617 research outputs found

    Omega, J/psi and psi' transverse mass spectra at RHIC

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    The transverse mass spectra of J/psi and psi' mesons and Omega hyperons produced in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies are discussed within a statistical model used successfully for the interpretation of the SPS results. The comparison of the presented model with the future RHIC data should serve as a further crucial test of the hypothesis of statistical production of charmonia at hadronization. Finally, in case of validity, the approach should allow to estimate the mean transverse flow velocity at the quark gluon plasma hadronization

    Transverse activity of kaons and the deconfinement phase transition in nucleus-nucleus collisions

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    We found that the experimental results on transverse mass spectra of kaons produced in central Pb+Pb (Au+Au) interactions show an anomalous dependence on the collision energy. The inverse slopes of the spectra increase with energy in the low (AGS) and high (RHIC) energy domains, whereas they are constant in the intermediate (SPS) energy range. We argue that this anomaly is probably caused by a modification of the equation of state in the transition region between confined and deconfined matter. This observation may be considered as a new signal, in addition to the previously reported anomalies in the pion and strangeness production, of the onset of deconfinement located in the low SPS energy domain

    Transverse momentum spectra of J/psi and psi prime mesons from quark gluon plasma hadronization in nuclear collisions

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    Recent results on transverse mass spectra of J/psi and psi prime mesons in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV are considered. It is shown that those results support a hypothesis of statistical production of charmonia at hadronization and suggest the early thermal freeze-out of J/psi and psi prime mesons. Based on this approach the collective transverse velocity of hadronizing quark gluon plasma is estimated to be \approx 0.2. Predictions for transverse mass spectra of hidden and open charm mesons at SPS and RHIC are discussed

    Omega, J/psi and psi' production in nuclear collisions and quark gluon plasma hadronization

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    The transverse mass spectra of Omega, J/psi and psi' in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV are studied within a hydrodynamical model of the quark gluon plasma expansion and hadronization. The model reproduces the existing data with the common hadronization parameters: temperature T=T_H = 170 MeV and average collective transverse velocity v_T = 0.2

    Searching for the Critical Point of QCD: Theoretical Benchmark Calculations

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    We present a comprehensive study of event-by-event multiplicity fluctuations in nucleon-nucleon and nucleus-nucleus interactions from AGS/FAIR to RHIC energies within the UrQMD transport approach. The scaled variances of negative, positive, and all charged hadrons are analysed. The scaled variance in central Pb+Pb collisions increases with energy and behaves similar to inelastic p+p interactions. We find a non-trivial dependence of multiplicity fluctuations on the rapidity and transverse momentum interval used for the analysis and on the centrality selection procedure. Quantitative predictions for the NA49 experiment are given, taking into account the acceptance of the detector and the selection procedure of central events.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Chemical equilibrium study in nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies

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    We present a detailed study of chemical freeze-out in nucleus-nucleus collisions at beam energies of 11.6, 30, 40, 80 and 158A GeV. By analyzing hadronic multiplicities within the statistical hadronization approach, we have studied the strangeness production as a function of centre of mass energy and of the parameters of the source. We have tested and compared different versions of the statistical model, with special emphasis on possible explanations of the observed strangeness hadronic phase space under-saturation. We show that, in this energy range, the use of hadron yields at midrapidity instead of in full phase space artificially enhances strangeness production and could lead to incorrect conclusions as far as the occurrence of full chemical equilibrium is concerned. In addition to the basic model with an extra strange quark non-equilibrium parameter, we have tested three more schemes: a two-component model superimposing hadrons coming out of single nucleon-nucleon interactions to those emerging from large fireballs at equilibrium, a model with local strangeness neutrality and a model with strange and light quark non-equilibrium parameters. The behaviour of the source parameters as a function of colliding system and collision energy is studied. The description of strangeness production entails a non-monotonic energy dependence of strangeness saturation parameter gamma_S with a maximum around 30A GeV. We also present predictions of the production rates of still unmeasured hadrons including the newly discovered Theta^+(1540) pentaquark baryon.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures. Revised version published in Phys. Rev. C: title changed, one paragraph added in section 2, other typos correcte

    NA49/NA61: results and plans on beam energy and system size scan at the CERN SPS

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    This paper presents results and plans of the NA49 and NA61/SHINE experiments at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron concerning the study of relativistic nucleus-nucleus interactions. First, the NA49 evidence for the energy threshold of creating quark-gluon plasma, the onset of deconfinement, in central lead-lead collisions around 30A GeV is reviewed. Then the status of the NA61/SHINE systematic study of properties of the onset of deconfinement is presented. Second, the search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter undertaken by both experiments is discussed. NA49 measured large fluctuations at the top SPS energy, 158A GeV, in collisions of light and medium size nuclei. They seem to indicate that the critical point exists and is located close to baryonic chemical potential of about 250 MeV. The NA61/SHINE beam energy and system size scan started in 2009 will provide evidence for the existence of the critical point or refute the interpretation of the NA49 fluctuation data in terms of the critical point.Comment: 11 pages, invited talk at Quark Matter 201

    Event by Event fluctuations and Inclusive Distribution

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    Event-by-event observables are compared with conventional inclusive measurements. We find that moments of event-by-event fluctuations are closely related to inclusive correlation functions. Implications for upcomming heavy ion experiments are discussed.Comment: Several typos corrected, conclusions unchange

    The Horn, Kink and Step, Dale: from few GeV to few TeV

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    Rich experimental data have been collected in heavy-ion collisions at high energies to study the properties of strongly interacting matter. As the theory of strong interactions, QCD, predicts asymptotic freedom, the created matter at sufficiently high temperature and density will be dominated by a state of quasi-free quarks and gluons referred to as the Quark-Qluon Plasma (QGP). Experimental signals for the onset of the QGP creation (the onset of the deconfinement) have been predicted within the statistical model for the early stage of nucleus-nucleus collisions. In this model the existence of two different phases is assumed: confined mater and the QGP, as well as a first order phase transition between them. Until recently, these predictions were confirmed only by the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS. In this report recent results from STAR at RHIC/BNL and from ALICE at LHC/CERN, related to the onset of deconfinement, will be compared to published results from NA49
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