7,808 research outputs found

    Measuring the W-Boson mass at a hadron collider: a study of phase-space singularity methods

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    The traditional method to measure the W-Boson mass at a hadron collider (more precisely, its ratio to the Z-mass) utilizes the distributions of three variables in events where the W decays into an electron or a muon: the charged-lepton transverse momentum, the missing transverse energy and the transverse mass of the lepton pair. We study the putative advantages of the additional measurement of a fourth variable: an improved phase-space singularity mass. This variable is statistically optimal, and simultaneously exploits the longitudinal- and transverse-momentum distributions of the charged lepton. Though the process we discuss is one of the simplest realistic ones involving just one unobservable particle, it is fairly non-trivial and constitutes a good "training" example for the scrutiny of phenomena involving invisible objects. Our graphical analysis of the phase space is akin to that of a Dalitz plot, extended to such processes.Comment: 11 pages. 9 figures. Version to be published in JHE

    Fundamental solutions of pseudo-differential operators over p-adic fields

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    We show the existence of fundamental solutions for p-adic pseudo-differential operators with polynomial symbols.Comment: To appear in Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padov

    The Ideals of Free Differential Algebras

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    We consider the free C{\bf C}-algebra Bq{\cal B}_q with NN generators {ξi}i=1,...,N\{\xi_i\}_{i = 1,...,N}, together with a set of NN differential operators {∂i}i=1,...,N\{\partial_i\}_{i = 1,...,N} that act as twisted derivations on Bq{\cal B}_q according to the rule ∂iξj=δij+qijξj∂i\partial_i\xi_j = \delta_{ij} + q_{ij}\xi_j\partial_i; that is, ∀x∈Bq,∂i(ξjx)=δijx+qijξj∂ix,\forall x \in {\cal B}_q, \partial_i(\xi_jx) = \delta_{ij}x + q_{ij}\xi_j\partial_i x, and ∂iC=0\partial_i{\bf C} = 0. The suffix qq on Bq{\cal B}_q stands for {qij}i,j∈{1,...,N}\{q_{ij}\}_{i,j \in \{1,...,N\}} and is interpreted as a point in parameter space, q={qij}∈CN2q = \{q_{ij}\}\in {\bf C}^{N^2}. A constant C∈BqC \in {\cal B}_q is a nontrivial element with the property ∂iC=0,i=1,...,N\partial_iC = 0, i = 1,...,N. To each point in parameter space there correponds a unique set of constants and a differential complex. There are no constants when the parameters qijq_{ij} are in general position. We obtain some precise results concerning the algebraic surfaces in parameter space on which constants exist. Let Iq{\cal I}_q denote the ideal generated by the constants. We relate the quotient algebras Bq′=Bq/Iq{\cal B}_q' = {\cal B}_q/{\cal I}_q to Yang-Baxter algebras and, in particular, to quantized Kac-Moody algebras. The differential complex is a generalization of that of a quantized Kac-Moody algebra described in terms of Serre generators. Integrability conditions for qq-differential equations are related to Hochschild cohomology. It is shown that Hp(Bq′,Bq′)=0H^p({\cal B}_q',{\cal B}_q') = 0 for p≥1p \geq 1. The intimate relationship to generalized, quantized Kac-Moody algebras suggests an approach to the problem of classification of these algebras.Comment: 31 pages. Plain TeX. Typos corrected, minor changes done and section 3.5.6 partially rewritten. To appear in Journal of Algebr

    Exponential Sums Along p-adic Curves

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    Let K be a p-adic field, R the valuation ring of K, and P the maximal ideal of R. Let YsubseteqR2Y subseteq R^{2} be a non-singular closed curve, and Y_{m} its image in R/P^{m} times R/P^{m}, i.e. the reduction modulo P^{m} of Y. We denote by Psi an standard additive character on K. In this paper we discuss the estimation of exponential sums of type S_{m}(z,Psi,Y,g):= sum\limits_{x in Y_{m}} Psi(zg(x)), with z in K, and g a polynomial function on Y. We show that if the p-adic absolute value of z is big enough then the complex absolute value of S_{m}(z,Psi,Y,g) is O(q^{m(1-beta(f,g))}), for a positive constant beta(f,g) satisfying 0<beta(f,g)<1.Comment: 9 pages. Accepted in Finite Fields and Their Application
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