12,546 research outputs found

    A numerical study of forced lithospheric thinning

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    Subsolidus lithospheric thinning by mantle plumes may be involved in the creation of swells, hotspots, and rifts. Among the major questions concerning this process are the timescale on which it occurs and the structure of the plumes. The lithosphere is known to have been substantially thinned in 10 Ma or less. Current studies are focused on the lithospheric thinning by time-dependent plumes hypothesized to have large temperature differences across them

    Thermal and mechanical structure of the upper mantle: A comparison between continental and oceanic models

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    Temperature, velocity, and viscosity profiles for coupled thermal and mechanical models of the upper mantle beneath continental shields and old ocean basins show that under the continents, both tectonic plates and the asthenosphere, are thicker than they are beneath the oceans. The minimum value of viscosity in the continental asthenosphere is about an order of magnitude larger than in the shear zone beneath oceans. The shear stress or drag underneath continental plates is also approximately an order of magnitude larger than the drag on oceanic plates. Effects of shear heating may account for flattening of ocean floor topography and heat flux in old ocean basins

    A New Approach to Axial Vector Model Calculations II

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    We further develop the new approach, proposed in part I (hep-th/9807072), to computing the heat kernel associated with a Fermion coupled to vector and axial vector fields. We first use the path integral representation obtained for the heat kernel trace in a vector-axialvector background to derive a Bern-Kosower type master formula for the one-loop amplitude with MM vectors and NN axialvectors, valid in any even spacetime dimension. For the massless case we then generalize this approach to the full off-diagonal heat kernel. In the D=4 case the SO(4) structure of the theory can be broken down to SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2) \times SU(2) by use of the 't Hooft symbols. Various techniques for explicitly evaluating the spin part of the path integral are developed and compared. We also extend the method to external fermions, and to the inclusion of isospin. On the field theory side, we obtain an extension of the second order formalism for fermion QED to an abelian vector-axialvector theory.Comment: Sequel to hep-th/9807072, references added, some clarifications and corrections, 29 pages, RevTex, 8 diagrams using epsfig.st

    Oceanic lithosphere and asthenosphere: The thermal and mechanical structure

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    A coupled thermal and mechanical solid state model of the oceanic lithosphere and asthenosphere is presented. The model includes vertical conduction of heat with a temperature dependent thermal conductivity, horizontal and vertical advection of heat, viscous dissipation or shear heating, and linear or nonlinear deformation mechanisms with temperature and pressure dependent constitutive relations between shear stress and strain rate. A constant horizontal velocity u sub 0 and temperature t sub 0 at the surface and zero horizontal velocity and constant temperature t sub infinity at great depth are required. In addition to numerical values of the thermal and mechanical properties of the medium, only the values of u sub 0, t sub 0 and t sub infinity are specified. The model determines the depth and age dependent temperature horizontal and vertical velocity, and viscosity structures of the lithosphere and asthenosphere. In particular, ocean floor topography, oceanic heat flow, and lithosphere thickness are deduced as functions of the age of the ocean floor

    Diffusion and localization in quantum random resistor networks

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    The theoretical description of transport in a wide class of novel materials is based upon quantum percolation and related random resistor network (RRN) models. We examine the localization properties of electronic states of diverse two-dimensional quantum percolation models using exact diagonalization in combination with kernel polynomial expansion techniques. Employing the local distribution approach we determine the arithmetically and geometrically averaged densities of states in order to distinguish extended, current carrying states from localized ones. To get further insight into the nature of eigenstates of RRN models we analyze the probability distribution of the local density of states in the whole parameter and energy range. For a recently proposed RRN representation of graphene sheets we discuss leakage effects.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Light effective hole mass in undoped Ge/SiGe quantum wells

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    We report density-dependent effective hole mass measurements in undoped germanium quantum wells. We are able to span a large range of densities (2.0−11×10112.0-11\times10^{11} cm−2^{-2}) in top-gated field effect transistors by positioning the strained buried Ge channel at different depths of 12 and 44 nm from the surface. From the thermal damping of the amplitude of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, we measure a light mass of 0.061me0.061m_e at a density of 2.2×10112.2\times10^{11} cm−2^{-2}. We confirm the theoretically predicted dependence of increasing mass with density and by extrapolation we find an effective mass of ∼0.05me\sim0.05m_e at zero density, the lightest effective mass for a planar platform that demonstrated spin qubits in quantum dots

    Preprototype vapor compression distillation subsystem

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    A three-person capacity preprototype vapor compression distillation subsystem for recovering potable water from wastewater aboard spacecraft was designed, assembled, and tested. The major components of the subsystem are: (1) a distillation unit which includes a compressor, centrifuge, central shaft, and outer shell; (2) a purge pump; (3) a liquids pump; (4) a post-treat cartridge; (5) a recycle/filter tank; (6) an evaporator high liquid level sensor; and (7) the product water conductivity monitor. A computer based control monitor instrumentation carries out operating mode change sequences, monitors and displays subsystem parameters, maintains intramode controls, and stores and displays fault detection information. The mechanical hardware occupies 0.467 m3, requires 171 W of electrical power, and has a dry weight of 143 kg. The subsystem recovers potable water at a rate of 1.59 kg/hr, which is equivalent to a duty cycle of approximately 30% for a crew of three. The product water has no foul taste or odor. Continued development of the subsystem is recommended for reclaiming water for human consumption as well as for flash evaporator heat rejection, urinal flushing, washing, and other on-board water requirements

    Studies of oceanic tectonics based on GEOS-3 satellite altimetry

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    Using statistical analysis, geoidal admittance (the relationship between the ocean geoid and seafloor topography) obtained from GEOS-3 altimetry was compared to various model admittances. Analysis of several altimetry tracks in the Pacific Ocean demonstrated a low coherence between altimetry and seafloor topography except where the track crosses active or recent tectonic features. However, global statistical studies using the much larger data base of all available gravimetry showed a positive correlation of oceanic gravity with topography. The oceanic lithosphere was modeled by simultaneously inverting surface wave dispersion, topography, and gravity data. Efforts to incorporate geoid data into the inversion showed that the base of the subchannel can be better resolved with geoid rather than gravity data. Thermomechanical models of seafloor spreading taking into account differing plate velocities, heat source distributions, and rock rheologies were discussed

    Characterisation of Anderson localisation using distributions

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    We examine the use of distributions in numerical treatments of Anderson localisation and supply evidence that treating exponential localisation on Bethe lattices recovers the overall picture known from hypercubic lattices in 3d.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, submitted to SCES'0
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