179 research outputs found

    Binary Cepheids from optical interferometry

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    Classical Cepheid stars have been considered since more than a century as reliable tools to estimate distances in the universe thanks to their Period-Luminosity (P-L) relationship. Moreover, they are also powerful astrophysical laboratories, providing fundamental clues for studying the pulsation and evolution of intermediate-mass stars. When in binary systems, we can investigate the age and evolution of the Cepheid, estimate the mass and distance, and constrain theoretical models. However, most of the companions are located too close to the Cepheid (1-40 mas) to be spatially resolved with a 10-meter class telescope. The only way to spatially resolve such systems is to use long-baseline interferometry. Recently, we have started a unique and long-term interferometric program that aims at detecting and characterizing physical parameters of the Cepheid companions, with as main objectives the determination of accurate masses and geometric distances.Comment: 8 pages, Proceeding of the conference "Setting a new standard in the analysis of binary stars", September 2013, Leuven, Belgiu

    Extended envelopes around Galactic Cepheids IV. T Monocerotis and X Sagittarii from mid-infrared interferometry with VLTI/MIDI

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    Aims. We study the close environment of nearby Cepheids using high spatial resolution observations in the mid-infrared with the VLTI/MIDI instrument, a two-beam interferometric recombiner. Methods. We obtained spectra and visibilities for the classical Cepheids X Sgr and T Mon. We fitted the MIDI measurements, supplemented by B, V, J, H, K literature photometry, with the numerical transfer code DUSTY to determine the dust shell parameters. We used a typical dust composition for circumstellar environments. Results. We detect an extended dusty environment in the spectra and visibilities for both stars, although T Mon might suffer from thermal background contamination. We attribute this to the presence of a circumstellar envelope (CSE) surrounding the Cepheids. This is optically thin for X Sgr (tau(0.55microns) = 0.008), while it appears to be thicker for T Mon (tau(0.55micron) = 0.15). They are located at about 15-20 stellar radii. Following our previous work, we derived a likely period-excess relation in the VISIR PAH1 filter, f(8.6micron)[%]= 0.81(+/-0.04)P[day]. We argue that the impact of CSEs on the mid-IR period-luminosity (P-L) relation cannot be negligible because they can bias the Cepheid brightness by up to about 30 %. For the K-band P-L relation, the CSE contribution seems to be lower (< 5 %), but the sample needs to be enlarged to firmly conclude that the impact of the CSEs is negligible in this band.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Four years' interferometric observations of Galactic binary Cepheids

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    We give an update on our long-term program of Galactic Cepheids started in 2012, whose goal is to measure the visual orbits of Cepheid companions. Using the VLTI/PIONIER and CHARA/MIRC instruments, we have now detected several com- panions, and we already have a good orbital coverage for several of them. By combining interferometry and radial velocities, we can now derive all the orbital elements of the systems, and we will be soon able to estimate the Cepheid masses.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the 22nd Los Alamos Stellar Pulsation Conference "Wide-field variability surveys: a 21st-century perspective" held in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 201

    Searching for visual companions of close Cepheids. VLT/NACO lucky imaging of Y~Oph, FF~Aql, X~Sgr, W~Sgr and η\eta~Aql

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    Aims: High-resolution imaging in several photometric bands can provide color and astrometric information of the wide-orbit component of Cepheid stars. Such measurements are needed to understand the age and evolution of pulsating stars. In addition, binary Cepheids have the potential to provide direct and model-independent distances and masses. Methods: We used the NAOS-CONICA adaptive optics instrument (NACO) in the near-infrared to perform a deep search for wide components around the classical Cepheids, Y~Oph, FF~Aql, X~Sgr, W~Sgr, and η\eta~Aql, within a field of view (FoV) of 1.7"×1.7"1.7"\times 1.7" (3.4"×3.4"3.4"\times 3.4" for η\eta~Aql). Results: We were able to reach contrast ΔH=5\Delta H = 5-8\,mag and ΔKs=4\Delta K_\mathrm{s} = 4-7\,mag in the radius range r>0.2"r > 0.2", which enabled us to constrain the presence of wide companions. For Y~Oph, FF~Aql, X~Sgr, W~Sgr, and η\eta~Aql at r>0.2"r > 0.2", we ruled out the presence of companions with a spectral type that is earlier than a B7V, A9V, A9V, A1V, and G5V star, respectively. For 0.1"<r<0.2"0.1"< r < 0.2", no companions earlier than O9V, B3V, B4V, B2V, and B2V star, respectively, are detected. A component is detected close to η\eta~Aql at projected separation ρ=654.7±0.9\rho = 654.7 \pm 0.9\,mas and a position angle PA=92.8±0.1PA = 92.8 \pm 0.1^\circ. We estimated its dereddened apparent magnitude to be mH0=9.34±0.04m_H^0 = 9.34 \pm 0.04 and derived a spectral type that ranges between an F1V and F6V star. Additional photometric and astrometric measurements are necessary to better constrain this star and check its physical association to the η\eta~Aql system.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Multiplicity of Galactic Cepheids from long-baseline interferometry. II. The Companion of AX Circini revealed with VLTI/PIONIER

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    Aims: We aim at detecting and characterizing the main-sequence companion of the Cepheid AX Cir (PorbP_\mathrm{orb} \sim 18 yrs). The long-term objective is to estimate the mass of both components and the distance to the system. Methods: We used the PIONIER combiner at the VLT Interferometer to obtain the first interferometric measurements of the short-period Cepheid AX Cir and its orbiting component. Results: The companion is resolved by PIONIER at a projected separation ρ=29.2±0.2\rho = 29.2 \pm 0.2 mas and projection angle PA=167.6±0.3PA = 167.6 \pm 0.3^{\circ}. We measured HH-band flux ratios between the companion and the Cepheid of 0.90±0.100.90 \pm 0.10 % and 0.75±0.170.75 \pm 0.17 %, respectively at a pulsation phase for the Cepheid ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24 and 0.48. The lower contrast at ϕ=0.48\phi = 0.48 is due to increased brightness of the Cepheid compared to the ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24. This gives an average apparent magnitude mH(comp)=9.06±0.24m\mathrm{_H (comp)} = 9.06 \pm 0.24 mag. The limb-darkened angular diameter of the Cepheid at the two pulsation phases was measured to be θLD=0.839±0.023\theta_\mathrm{LD} = 0.839 \pm 0.023 mas and θLD=0.742±0.020\theta_\mathrm{LD} = 0.742 \pm 0.020 mas, respectively at ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24 and 0.48. A lower limit on the total mass of the system was also derived based on our measured separation, we found MT9.7±0.6MM_\mathrm{T} \geq 9.7 \pm 0.6 M_\odot.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Investigating Cepheid \ell Carinae's Cycle-to-cycle Variations via Contemporaneous Velocimetry and Interferometry

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    Baade-Wesselink-type (BW) techniques enable geometric distance measurements of Cepheid variable stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic clouds. The leading uncertainties involved concern projection factors required to translate observed radial velocities (RVs) to pulsational velocities and recently discovered modulated variability. We carried out an unprecedented observational campaign involving long-baseline interferometry (VLTI/PIONIER) and spectroscopy (Euler/Coralie) to search for modulated variability in the long-period (P \sim 35.5 d) Cepheid Carinae. We determine highly precise angular diameters from squared visibilities and investigate possible differences between two consecutive maximal diameters, ΔmaxΘ\Delta_{\rm{max}} \Theta. We characterize the modulated variability along the line-of-sight using 360 high-precision RVs. Here we report tentative evidence for modulated angular variability and confirm cycle-to-cycle differences of \ell Carinae's RV variability. Two successive maxima yield ΔmaxΘ\Delta_{\rm{max}} \Theta = 13.1 ±\pm 0.7 (stat.) {\mu}as for uniform disk models and 22.5 ±\pm 1.4 (stat.) {\mu}as (4% of the total angular variation) for limb-darkened models. By comparing new RVs with 2014 RVs we show modulation to vary in strength. Barring confirmation, our results suggest the optical continuum (traced by interferometry) to be differently affected by modulation than gas motions (traced by spectroscopy). This implies a previously unknown time-dependence of projection factors, which can vary by 5% between consecutive cycles of expansion and contraction. Additional interferometric data are required to confirm modulated angular diameter variations. By understanding the origin of modulated variability and monitoring its long-term behavior, we aim to improve the accuracy of BW distances and further the understanding of stellar pulsations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 19 pages, 13 figures, 10 table

    Molecfit: A general tool for telluric absorption correction. I. Method and application to ESO instruments

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    Context: The interaction of the light from astronomical objects with the constituents of the Earth's atmosphere leads to the formation of telluric absorption lines in ground-based collected spectra. Correcting for these lines, mostly affecting the red and infrared region of the spectrum, usually relies on observations of specific stars obtained close in time and airmass to the science targets, therefore using precious observing time. Aims: We present molecfit, a tool for correcting for telluric absorption lines based on synthetic modelling of the Earth's atmospheric transmission. Molecfit is versatile and can be used with data obtained with various ground-based telescopes and instruments. Methods: Molecfit combines a publicly available radiative transfer code, a molecular line database, atmospheric profiles, and various kernels to model the instrument line spread function. The atmospheric profiles are created by merging a standard atmospheric profile representative of a given observatory's climate, of local meteorological data, and of dynamically retrieved altitude profiles for temperature, pressure, and humidity. We discuss the various ingredients of the method, its applicability, and its limitations. We also show examples of telluric line correction on spectra obtained with a suite of ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) instruments. Results: Compared to previous similar tools, molecfit takes the best results for temperature, pressure, and humidity in the atmosphere above the observatory into account. As a result, the standard deviation of the residuals after correction of unsaturated telluric lines is frequently better than 2% of the continuum. Conclusion: Molecfit is able to accurately model and correct for telluric lines over a broad range of wavelengths and spectral resolutions. (Abridged)Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic