Siberia

    From ANT to Material agency: a design and science research workshop

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    International audienceThis paper studies a design workshop that investigates complex collaboration between fundamental physics and design. Our research focuses on how students create original artefacts that bridge the gap between disciplines that have very little in common. Our goal is to study the micro-evolutions of their projects. Elaborating first on Actor Network Theory (Latour, 1996; 2005) we study how students' projects evolved over time and through a diversity of inputs and media. Throughout this longitudinal study, we use then a semiotic and pragmatic approach to observe three "aesthetical formations": translation, composition, and stabilization. These formations suggest that the question of material agency developed in the field of archeology and cognitive science (Knappett & Malafouris, 2008) need to be considered in the design field (Renon, 2016) to explain metamorphoses from the brief to the final realizations

    'Licentious Girls' and Frontier Domesticators: Women and Siberian Exile from the Late 16th to the Early 19th Century

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    This article aims at filling the historiographical gap of the part played by women in the early Siberian exile system. The state exploited both their bodies and labour, forcing them to be sexual pacifiers and producers of babies as well as 'frontier domesticators' in general. First sent in the late sixteenth century, their numbers increased after the Ulozhenie of 1649, which largely replaced the death sentence with exile. Further important stages in development were marked by Peter the Great as part of his construction of a service state and by Catherine the Great using Siberia for the purposes of expanding the population and removing schismatics. By the end of the eighteenth century, just over 50 per cent of more than half a million Russians living in Siberia's rural areas were women, both exiles and 'volunteers'. The article concludes that the treatment of such women impeded later Russian efforts to create a healthy society

    The use of digital twins for waste estimation in nuclear facilities\u27 dismantling and decommissioning: the PLEIADES project

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    Nowadays, a considerable number of nuclear power plants worldwide have reached or will reach the end of their lifespan and will need to be dismantled within the next few decades. Dismantling and decommissioning (D&D) of nuclear facilities is a challenging, complex, and hazardous task that was never foreseen before the first reactors\u27 shutdowns. As part of D&D activities, the waste minimization and waste management have an essential interest. The EU-funded PLEIADES (PLatform based on Emerging and Interoperable Applications for enhanced Decommissioning processES) project gathers 14 partners (academics and research organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and industrial companies, and a Technical Safety Organization) representing different stakeholders and providers of the nuclear dismantling domain. Coming from seven European countries, they join forces to demonstrate an innovative digital approach and a new methodology for improving selected key tasks related to D&D. To achieve these goals, the project aims to develop digital twins (DTs) through a BIM (building information modelling) technology-based platform. To structure the data, PLEIADES proposes a decommissioning-oriented ontology that provides a common understanding of the concept, with specific decommissioning terminology. The developed platform provides the integration of the different data and tools. In order to demonstrate the PLEIADES concept, six user stories have been defined based on three real-life use cases from three different European countries, namely France, Norway, and Spain. They allow scenario studies and address application areas such as cost and planning, radiation exposure estimation, and waste assessment. Three of the user stories are directly linked to one use case and focus on comparing alternative scenarios to basic decommissioning activities such as radiological characterization or the decontamination of building surfaces. The other three focus on risk management, uncertainties, regulatory aspects, and waste management strategies. The data feeding the DTs are crucial and require data collection and integration, data security assurance, and data completeness verification. The whole process is iterative until the DTs contain all the necessary information required to perform the user stories simulation. Among others, each simulation using a DT will consider a physical and radiological environment and estimate the waste produced, the waste management process, and the waste management cost. In real applications, the data constituting the DT will depend on each D&D project, but the whole methodology is applicable. This may result in the definition of best practices and the sharing of common processes

    Nuclear decommissioning: project management and leadership

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    Management and leadership for safety relate to managerial competencies necessary to develop, promote and sustain a safety culture and to set goals, lead others and manage knowledge and projects to enhance safety performance. The development of these competencies is needed to enrich and complement the predominant technical background and skills of engineers and/or managers involved in the nuclear sector and particularly in decommissioning and dismantling (D&D) projects. The recent recognition of the importance of managing for safety led the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to develop formal safety requirements that are now implemented by its member states. This includes the need to develop training and education for beginning- and mid-career managers with nuclear safety responsibilities and, considering the time frame of D&D projects, for future generations of managers. Training and education challenges are acute in all Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) and European countries, where managers need to develop knowledge and comprehensive safety-related competencies to run the D&D projects of nuclear facilities in a context where the generational change of managers in the nuclear field is happening fast. In 2016/2017 the IAEA and the European Commission (EC) developed a cooperative framework to jointly address a similar challenge related to operation and regulatory oversight of nuclear installations. The development of these projects was possible by funding from the European Union (EU) through its INSC instrument. The first project, led by the IAEA in 2017, was the development of a pilot school for safety leadership at the University Côte d\u27Azur (UCA), France. Encouraged by this success, the agency has since then developed the syllabus into a 2-week programme, still based on experiential learning, which is offered to IAEA member states who wish to organise sessions for their managers (regulatory bodies or industry). The second project, named ELSE, was operated by UCA and aimed to develop training to help managers acquire leadership for safety capabilities, which are key professional requirements in complex, high-risk and highly regulated sectors such as the nuclear sector. The originality of the ELSE project stemmed from its science-based approach, integrating the most recent findings of management and other social sciences. The dedicated ELSE training programme is composed of a massive online open course (MOOC), a 10 d of face-to-face training and an individually tutored project. Based on the success of these experiences, the EU decided to prolong these actions in the field of nuclear D&D, leading to the start-up, in 2023, of the Decommissioning Management and Leadership for Safety Education (DMaLSE) project. This project has also been entrusted to UCA, in partnership with SKEMA Business School, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Jacques Repussard Conseil. DMaLSE has two main objectives, namely to develop a science-based training programme for future D&D project managers and to extend the impact of the project through bachelor-degree-level on-site training for operators involved in D&D projects

    Ringed, Bearded, and Ribbon Seal Vocalizations North of Barrow, Alaska: Seasonal Presence and Relationship with Sea Ice

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    The acoustic repertoires of ringed, bearded, and ribbon seals are described, along with their seasonal occurrence and relationship to sea ice concentration. Acoustic recordings were made between September and June over three years (2006 – 09) along the continental slope break in the Chukchi Sea, 120 km north-northwest of Barrow, Alaska. Vocalizations of ringed and bearded seals occurred in winter and during periods of 80% – 100% ice cover but were mostly absent during open water periods. The presence of ringed and bearded seal calls throughout winter and spring suggests that some portion of their population is overwintering. Analysis of the repertoire of ringed and bearded seal calls shows seasonal variation. Ringed seal calls are primarily barks in winter and yelps in spring, while bearded seal moans increase during spring. Ribbon seal calls were detected only in the fall of 2008 during the open water period. The repertoire of known ribbon seal vocalizations was expanded to include three additional calls, and two stereotyped call sequences were common. Retrospective analyses of ringed seal recordings from 1982 and ribbon seal recordings from 1967 showed a high degree of stability in call repertoire across large spatial and temporal scales.Le répertoire acoustique des phoques annelés, des phoques barbus et des phoques à bandes sont décrits, de même que leur présence saisonnière et leur rapport avec la concentration de glace de mer. Des enregistrements acoustiques ont été effectués entre septembre et juin sur une période de trois ans (2006 – 2009), le long de la rupture de la pente continentale, dans la mer des Tchouktches, à 120 km au nord-nord-ouest de Barrow, en Alaska. Les vocalisations de phoques annelés et de phoques barbus étaient présentes pendant l’hiver et pendant les périodes où la concentration de glace était de 80 % à 100 %, mais elles se faisaient rares pendant les périodes d’eau libre. La présence des cris de phoques annelés et de phoques barbus tout au long de l’hiver et du printemps suggère qu’une partie de leur population hiverne. L’analyse du répertoire de cris de phoques annelés et de phoques barbus indique une variation saisonnière. L’hiver, le cri du phoque annelé prend principalement la forme d’aboiements, tandis que le printemps, il prend la forme de glapissements. Les gémissements du phoque barbu s’intensifient au printemps. Le cri des phoques à bandes n’a été capté qu’à l’automne 2008, pendant la période des eaux libres. Le répertoire des vocalisations connues du phoque à bandes a été élargi pour inclure trois autres cris, bien que deux séquences de cris stéréotypées étaient courantes. L’analyse rétrospective des enregistrements de cris de phoques annelés de 1982 et de phoques à bandes de 1967 a laissé entrevoir une grande stabilité du point de vue du répertoire des cris, et ce, sur de vastes échelles spatiales et temporelles
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