36 research outputs found

    Mineralogy and geochemistry at DSDP Leg 80 Holes

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    Cenozoic sediments recovered from Sites 548, 549, and 550 were the objects of mineralogical (bulk sample and <2 - µm fraction) and geochemical (HCl extract) studies. Thin sections of rock pebbles embedded in sediments (upper levels at Site 548, particularly) were examined on a polarizing microscope. This study outlines the vertical and lateral variation and evolution of the sedimentation. In the Paleocene and lower Eocene, the clay fraction is abundant and smectite is practically the sole existing clay mineral. High Mn, Al, Fe, Mg, and K contents were measured in HCl extracts. Through the middle Eocene, carbonates become more abundant - highly dominant at Site 548. Metal contents in HCl extracts are very low. The clay fraction, although dominated at all sites by smectites, becomes richer in illite and poorly crystallized chlorite. At the middle/upper Miocene boundary, a significant decrease in the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio occurs at all sites, and this decrease continues into the middle Pliocene. This decrease is marked by an abrupt increase of quartz at Site 548. At the two other sites, carbonates remain highly predominant; HCl extracts reflect the relative abundance of the clay and carbonate fractions. After a brief recurrence of smectite in a high-metal-content interval, illite and chlorite become the dominant clay minerals in the upper Pliocene and the Pleistocene, where numerous variations in mineralogical composition occur in the clay fraction (Sites 548 and 549) or in non-clay components (Site 548). Several pebbles of various nature and origin, encountered in different levels of this interval at Site 548, appear to have an ice-rafting origin. This study points out three main breaks in the general evolution of the sedimentation: the first, corresponding to the lower/middle Eocene boundary, is marked by the increase of carbonates and associated elements; the second, corresponding to the middle/upper Miocene boundary, is marked by a major decrease of the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio at all sites and by a massive appearance of quartz at Site 548; and the third, which occurred toward the late Pliocene, is marked by the dominance of primary clay minerals and the arrival of ice-rafted pebbles. Our interpretation of results considers paleohydrological and paleoclimatic phenomena. It is suggested that the major middle/late Miocene break was associated with an increase of the deep bottom-water circulation between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, and/or a climatic evolution: humidification and cooling of climate. The changes toward the late Pliocene appear to have been the first effects of the glaciations at the end of Cenozoic

    Provenance changes between recent and glacial-time sediments in the Amundsen Sea embayment, West Antarctica: clay mineral assemblage evidence

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    The Amundsen Sea embayment is a probable site for the initiation of a future collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This paper contributes to a better understanding of the transport pathways of subglacial sediments into this embayment at present and during the last glacial period. It discusses the clay mineral composition of sediment samples taken from the seafloor surface and marine cores in order to decipher spatial and temporal changes in the sediment provenance. The most striking feature in the present-day clay mineral distribution is the high concentration of kaolinite, which is mainly supplied by the Thwaites Glacier system and indicates the presence of hitherto unknown kaolinite-bearing sedimentary strata in the hinterland, probably in the Byrd Subglacial Basin. The main illite input is via the Pine Island Glacier. Smectite originates from the erosion of volcanic rocks in Ellsworth Land and western Marie Byrd Land. The clay mineral assemblages in diamictons deposited during the last glacial period are distinctly different from those in corresponding surface sediments. This relationship indicates that glacial sediment sources were different from modern ones, which could reflect changes in the catchment areas of the glaciers and ice streams