24 research outputs found

    Degenerative changes in the spinal column of dock workers

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    Obradom medicinske dokumentacije 5247 zaposlenih u RO "Luka" Rijeka kod 1082 osobe (20,6%) utvrđene su degenerativne promjene kralješnice koje su tako došle na prvo mjesto u popisu kroničnih bolesti, i to ispred hipertenzije (12,3%), duodenalnog ulkusa (7,4%) i alkoholizma (6,6%). Statističkom obradom dobivena je signifikantna razlika u praćenju učestalosti između degenerativnih promjena kralješnice i hipertenzije kao slijedeće najčešće kronične bolesti (P < 0,0001), kao i između degenerativnih promjena kralješnice i ostalih obrađenih bolesti. Raznolikost i specifičnost poslova koji se obavlja u toj radnoj organizaciji te niz različitih noksi kao što su fizički napor, izloženost hladnoći i vlazi, nagloj promjeni temperature, zračna strujanja, vibracije, rad u prisilnom položaju itd. mogli bi se smatrati preduvjetom za pojavu kroničnih degenerativnih bolesti kralješnice.Medical records for 5247 workers employed in the Port of Rijeka show degenerative changes of the vertebral column to be present in 1082 persons (20.6%). Diseases of the spine thus occupy the first place among all the chronic diseases observed among dock workers and come before hypertension (12. 7%), duodenal ulcer (7.4%) and alcoholism (6.6%)

    The mechanism of chronotropic activity of caffeine and theophylline in guinea pigs

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    Ispitivano je djelovanje kofeina i teofilina na frekvenciju rada izoliranog desnog atrija zamorčadi. Nađeno je da kofein a mnogostruko jače teofiilin uzrokuju pozitivno kronotropno djelovanje. Reserpin i alfa-metil DOPA smanjuju pozitivno kronotropnu aktivnost ispitivanih metilksantina. Propranolol uzrokuje bradikardiju, koju naknadno dani metilksantini još više pojačavaju.The chronotropic activity of caffeine and theophylline on the isolated right atrium of the guinea pig was examinated. Theophylline caused a significant and caffeine only a slight increase in the atrial rate. Reserpine and alpha methyl DOPA diminished the chronotropic activity of the Investigated methyl xanthines. Propranolol caused a decrease in the atrial rate. Caffeine and theophylline potentiated the negative chronotropic activity of propranolol

    Lacrimal hyposecretion with women at videoterminals

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    U toku sveobuhvatnog pregleda radnica zaposlenih na videoterminalima uz obavezan okulistički pregled učinili smo i test ispitivanja sekrecije suza. Ispitivanja su obavljena na tri skupine po 100 radnica, i to prvoj gdje su bile radnice s punim radnim vremenom (8 sati) na terminalu, drugoj radnice s pola ili manje od pola radnog vremena (vrijeme provedeno za terminalom nije bilo manje od 2 sata na dan neprekidno) i trećoj, kontrolnoj, radnice koje borave u prostorijama gdje su videoterminali, ali rade neki drugi službenički posao. Hiposekrecija je najčešće bila prisutna kod radnica s punim radnim vremenom, i to kod 20% ispitanica. Statistički značajna razlika postoji između prve i druge dvije skupine ispitanica, dok između druge i kontrolne skupine nema značajne razlike.Tests of vision and lacrimal secretion were performed as part of a general medical check-up among women employed at videoterminals in a bank. The tests were taken by three groups of 100 employees each. The first group consisted of full-time (eight hours) employees, the second of those working part-time (the time spent at a videoterminal daily was never less than two hours of continuous work) and a third group of control subjects having different clerical jobs but working in the premises with videoterminals. Diminished lacrimal secretion was most often present among full-time workers (20 per cent). A statistically significant difference in lacrimal secretion was observed between the first and the second group of examinees. There was no significant difference between the second group and the controls

    Changes in the anterior segment of the eye in workers employed in the manufacture of coke

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    Provedeno ispitivanje u odnosu na očne smetnje u radnika u proizvodnji koksa pokazalo je u visokom postotku promjene prednjeg segmenta oka. Registrirani simptomi hiperemije konjunktive, pingvekula, pigmentacije i konjunktivitisa najvjerojatnije su vezani za specifičan rad i izloženost ugljenoj prašini i neugodnim nadražljivcima. U radnika s manje od dvije godine ekspozicije nema promjena u sekreciji suza, u onih koji rade između 2 - 7 godina dominira hipersekrecija, a nakon duže izloženosti dolazi u većini izloženih radnika do hiposekrecije.An investigation carried out of eye disorders in workers employed in the manufacture of coke demonstrated a high percentage of changes in the anterior segment of the eye. Registered symptoms such as conjunctival hyperemia, pinguecula, pigmentation and conjuctivitis were most probably connected with specific work and exposure to coal dust and irritants. In workers exposed for less than two years there were no changes in lacrimal secretion. In those working for 2 - 7 years excessive hypersecretion dominated, and after a longer period of exposure the majority of workers had hyposecretion

    The potential impacts of changes in bear hunting policy for hunting organisations in Croatia

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    The brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Croatia is currently being managed through trophy hunting, with quotas allocated to local hunting organisations. Human-bear conflict is present at a low level, but any losses are compensated by the hunting organisations that benefit from bear hunting. Attitudes towards bears are generally positive, and the bear population appears stable, or even increasing. Croatia's current bear hunting policy relies upon both the ecological sustainability of the quotas and the economic sustainability of the hunting organisations. To address the first of these pillars of current policy, we used a two-sex matrix model of the bear population to investigate the biological sustainability of current hunting levels. The model suggests that if the annual allocated quota were fully realised, the population would suffer a considerable decrease over 10 years. A likely explanation for the mismatch between this result and the observed stability of the population is that the bear population size is underestimated. To address the second pillar, we quantified the current structure, costs and benefits of bear hunting to hunting organisations through an interview survey with hunting managers. We found that bear hunting is a substantial component of hunting organisations' income, supporting the other activities of the organisation. Croatia's recent accession to the EU will require changes in their bear management system, potentially stopping bear trophy hunting. Therefore, we assessed the changes in hunting organisations' budgets in the absence of bear hunting. Our results demonstrate that a loss of bear trophy hunting would result in a substantial loss of income to the hunting organisations. Moving bear hunting and compensation mechanisms from local management and responsibility to a more centralised system without trophy hunting, as suggested by EU legislation, will lead to considerable uncertainties. These include how to make centralised decisions on population targets and offtake levels for population control, given the uncertainty around population estimates, and on compensation payments given the loss of the current system which relies heavily on local income from trophy hunting, local relationships and informal monetary and non-monetary compensation

    Association between night-time surgery and occurrence of intraoperative adverse events and postoperative pulmonary complications

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    Background: The aim of this post hoc analysis of a large cohort study was to evaluate the association between night-time surgery and the occurrence of intraoperative adverse events (AEs) and postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). Methods: LAS VEGAS (Local Assessment of Ventilatory Management During General Anesthesia for Surgery) was a prospective international 1-week study that enrolled adult patients undergoing surgical procedures with general anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation in 146 hospitals across 29 countries. Surgeries were defined as occurring during 'daytime' when induction of anaesthesia was between 8: 00 AM and 7: 59 PM, and as 'night-time' when induction was between 8: 00 PM and 7: 59 AM. Results: Of 9861 included patients, 555 (5.6%) underwent surgery during night-time. The proportion of patients who developed intraoperative AEs was higher during night-time surgery in unmatched (43.6% vs 34.1% ; P<0.001) and propensity-matched analyses (43.7% vs 36.8% ; P = 0.029). PPCs also occurred more often in patients who underwent night-time surgery (14% vs 10% ; P = 0.004) in an unmatched cohort analysis, although not in a propensity-matched analysis (13.8% vs 11.8% ; P = 0.39). In a multivariable regression model, including patient characteristics and types of surgery and anaesthesia, night-time surgery was independently associated with a higher incidence of intraoperative AEs (odds ratio: 1.44 ; 95% confidence interval: 1.09-1.90 ; P = 0.01), but not with a higher incidence of PPCs (odds ratio: 1.32 ; 95% confidence interval: 0.89-1.90 ; P = 0.15). Conclusions: Intraoperative adverse events and postoperative pulmonary complications occurred more often in patients undergoing night-time surgery. Imbalances in patients' clinical characteristics, types of surgery, and intraoperative management at night-time partially explained the higher incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications, but not the higher incidence of adverse event

    Estimate of the quality of life of disabled industrlal workers based on the type of health care most frequently used

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    U radu autori procjenjuju kvalitetu života invalida rada i stupanj njihova zdravlja na osnovi analize korištenja najčešćih oblika zdravstvene zaštite u godini prije i godini nakon nastupa invalidnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno među lučkim radnicima u Rijeci, gdje invalidi rada čine 13% zaposlenih. Najčešći uzrok radne invalidnosti su bolesti koštanog sustava i vezivnog tkiva (27% ), ozljede (20%) te bolesti nervnog i cirkulatornog sustava (po 13% ). Dalje se utvrđuje da su kronične bolesti u invalida rada oko dva puta učestalije u odnosu na ostale radnike. Invalidi su u prosjeku nešto stariji (43,8 godina spram 39,7), a prosječni radni staž im je 12,2 godine. U ostalih radnika 8,9 godina. Analizirajući posjete ordinariusu i specijalistima, utvrdilo se da se u godini nakon nastanka invalidnosti ordinariusu dolazi 2,1, a specijalistima 1,7 puta manje. Apsentizam je u godini nakon proglašenja invalidnosti smanjen u prosjeku 3,5 puta. Sve razlike su statistički vrlo značajne (P<0,01). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak o uspješnosti medicinske i socijalne rehabilitacije kao i uspješne reintegracije u radnoj sredini što se pozitivno odražava i u kvaliteti življenja invalida rada.An investigation was conducted among the dock workers from the port of Rijeka, where disabled workers made 13.1% of the total number of the employed. The most common causes of disablernent were musculo-skeletal and connective tissue diseases (27% ), injuries (20%) and diseases of the nervous and circulatory systems (13%). Chronic diseases in these workers whose mean age was 43.8 years were twice as frequent as in other workers (mean age 39.7 years). The average working span of disabled workers was 12.2 years, compared to 8.9 years of the rest of the working population. Analysis showed that in the year after disability assessment, workers with reduced working capacity visited their physicians 2.1 and specialists 1.7 times less often than the other workers. In general, the rate of absenteeism in the year following the assessment of disability was reduced 3.5 times. Ali the differences were very significant, (P<0.01). Results lead to the conclusion that medical and social rehabilitation of disabled workers as well as their integration into the working environment were very successful, which undoubtedly had a positive impact on the quality of their life