465 research outputs found

    Pemberitaan Human Trafficking (Perdagangan Manusia) Dalam Surat Kabar Elektronik Di Lima Negara ASEAN Human Trafficking News on On-line Media in Five Countries in ASEAN

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    This study aims to analyze the portion of the human trafficking problem in the Asean on electronic newspapers in the five Asean countries, media attention to the online human trafficking problem in the five Asean countries, and the role of media in five countries of the Asean Human Trafficking issues. Research was conducted through online media in the five Asean countries for more than three months by using the method of quantitative descriptive content analysis and discourse as research procedures that produce descriptive data from the analytical results of the study and analysis of the content library. Selection technique using the information on the sampling technique in the period July-December 2006 and are determined based on certain criteria that are based on the purpose of research. Results of research shows that 1) the portion of the information provided online media in every country of Asean, was much larger than provided by the TJP with other media, and even MST provide at least a portion, 2) media attention to the issue online human trafficking, as well as greater given by TJP although there are some things to exclusion, 3) The role of online media for issues related to human trafficking is on the portion of the system and the attention and the press that they thought. In general, TJP run more functions and role as agents of social control and chang

    Health Empowerment, and Economics of Women with HIV/AIDS Through Life Skills Education

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    Introduction: Women with HIV/AIDS have a heavy burden. Discrimination and the low economic status causes them worse off in the uncertainty of life. The purpose of the study to develop a health empowerment and economic and increase community involvement in the business activities of women with HIV/AIDS. Methods: The method descriptive approach,focus group discussion. The preparation of the design strategies, health empowerment and economic through life skills education for women with HIV/AIDS strengthened through Participatory Action Research (PAR). The results of this study showed that the health status of women with HIV who are involved in phase I. The average age of patients were at a fairly productive life span between 20–40 years. 90% they do not have income. The results of focus group discussions (FGD) indicates that the client requires additional activities that can generate income, but do not overload the physical. Some of the selected activities include embroider and sew, salons and cooking. The results of research on public response associated with HIV/AIDS they mention that women with HIV should be protected by the government and the public, although on average they still can not accept people in their environment

    Studi Perbaikan Keandalan Jaringan Distribusi Primer Dengan Pemasangan Gardu Induk Sisipan Di Kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan

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    Dengan berkembangnya taraf hidup masyarakat pedesaan di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya kabupaten Enrekang, maka keandalan sistem distribusi primer sangat dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga listrik. Oleh karena keandalan jaringan distribusi primer ke Kabupaten Enrekang di PLN Cabang Pinrang masih cukup rendah, maka akan diperbaiki dengan ditempatkannya sebuah Gardu Induk Sisipan untuk membagi luas daerah pelayanan. Gardu Induk Sisipan sangat dimungkinkan dibangun di Kabupaten Enrekang, mengingat jaringan transmisi Makale – Sidrap 150 kV telah beroperasi. Jaringan transmisi tersebut melintas di Kabupaten Enrekang dengan menggunakan material Aktiva Tetap Tidak Bergerak (ATTB) yang tersedia di PLN Wilayah Sulselrabar. Dibuatnya tugas akhir ini dengan tujuan membandingkan keandalan jaringan distribusi primer di Kabupaten Enrekang sebelum dan sesudah pemasangan gardu induk sisipan agar dapat digunakan sebagai rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan keandalan pada sistem tersebut. Berdasarkan kedua metoda perhitungan didapatkan hasil nilai SAIDI pada masing-masing penyulang masih sesuai dengan standart PLN 59 : 1985 sebesar 4,364 jam/tahun dan untuk hasil nilai SAIFI pada masing-masing penyulang masih sesuai dengan standart PLN 59 : 1985 sebesar 1,199 jam/tahu

    Analisis Kalsium (Ca) pada Ikan Petek dan Mujair dengan Metode Kompleksometri

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    Fish is one ofthe example of a comestibles that contains a lot of protein and minerals, one of which is calcium. Calcium functions for the body's metabolism in the bone and tooth formation. Petek and Mujair fish contain calcium that is needed by the human body. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of calcium contained in Petek and Mujair fish. The sampling was done by purposive sampling, which the sample used was obtained by the market in the Peunayong Banda Aceh. This research used complexometry methods. The samples of Petek and Mujair fish that had been cleared were titrated using Na2-EDTA as the titrator. The result showed that Petek and Mujair fish had different calcium levels where the calcium levels in Petek fish reach an average of 0.853% and the calcium levels in Mujair fish reach an average of 0.616%. Petek fish had higher calcium levels than Mujair fish, it was caused by their habit, where Petek fish was sea fish that contained fat, vitamins and minerals, while Mujair fish was freshwater fish that contained carbohydrates and proteins

    Developing the Special Needs Children Ability (Abk) to Motivate and to Obtain Their Self-dependency at the Extraordinary Education Program School B and C at Kebon Kosong District, Kemayoran Subdistrict, Central Jakarta

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    . Special Education Program is an education for abnormality student or student with extraordinary intelligence can be run in secondary and junior education.Special education can be held as Extraordinary School matched with his needs / specialty. Improving the ability of students at Harapan Ibu and Makna Bakti Extraordinary School located in Central Jakarta adapted to the place and the environment, such as self development (the ability to be independently), skills, crafts, cooking, and can operate the computer and can socialize in the community such as small conversation. Extraordinary school B\u27s student or deaf student, are children who have hearing obstacles in both permanent and non-permanent. Because that student has a bottleneck in hearing so that student has speaking obstacle. Students or mentally disabled, is children who have mental retardation or low intelligence and difficult to adjust and thrive. For the mentally disabled can be classified based on the level of IQ, ie C / low (IQ = 51-70), and C / moderate (IQ = 36-51), severe (IQ = 25-35) and severe (IQ below 20). Through Focus Group Discussions in this case are focused by providing training such as computer operation, utilizing the skills of crafts with recycled items such as sisri tea\u27s glass, assorted packs of coffee, milo and others. Besides learning cooking and establishing themselves as well as how students can socialize in the community. To improve Extraordinary School students\u27s ability is not only through training, but also aid equipment such as computers, crafts skills, cooking and establish themselves. This equipment is very helpful and supportive in the smooth process of learning

    Dampak Perubahan Kebijakan Dagang Starbucks terhadap Perekonomian Ethiopia 2005-2008

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    This research explains about how the the effect of the Starbucks policy trade changing to Ethiopian econnomy in 2005 until 2008. The purpose of this research is to know how the implementation of agreement between Ethiopian Government and Starbucks have effected to Ethiopia coffee industry. This case had been a conflict since 2004 when Ethiopian government knew their origin coffee was trademark by Strabucks in USPTO without their permission. Oxfam as Non-Government Organization that moved for justice make big campaign and pressure Starbucks to pulled up the coffee trademark in USPTO. In 2007, Starbucks had change their policy of trade about the trademark of Ethiopian coffee and reach agreement with Ethiopia government. This research is a qualitative research. Method applied in doing this research is description with aim to depict a phenomenon in this case. By using the neo-liberlism theory to analyze the role of non nation actor in a case and global value chain theory to analyze how every step in production chain will add value to the product it self.The result of this research shows The Starbucks policy trade changing gave positively effect to Ethiopian economy. Since the coffee trademark had been know in international coffee market as speciality coffee, many coffee trade agreement reached by Ethiopian and another corporation from another country. The result of agreement has improve positively to coffee volume and value export in international market and the welfare of Ethiopian coffee farmer. Keywords: Coffee Volume and Value, Ethiopia Economy Growth, Ethiophia Iniative and Licensing Trademark, Trademark, Trade Policy, Starbuck


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    Helium-4 merupakan salah satu isotop Helium yang stabil. Perhitungan energi total Helium-4 pada level inti ditinjau dengan menganggap inti spherically symmetric. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perhitungan energi keadaan dasar inti Helium-4 berdasarkan metoda Hartree Fock. Persamaan hamiltonian yang terdiri atas energi kinetik dan potensial dihitung menggunakan program Fortran. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang dilakukan diperoleh energi total inti Helium-4 sebesar -28,4023952 MeV, memiliki kesalahan 0,70% jika dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian lain dengan menggunakan metode yang sama. Namun memiliki kesalahan lebih kecil sebesar 0,36% jika dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Hartree Fock sudah cukup baik digunakan untuk menghitung energi inti Helium-4

    Pengembangan Usaha dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui BUMDES Munggaran

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    The presence of Bumdes plays a role in developing the community's business and economy. In the last 6 years the number of Bumdes in Indonesia has continued to increase every year but its development is still diverse. This study aims to find out how the implementation, obstacles and success of the Munggaran Bumdes program in an effort to develop the business and economy of the community in Panumbangan Village. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The results of the research in the field show that the Munggaran Bumdes has helped the community through capital assistance and business equipment, as well as providing training for both administrators and the community. In its implementation there are several obstacles such as lack of capital, limited knowledge of Bumdes management, lack of community participation. However, the benefits of the Bumdes Program can also be felt, marked by an increase in community income although it is not significant, the growth of group independence, and increasing public awareness related to efforts to improve the welfare of poor families around them
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