108 research outputs found

    Technical criteria for the desing of foundation slabs and perimetral wall in difficult terrain in Madrid. Spain

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    This paper explains a procedure for the choice of ballast modules used for the design of direct continuous foundation in karst terrain. The presence of dangerous cavities is introduced in this procedure thereby evaluating risk failure. It also provides pertinent guidelines to direct the geotechnical survey of the terrain

    Vegetació dels hàbitats d’interùs comunitari (HIC) de l’espai d’Utxesa-Secà i rodalies

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    Es presenta una llista detallada del conjunt d’hĂ bitats d’interĂšs comunitari (HIC) inclosos en la Directiva 92/43/CEE presents en l’espai d’interĂšs natural d’Utxesa-SecĂ  i rodalies. La descripciĂł de cada hĂ bitat inclou un llistat de les espĂšcies diagnĂČstic i un llistat dels sintaxa que habitualment els integren.A check-list of the habitats of Community Interest under the Habitats directive 92/43/ CEE within Utxesa-SecĂ  is presented. The description of each habitat includes a list of the most outstanding species and a list of the syntaxa that can be found in them

    A systematic review of grandparents’ influence on grandchildren’s cancer risk factors

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    Many lifestyle patterns are established when children are young. Research has focused on the potential role of parents as a risk factor for non communicable disease in children, but there is limited investigation of the role of other caregivers, such as grandparents. The aim of this review was to identify and synthesise evidence for any influence grandparents’ care practices may have on their grandchildren’s long term cancer risk factors. A systematic review was carried out with searches across four databases (MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, PsycINFO) as well as searches of reference lists and citing articles, and Google Scholar. Search terms were based on six areas of risk that family care could potentially influence–weight, diet, physical activity, tobacco, alcohol and sun exposure. All study designs were included, as were studies that provided an indication of the interaction of grandparents with their grandchildren. Studies were excluded if grandparents were primary caregivers and if children had serious health conditions. Study quality was assessed using National Institute for Health and Care Excellence checklists. Grandparent impact was categorised as beneficial, adverse, mixed or as having no impact. Due to study heterogeneity a meta-analysis was not possible. Qualitative studies underwent a thematic synthesis of their results. Results from all included studies indicated that there was a sufficient evidence base for weight, diet, physical activity and tobacco studies to draw conclusions about grandparents’ influence. One study examined alcohol and no studies examined sun exposure. Evidence indicated that, overall, grandparents had an adverse impact on their grandchildren’s cancer risk factors. The theoretical work in the included studies was limited. Theoretically underpinned interventions designed to reduce these risk factors must consider grandparents’ role, as well as parents’, and be evaluated robustly to inform the evidence base further
