431 research outputs found

    Características y propiedades de los ignimbritos de Bitlis y sus implicaciones ambientales

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    Bitlis rock is used as a construction material and comes from the lava emitted by volcanoes and their subsequent transformation into ignimbrites. This type of rocks has been characterized physically, chemi­cally, toxicologically and radioactively using different procedures including determination of the coefficient of thermal conductivity, gamma spectrometry, ultrasonic speed test, ICP masses and metal extraction. The results indicate that Bitlis rocks have an ACI greater than 1, although their content of radon is lower than other rocks of volcanic origin. Leaching of metals from these rocks indicates that Pb and Cd can provide an infiltration level in the field higher than the level permitted by TCLP and they have undesired toxicological risks. The percent­ages of extraction of other metals also point to this infiltration problem. Despite this, the material offers good qualities for usage as a building material such as its thermal coefficients.La roca Bitlis se utiliza como material de construcción y proviene de la lava emitida por los volcanes y su posterior transformación en ignimbritas. Este tipo de rocas se ha caracterizado física, química, toxicológica y radioactivamente utilizando diferentes procedimientos, incluida la determinación del coeficiente de conductividad térmica, espectrometría gamma, prueba de velocidad ultrasónica, ICP masas y extracción de metales. Los resultados indican que las rocas Bitlis tienen un ACI mayor que 1, aunque su contenido de radón es más bajo que el de otras rocas de origen volcánico. La lixiviación de metales de estas rocas indica que el Pb y el Cd pueden proporcionar un nivel de infiltración en el campo más alto que el nivel permitido por TCLP y tener riesgos toxicológicos no deseados. Los porcentajes de extracción de otros metales también apuntan a este problema de infiltración. A pesar de esto, el material ofrece buenas cualidades para su uso como material de construcción, como pueden ser sus coeficientes térmicos

    Green Modernization – The political, social and societal setting of Morocco’s solar energy policies

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    In 2009, Morocco initiated an ambitious energy transition program. The aim is to increase the country’s independence from energy imports until 2030. The plan targets the reduction of the import of fossils and large investments into renewable energies. The goal set is to meet 42% of its power generating capacity needs through renewables by 2020 and 52% by 2030. Morocco’s bold and ambitious plans are often highlighted as a model for how to invest into future technologies and bring about clean energy transition. Due to its geography, weather conditions and solar irradiance, Morocco is considered to have huge potentials regarding wind and solar energy production. Morocco’s energy transition program includes the construction of a number of large and medium scale solar plants until 2020. Their planning and construction is often managed by MASEN (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy), a public limited company. Recently, Noor 1, the first of several large scale solar plants was completed. Noor 1 is situated in Ouarzazate in the East of the country. Currently Noor Tata is in the planning phase. Similar with Morocco, energy transition has been also a hot topic in Austria. However, different from Morocco, planning, decision-making and governance structures have rather reflected the country's federal system. Austria's energy transition strategy is a decentralized one. As much as this often entails strong involvement and ownership on societal level, as much its success is dependent on a complex set of diverse political entrepreneurs on different political and administrative levels (national-federal-district and local). LINKS project aims at learning from both; Austrian and Moroccan experiences. In its last phase, the project deals with the question whether decentralized small-scale energy production models as implemented in some of the Austrian energy model regions are transferrable to Morocco. This assessment takes place against the background of the Moroccan state's ambitions to decentralize and strengthen the regional and provincial levels. Accordingly, this report elaborates the structural, political, social and societal setting in which Morocco's energy policy is embedded. The report tries to define the major actors, analyse the decision-making structures, and review the socio-technical imaginaries which have shaped national energy policies. "Socio-technical imaginaries" define mind-sets and frames which do not only guide policies and strategies but also give insights about the expectations connected with technological developments. The report aims at providing a background for the preparation of the stakeholder forum to be held in Tata/Morocco in October 2017. The forum aims at bringing together local and regional stakeholders and to debate at eye level experiences, expectations and ideas for solar energy production in their region. This working paper was produced within the LINKS project (Linking climate change mitigation, energy security and regional development in climate and energy model regions in Austria) (funded by the ACRP)

    Multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems: an extendible framework with example cooperation strategies

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    This paper proposes the use of multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems through the introduction of a new multiagent environment, MANGO. The strength of the environment lays in itsflexible structure based on communicating software agents that attempt to solve a problem cooperatively. This structure allows the execution of a wide range of global optimization algorithms described as a set of interacting operations. At one extreme, MANGO welcomes an individual non-cooperating agent, which is basically the traditional way of solving a global optimization problem. At the other extreme, autonomous agents existing in the environment cooperate as they see fit during run time. We explain the development and communication tools provided in the environment as well as examples of agent realizations and cooperation scenarios. We also show how the multiagent structure is more effective than having a single nonlinear optimization algorithm with randomly selected initial points

    The effect of oral administration of monosodium glutamate on epileptogenesis in infant rats

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    Aim: Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter that is widely distributed throughout the brain. An increase in glutamate concentration or sensitivity of glutamate receptors triggers neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy in particular. Monosodium glutamate is a substance added to foods to enhance flavour. We investigated the effect of monosodium glutamate on epileptogenesis, as well asheight and weight, in rats that were just weaned. Methods: Twenty-four male and female 21-day-old Wistar Albino rats were divided into two groups: one with monosodium glutamate added to the drinking water, and a control in which NaCl was added to the drinking water. The electrical stimulation threshold values were determined in animals to which the hippocampal kindling process was applied, and the stimulations at these threshold values were invariably applied to the animals until they were kindled. Results: The electrical stimulation threshold values of the monosodium glutamate group did not statistically change, whereas the number of required stimulations for kindled rats was significantly lower compared with the control group. Conclusion: These results reveal that long-term oral administration of glutamate salts causes an increase in excitability in the central nervous system during ontogenetic development. © 2020 Epileptic Disorder

    Synthesis of niobium-alumina composite aggregates and their application in coarse-grained refractory ceramic-metal castables

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    Niobium-alumina aggregate fractions with particle sizes up to 3150 µm were produced by crushing pre-synthesised fine-grained composites. Phase separation with niobium enrichment in the aggregate class 45–500 µm was revealed by XRD/Rietveld analysis. To reduce the amount of carbon-based impurities, no organic additives were used for the castable mixtures, which resulted in water demands of approximately 27 vol.% for the fine- and coarse-grained castables. As a consequence, open porosities of 18% and 30% were determined for the fine- and coarse-grained composites, respectively. Due to increased porosity, the modulus of rupture at room temperature decreased from 52 MPa for the fine-grained composite to 11 MPa for the coarse-grained one. However, even the compressive yield strength decreased from 49 MPa to 18 MPa at 1300 °C for the fine-grained to the coarse-grained composite, the latter showed still plasticity with a strain up to 5%. The electrical conductivity of fine-grained composite samples was in the range between 40 and 60 S/cm, which is fifteen magnitudes above the values of pure corundum