373 research outputs found

    Dakwah dan Bimbingan Islami

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    This paper reviewedĀ how the materials and methods of spiritual guidance with an Islamic approach shape the spirituality of Islam. This study also described the relationship of Islamic spiritual guidance which is correlated with the Islamic da'wah movement. The literature study is a method of research that used as a method in this paper, this method explored the data contained in the literatures that discusses this theme.Ā Humans are creatures that have two environments, physical and spiritual. Both can engage in the relationship between guidance and individual or social problems. Therefore, the need for guidance, both in terms of physical and spiritual aspects is a necessity. Islam is a religion of revelation, and its teachings aim to spread mercy for both humans and other creatures. Islam has materials and methods to guide humans to reach this grace. The material is in the Islamic da'wah movement, and the method is in Islamic spiritual guidance

    Keanekaragaman Makrozoobentos sebagai Bioindikator Kualitas Perairan Ranu Pani-Ranu Regulo di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru

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    Ranu Pani and Ranu Regulo (2,200 masl) are lakesin Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TN.BTS) by area 1 ha and 0.7 5ha. Lakes were used for tourism,agriculture, live stock and fishing spot. Civil and visitors activities give an effect onwater quality. The study was conducted in February-June2011, the aim of study to determine the diversity of macrozoobenthos, to know the water quality by seen thebioindicators and physico-chemical factors. Samples were taken at each of the five observation stations by Ekman Dredge and by hand. Samples were identified and analyzed by Shannon ā€“ Winner diversity ('H) and Simpson dominance(D) indices. The results of study in Ranupani were consisted by 93 of Bulimidae, 14 of Hirudidae, 22 of Glossiphoniidae, 1 of Syrphidae, 1 of Gomphidae, 1 of Gammaridae and 3 of Coanagrionidae The results in Ranuregulo were consisted by50 of Coanagrionidae,5 of Asselidae and 5 of Aeshnidae. The diversity indices was higher in RanuPani (0,98) than Ranuregulo (0.57). The dominance in deces was lower in Ranu Pani (0.51) than Ranu Regulo (0.71). Water conditions based on bioindicator in Ranu Pani were classified as medium pollutedā€“polluted.Water conditions in Ranu Regulo were polluted. The condition both ofwatersbased on'H was weight polluted. The analysis ofphysico-chemical factors (based on PP.No.82.year.2001 onWater Quality Standards) for measuringof pH, DO, BOD, COD, nitrate, TSS and TDS showed that the watersin Ranu Pani and Ranu Regulo included to class II and III(except Hatstation IV Ranu Regulo included to class IV and TSS at station II, IV, V waters Ranu Pani feasible for classIII). The Phosphate analysis showed that both of waters included to class III

    Nata De Apel, Solusi Alternatif Pemanfaatan Buah Apel Lewat Matang

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    Malang dan Kota Batu merupakan daerah utama penghasil apel di Indonesia. Sekitar 80% populasi tanaman apel di Jawa Timur. Buah apel yang terlalu matang atau busuk dan juga buah dengan penampilan yang kurang baik hanya menjadi sampah, sehingga diperlukan solusi untuk menaikkan nilai ekonominya. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan mei ā€“ juli 2016 bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan buah apel yang lewat matang dan kurang laku jual sebagai substrat pembuatan nata de apel. Apel lewat matang diperoleh dari toko yang menjual buah apel malang. Sampel dicuci, diblender dengan menambahkan air pengencer dengan perbanding 1:1. Kemudian disaring untuk memisahkan ampas dengan cairan sari apel. Selanjutnya diencerkan kembali dengan menambahkan air sehingga menjadi mencapai perbandingan sari apel dan air menjadi 3 macam yaitu : 50%:50% (Sari apel A), 75%:25% (Sari apel B), 87,5%:12,5% (Sari apel C). 100ml masing-masing sari apel dimasukkan ke dalam bolol kaca ditambahkan 10-20 ml bakteri Gluconobacter xylinus. Selanjutnya diinkubasi pada suhu ruangan, diukur pertumbuhannya. Hasil penelitian dari 3 kali ulangan diperoleh pertumbuhan nata de apel pada sari apel A (1,27Ā±0,9cm) lebih tebal dari sari apel B (1,27Ā±0,9cm) dan sari apel B lebih tebal dari sari apel C (0,13Ā±0,1cm

    Analisis Desain Penanggulangan Longsoran pada Ruas Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Kabupaten Paser Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    Penelitian ini menguraikan tentang perencanaan tiang pancang yang dikombinasikan dengan kantilever sebagai desain konstruksi penanggulangan longsoran pada ruas Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Kabupaten Paser Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Memperhatikan kondisi lereng yang telah mengalami kelongsoran dan hancurnya konstruksi penahan tanah sebelumnya yang terbuat dari kayu ulin akan membahayakan kondisi di sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan rancangan konstruksi tiang pancang yang aman dan dapat menahan terjadinya kelongsoran. Dimana tiang pancang ini dikombinasikan dengan kantilever yang berfungsi sebagai pengaku tiang pancang tersebut dan juga sebagai penahan timbunan di belakangnya. Analisis stabilitas lereng menggunakan metode Alan W.Bishop yang diaplikasikan dalam program komputer X-Stable. Untuk perencanaan penanggulangan dengan tiang dilakukan dengan mengacu pada SNI 03-1962-1990 dan untuk menentukan tekanan tanah aktif digunakan metode Rankine. Hasil perhitungan dengan aplikasi X-Stable menunjukan bahwa lereng yang telah longsor dalam keadaan kritis dengan SF yang didapat sebesar 1,078, sehingga dipandang perlu adanya penanggulangan. Dari hasil analisa perancangan didapatkan desain tiang pancang yang aman yaitu tiang pancang baja dengan 21,63 cm, tebal 8,2 mm, yang dipancang sampai lapisan tanah keras sedalam 6 m.Untuk lebar 1 m didapatkan jumlah tiang sebanyak 2 buah dengan jarak 75 cm antar as ke as tiang. Pada bagian kantilever digunakan beton bertulang dengan mutu K-225 dengan bagian telapak digunakan tulangan tarik 12-100 sengkang 10-100, untuk pada bagian badan digunakan tulangan tarik 12-100 dengan sengkang 10-100 pula. Dari hasil analisa ulang didapatkan Faktor Keamanan sebesar 3,34, dengan demikian kondisi lereng ada pada keadaan relatif aman

    A Contrastive Analysis of Two Approaches in Teaching Basic Grammar in College of Education and Legal Studies, Nguru, Yobe State

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    This study aims to compare the feasibility of two approaches in teaching basic English in College of Education and Legal Studies Nguru, Yobe State, Nigeria. The study uses sector analysis and grammar translation method. In addition, this paper attempts to discover which one is more relevant to the linguistics and academic needs of the students offering English as a single major in College of Education and Legal Studies, Nguru. The subjects were divided into experimental and control groups. The two groups were exposed to treatment in form of intensive teaching using the ā€˜sector analysis and grammar translation methodā€™ respectively. A pre-test was administered on the subjects and the result showed that there was no significant difference in their grammatical competence. However, the post-test showed that teaching basic grammar with the sectorā€™. However, the study emphasizes the importance of synchronizing the positive pedagogical attributes of the grammar translation methodā€™ with that of the sector analysis approach in teaching basic grammar (English) in a second language situation

    Evaluasi Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri di Desa Salumaka Kabupaten Mamasa

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    : Purpose of this writing is: 1) to know executable accomplishment PNPM Mandiri program in Salumaka village Mamasa regency; (2) to know the benefit of PNPM Mandiri program in Salumaka village Mamasa regency. This research be held less more 3 weeks and be located in Salumaka village. Result of the research showing that : (1) accomplishment of the main road manufacture village with concrete pavement rebates have done and helping people in agriculĀ­tural marketing. (2) The main road of the village must be treated to order can be long lasting and useful for the people in daily activity

    Efektivitas Model Siklus Belajar 5E Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

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    : This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of 5E Learning Cycle towards science process skill and critical thinking skill compare to the EEC (Exploration, Elaboration, Confirmation) strategy, and examining the relation between science process skill and critical thinking skill. This study was a semi-experimental study with posttest-only control group design. The population of this study was an Eight Graders of Junior High School 1 Batukliang Utara and it used simple random sampling technique. The data obtained were used test and observation sheets. Further, the data were analysed using descriptive statistics and t-test testing inferential parametric and product moment correlation. The result of this study showed: (1) students\u27science process skill is higher in 5E Learning Cycle compare to EEC, (2) students\u27 critical thinking skill is higher in 5E Learning Cycle compare to EEC, (3) students\u27science process skill is positively and significantly correlated with students critical thinking skill in 5E Learning Cycle


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    Kurangnya keterlibatan siswa dalam proses belajar berdampak pada kesulitan mereka dalam memahami konsep pelajaran IPS di SMPIT Insan Kamil. Hasil penilaian ketrampilan dalam berdiskusi dan presentasi, siswa tampak belum melakukan diskusi yang optimal antar siswa baik pada saat diskusi kelompok ataupun pada saat presentasi hasil diskusi. Kelompok yang dikategorikan sudah memiliki keaktifan belajar yang ā€œbaikā€ hanya 50% saja, namun masih perlu ditingkatkan kembali. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuktikan dengan penerapan CTL melalui Kegiatan Wisata Belajar Terintegrasi 2018 dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa kelas VII SMP IT Insan Kamil Sidoarjo Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model siklus. Prosedur kerja dirancang minimal tiga siklus sesuai dengan tingkat permasalahan dan kondisi yang akan ditingkatkan, setiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan (observasi) dan refleksi.Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII SMP IT Insan Kamil tahun ajaran 2017/2018 dengan jumlah keseluruhan 108 siswa. Objek penelitian adalah keaktifan belajar siswa dan contextual teaching and learning. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa pengamatan atau observasi , dokumentasi dan catatan lapangan.Hasil penelitian menunjukan penerapan strategi pembelajaran kontekstual (CTL) melalui Kegiatan Wisata Belajar Terintegrasi 2018 mampu meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa . Keaktifan berdiskusi meningkat dari sebelum tindakan 50% siswa memiliki keaktifan ā€œsangat baikā€ menjadi 75% siswa setelah siklus 1, 88% siswa setelah siklus 2 dan 100% siswa setelah siklus 3. Keaktifan kinerja juga meningkat dari sebelum tindakan 50% siswa memiliki keaktfian ā€œsangat baikā€ menjadi 75% siswa setelah siklus 1, 88% siswa setelah siklus 2 dan 100% siswa setelah siklus 3. Keaktifan menyusun laporan juga meningkat dari sebelum tindakan 50% siswa memiliki keaktfian ā€œsangat baikā€ menjadi 56% siswa setelah siklus 1, 94% siswa setelah siklus 2 dan 81% siswa setelah siklus 3

    The Identification Of Ear Prints Using Complex Gabor Filters

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    Biometrics is a method used to recognize humans based on one or a few characteristicsphysical or behavioral traits that are unique such as DNA, face, fingerprints, gait, iris, palm, retina,signature and sound. Although the facts that ear prints are found in 15% of crime scenes, ear printsresearch has been very limited since the success of fingerprints modality. The advantage of the useof ear prints, as forensic evidence, are it relatively unchanged due to increased age and have fewervariations than faces with expression variation and orientation. In this research, complex Gaborfilters is used to extract the ear prints feature based on texture segmentation. Principal componentanalysis (PCA) is then used for dimensionality-reduction where variation in the dataset ispreserved. The classification is done in a lower dimension space defined by principal componentsbased on Euclidean distance. In experiments, it is used left and right ear prints of ten respondentsand in average, the successful recognition rate is 78%. Based on the experiment results, it isconcluded that ear prints is suitable as forensic evidence mainly when combined with otherbiometric modalities

    Properties and Structure of ROā€R2Oā€Na2Oā€Al2O3ā€P2O5 Glasses

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    The properties and structural features of RO-R20-Na 20-Al203-P205 (R= Mg, Ca, Ba and RO= Li) glasses in the system have been investigated. The properties of those glasses seem to depend on the field strength of the alkali or alkali-earth ions in glasses as in silicate glasses. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy indicates that the glass network is dominated by bridging P-tetrahedral present in glasses with O/P ~ 3.0. The variation in physical properties of the glasses seem to be closely related to the variation in structure of the glasses and could be explained by simple mechanism such as field strength and differences in mass
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