419 research outputs found

    Turfgrass Industry Practitioners and the Pesticide Label

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    A seminar for green industry professionals was used to conduct a survey on the use and perception of the pesticide label. The audience was composed of those in lawn care/grounds maintenance, golf course turfgrass management, and other areas (e.g., sports turf, parks and recreation, etc.). Overall, turfgrass professionals among all three industry segments are well-informed of their responsibilities for the legal and safe use of pesticides, although industry personnel could improve their practice of keeping up with pesticide label changes and revisions

    Pesticide Application Research Demonstrated at a Field Day Event

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    single fungicide was applied through four nozzle-types and four water-carrier volumes targeting a common foliar disease in turfgrass. Most golf course superintendents surveyed use the same nozzle-type for all pesticide applications, but this field study indicated better disease control from the fungicide applied through certain nozzle-types and water-carrier volumes. As a result, most superintendents intended to make improvements to their pesticide application programs, and many had a highly favorable view of including this type of research at future field day events

    Wells Syndrome with Multiorgan Involvement Mimicking Hypereosinophilic Syndrome

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    Eosinophil-associated diseases represent a spectrum of heterogeneous disorders, where blood and cutaneous eosinophilia is the most important feature and eosinophils are the principal cause of cutaneous lesions. These diseases show some similarities in the clinical features but also many distinctive characteristics [Saurat et al., Dermatologia e malattie sessualmente trasmesse, Milano, Masson, 2000]. Wells syndrome is one of these disorders and is an uncommon recurrent inflammatory dermatosis, rarely associated to signs and symptoms of multiple organ involvement [Arch Dermatol 2006;142:1157–1161]. Hypereosinophilic syndrome, in contrast, constitutes a group of idiopathic disorders characterized by blood eosinophilia for at least 6 months, associated with single or multiple organ system dysfunction [Arch Dermatol 2006;142:1157–1161]. Clinically atypical Wells syndrome with multiorgan involvement is reported here. A correct diagnosis is difficult in this case, but clinical and histopathological features are compatible with this diagnosis. The reported condition likely represents a borderline hypereosinophilic disease, in which clinical features of both hypereosinophilic syndrome and Wells syndrome are present

    A Case of Ketron-Goodman Disease

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    Pagetoid reticulosis (PR) is a rare form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [Mod Pathol 2000;13:502–510]. Two variants of the disease are described: the localized type Woringer-Kolopp disease (WKD) and the disseminated type Ketron-Goodman disease (KGD). KGD may have disseminated lesions, high rate of recurrence and a guarded prognosis [Mod Pathol 2000;13:502–510]. In patients with KGD, therefore, long-term observation is necessary. Disappearance of cutaneous lesions does not mean resolution of the disease [J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;47:183–186]. Herein we report the case of an 84-year-old man with erythematous patches of the trunk and the upper and lower extremities in whom the diagnosis of KGD was made. We describe this case for the rarity of this pathology and for the good response to therapy (IFN)

    A sigma model field theoretic realization of Hitchin's generalized complex geometry

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    We present a sigma model field theoretic realization of Hitchin's generalized complex geometry, which recently has been shown to be relevant in compactifications of superstring theory with fluxes. Hitchin sigma model is closely related to the well known Poisson sigma model, of which it has the same field content. The construction shows a remarkable correspondence between the (twisted) integrability conditions of generalized almost complex structures and the restrictions on target space geometry implied by the Batalin--Vilkovisky classical master equation. Further, the (twisted) classical Batalin--Vilkovisky cohomology is related non trivially to a generalized Dolbeault cohomology.Comment: 28 pages, Plain TeX, no figures, requires AMS font files AMSSYM.DEF and amssym.tex. Typos in eq. 6.19 and some spelling correcte

    Emergent Gravity from Noncommutative Spacetime

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    We showed before that self-dual electromagnetism in noncommutative (NC) spacetime is equivalent to self-dual Einstein gravity. This result implies a striking picture about gravity: Gravity can emerge from electromagnetism in NC spacetime. Gravity is then a collective phenomenon emerging from gauge fields living in fuzzy spacetime. We elucidate in some detail why electromagnetism in NC spacetime should be a theory of gravity. In particular, we show that NC electromagnetism is realized through the Darboux theorem as a diffeomorphism symmetry G which is spontaneously broken to symplectomorphism H due to a background symplectic two-form Bμν=(1/θ)μνB_{\mu\nu}=(1/\theta)_{\mu\nu}, giving rise to NC spacetime. This leads to a natural speculation that the emergent gravity from NC electromagnetism corresponds to a nonlinear realization G/H of the diffeomorphism group, more generally its NC deformation. We also find some evidences that the emergent gravity contains the structure of generalized complex geometry and NC gravity. To illuminate the emergent gravity, we illustrate how self-dual NC electromagnetism nicely fits with the twistor space describing curved self-dual spacetime. We also discuss derivative corrections of Seiberg-Witten map which give rise to higher order gravity.Comment: 50 pages; Cosmetic revision and updated reference

    Plasma Cytokine Atlas Reveals the Importance of TH2 Polarization and Interferons in Predicting COVID-19 Severity and Survival

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    Although it is now widely accepted that host inflammatory response contributes to COVID-19 immunopathogenesis, the pathways and mechanisms driving disease severity and clinical outcome remain poorly understood. In the effort to identify key soluble mediators that characterize life-threatening COVID-19, we quantified 62 cytokines, chemokines and other factors involved in inflammation and immunity in plasma samples, collected at hospital admission, from 80 hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19 disease who were stratified on the basis of clinical outcome (mechanical ventilation or death by day 28). Our data confirm that age, as well as neutrophilia, lymphocytopenia, procalcitonin, D-dimer and lactate dehydrogenase are strongly associated with the risk of fatal COVID-19. In addition, we found that cytokines related to TH2 regulations (IL-4, IL-13, IL-33), cell metabolism (lep, lep-R) and interferons (IFNα, IFNβ, IFNγ) were also predictive of life-threatening COVID-19

    Plasma Cytokine Atlas Reveals the Importance of TH2 Polarization and Interferons in Predicting COVID-19 Severity and Survival

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    Although it is now widely accepted that host inflammatory response contributes to COVID-19 immunopathogenesis, the pathways and mechanisms driving disease severity and clinical outcome remain poorly understood. In the effort to identify key soluble mediators that characterize life-threatening COVID-19, we quantified 62 cytokines, chemokines and other factors involved in inflammation and immunity in plasma samples, collected at hospital admission, from 80 hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19 disease who were stratified on the basis of clinical outcome (mechanical ventilation or death by day 28). Our data confirm that age, as well as neutrophilia, lymphocytopenia, procalcitonin, D-dimer and lactate dehydrogenase are strongly associated with the risk of fatal COVID-19. In addition, we found that cytokines related to TH2 regulations (IL-4, IL-13, IL-33), cell metabolism (lep, lep-R) and interferons (IFNα, IFNβ, IFNγ) were also predictive of life-threatening COVID-19
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