17,406 research outputs found

    Upper limit on mh in the MSSM and M-SUGRA vs. prospective reach of LEP

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    The upper limit on the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass, mh, is analyzed within the MSSM as a function of tan(beta) for fixed mtop and Msusy. The impact of recent diagrammatic two-loop results on this limit is investigated. We compare the MSSM theoretical upper bound on mh with the lower bound obtained from experimental searches at LEP. We estimate that with the LEP data taken until the end of 1999, the region mh < 108.2 GeV can be excluded at the 95% confidence level. This corresponds to an excluded region 0.6 <= tan(beta) <= 1.9 within the MSSM for mtop = 174.3 GeV and Msusy <= 1 TeV. The final exclusion sensitivity after the end of LEP, in the year 2000, is also briefly discussed. Finally, we determine the upper limit on mh within the Minimal Supergravity (M-SUGRA) scenario up to the two-loop level, consistent with radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. We find an upper bound of mh \approx 127 GeV for mtop = 174.3 GeV in this scenario, which is slightly below the bound in the unconstrained MSSM.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Linear Invariant Systems Theory for Signal Enhancement

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    This paper discusses a linear time invariant (LTI) systems approach to signal enhancement via projective subspace techniques. It provides closed form expressions for the frequency response of data adaptive finite impulse response eigenfilters. An illustrative example using speech enhancement is also presented.Este artigo apresenta a aplicação da teoria de sistemas lineares invariantes no tempo (LTI) na anĂĄlise de tĂ©cnicas de sub-espaço. A resposta em frequĂȘncia dos filtros resultantes da decomposição em valores singulares Ă© obtida aplicando as propriedades dos sistemas LTI

    High Resolution 4.7 um Keck/NIRSPEC Spectra of Protostars. I: Ices and Infalling Gas in the Disk of L1489 IRS

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    We explore the infrared M band (4.7 um) spectrum of the class I protostar L1489 IRS in the Taurus Molecular Cloud. This is the highest resolution wide coverage spectrum at this wavelength of a low mass protostar observed to date (R=25,000; Dv=12 km/s). Many narrow absorption lines of gas phase 12CO, 13CO, and C18O are detected, as well as a prominent band of solid 12CO. The gas phase 12CO lines have red shifted absorption wings (up to 100 km/s), likely originating from warm disk material falling toward the central object. The isotopes and the 12CO line wings are successfully fitted with a contracting disk model of this evolutionary transitional object (Hogerheijde 2001). This shows that the inward motions seen in millimeter wave emission lines continue to within ~0.1 AU from the star. The colder parts of the disk are traced by the prominent CO ice band. The band profile results from CO in 'polar' ices (CO mixed with H2O), and CO in 'apolar' ices. At the high spectral resolution, the 'apolar' component is, for the first time, resolved into two distinct components, likely due to pure CO and CO mixed with CO2, O2 and/or N2. The ices have probably experienced thermal processing in the upper disk layer traced by our pencil absorption beam: much of the volatile 'apolar' ices has evaporated and the depletion factor of CO onto grains is remarkably low (~7%). This study shows that high spectral resolution 4.7 um observations provide important and unique information on the dynamics and structure of protostellar disks and the evolution of ices in these disks.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures Scheduled to appear in ApJ 568 n2, 1 April 200

    Spontaneous CP Violation in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Revisited

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    We re-examine spontaneous CP violation at the tree level in the context of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) with two Higgs doublets and a gauge singlet field. We analyse the most general Higgs potential without a discrete Z_3 symmetry, and derive an upper bound on the mass of the lightest neutral Higgs boson consistent with present experimental data. We investigate, in particular, its dependence on the admixture and CP-violating phase of the gauge singlet field, as well as on tan(beta). To assess the viability of the spontaneous CP violation scenario, we estimate epsilon_K by applying the mass insertion approximation. We find that a non-trivial flavour structure in the soft-breaking A terms is required to account for the observed CP violation in the neutral kaon sector. Furthermore, combining the minimisation conditions for spontaneous CP violation with the constraints coming from K0-K0bar mixing, we find that the upper bound on the lightest Higgs-boson mass becomes stronger. We also point out that the electric dipole moments of electron and neutron are a serious challenge for SUSY models with spontaneous CP violation.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e, 5 figures; matches the published versio
