203 research outputs found

    Information technologies that facilitate care coordination: provider and patient perspectives

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    Health information technology is a core infrastructure for the chronic care model, integrated care, and other organized care delivery models. From the provider perspective, health information exchange (HIE) helps aggregate and share information about a patient or population from several sources. HIE technologies include direct messages, transfer of care, and event notification services. From the patient perspective, personal health records, secure messaging, text messages, and other mHealth applications may coordinate patients and providers. Patient-reported outcomes and social media technologies enable patients to share health information with many stakeholders, including providers, caregivers, and other patients. An information architecture that integrates personal health record and mHealth applications, with HIEs that combine the electronic health records of multiple healthcare systems will create a rich, dynamic ecosystem for patient collaboration

    Budaya Kerja Ewuh Pakewuh di Kalangan Pegawai Negeri Sipil Etnik Jawa (Studi pada Kabupaten Pasaman Barat, Provinsi Sumatera Barat)

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of ethnic work culture ‘ewuh pakewuh' of civil servant working in the West Pasaman regency. Ethnic work culture ‘ewuh pakewuh' is someone's behavior of worrying his/her attitude or remark wiil offend other people. This research used qualitative approach. Informants are selected using purposive sampling of civil servants from Javanese ethnic group who work in West Pasaman administration. The sample are also selected using snowball and convenience/accidental method. The research is conducted in local inspectorate, plantation agency, civil servant agencies, education and training agency, and local secretariat. Informants consist of 2 echelon III officials, 2 echelon IV and 8 staff. Data is interpreted using thick description method; so that the cultural significance of this work ethic can be explored more intensely in order to elaborate deeply the ewuh pakewuh work culture beyond what is visible. The results obtained indicate that the ethnic work culture ewuh pakewuh have positive and negative sides. The positive side shows high appreciation for higher authority, and an effort to respect and implement sincerely the policies made by the authority. However the ewuh pakewuh ethnic work culture discourages the staff to give suggestions and opinions, causing uncritical (nrimo) work culture. A change is needed to encourage them implement less the ewuh pakewuh that leads to ethnic work culture in order to create creative and innovative work culture. This change has to be started by the leaders and staff to establish an egalitarian culture in the working environment of the local goverment agencies

    Human hair follicle biomagnetism: potential biochemical correlates

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    Background: The S100 protein family is linked to energy transfer in cells of vertebrates at a molecular level. This process involves the electron transfer chain and therefore, as inferred from Faraday’s Law, electron movement will induce electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Biological entities emit photoelectrons that can be tracked and visualized by small paramagnetic nano-sized iron particles. Methods: We have developed an optical microscopic approach for imaging electromagnetic activity of hair follicles utilizing nano-sized iron particles (mean diameter 2000nm) in Prussian Blue Stain solution (PBS Fe 2000). Results: We found that the human hair follicle emits electromagnetic fields (EMFs) based on metabolic activity within the follicle, which is associated with the activity of selective S-100 proteins. Conclusions: Our results link the molecular biochemical energy associated with the S100 family of proteins and biomagnetism of human hair follicles

    The Impact of Equal Employment Opportunity-Affirmative Action in U.S. and New Economic Policy in Malaysia on Employment and Reverse Discrimination

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    Penggubalan polisi Equal Employment Opportunity-Affirmative Action (EEO-AA) bertujuan memastikan wujud keseimbangan peluang pekerjaan di antara kaum majoriti dan minoriti di Amerika Syarikat. Di Malaysia pula, Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB)diwujudkan bagi menyeimbangkan status ekonomi di antara pelbagai etnik. Kajian ini pertamanya bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauhmana EEO-AA dan DEB dapat mencapai matlamat untuk menyeimbangkan peluang pekerjaan di Amerika Syarikat dan juga status ekonomi antara etnik di Malaysia. Keduanya, untuk menganalisis sama ada EEO-AA dan DEB ini menyebabkan berlakunya “reverse discrimination”. Hasil kajian mendapati EEO-AA hanya memberi impak yang kecil kepada golongan minoriti di Amerika Syarikat. Di Malaysia pula, DEB telah berjaya meningkatkan jumlah partisipasi Bumiputera di dalam pelbagai sektor. Manakala kedua-dua polisi tidak menyebabkan berlakunya “reverse discrimination”

    Sistem Pelayanan Publik Era Otonomi Daerah di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara

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    The effectiveness of public service delivery system is an important aspect to ensure that national development can be implemented effectively. The effectiveness of publicservice delivery system will raise community satisfaction on the services delivered. Thusto improve the public service delivery system from time to time, the study on the existingproblems should be conducted eventually. Therefore this article articulates the problemsof public service delivery system in Indonesia, especially in Kutai Kartanegara Regency

    Kepercayaan Mahasiswa terhadap Kerajaan

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    The level of trust in government is important because its reflect the support of people to their government. The higher level of trust will give government more power to implement development to the country. Moreover, government that gain higher confidence from the people's can play their role effectively compared to the government who failed to gain support from them. This paper will discuss the level of trust among local universities students' in Malaysia. Their opinion is crucial because they are our future leader

    Better together: Integrating biomedical informatics and healthcare IT operations to create a learning health system during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The growing availability of multi-scale biomedical data sources that can be used to enable research and improve healthcare delivery has brought about what can be described as a healthcare data age. This new era is defined by the explosive growth in bio-molecular, clinical, and population-level data that can be readily accessed by researchers, clinicians, and decision-makers, and utilized for systems-level approaches to hypothesis generation and testing as well as operational decision-making. However, taking full advantage of these unprecedented opportunities presents an opportunity to revisit the alignment between traditionally academic biomedical informatics (BMI) and operational healthcare information technology (HIT) personnel and activities in academic health systems. While the history of the academic field of BMI includes active engagement in the delivery of operational HIT platforms, in many contemporary settings these efforts have grown distinct. Recent experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic have demonstrated greater coordination of BMI and HIT activities that have allowed organizations to respond to pandemic-related changes more effectively, with demonstrable and positive impact as a result. In this position paper, we discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with driving alignment between BMI and HIT, as viewed from the perspective of a learning healthcare system. In doing so, we hope to illustrate the benefits of coordination between BMI and HIT in terms of the quality, safety, and outcomes of care provided to patients and populations, demonstrating that these two groups can be better together

    Pengamalan Kualitas Sifat Pribadi Kepimpinan Tradisional Bagi Kepala Daerah dalam Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Rakyat

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    The purpose of this study is to comprehend personal characters in Indonesia's traditional leadership and its correlation with the regional leadership. This study uses descriptive analyses method by library research. The result shows that the regional leaders have low quality of personal characters that may lead to the failure to fulfill community's welfare. Therefore the regional leaders have to implement the personal characters of Indonesia's traditional leaders along with the Regional Governance Law No. 12 2008, revised by Law No. 23 2014 in order to increase the people's income, improve education, guarantee health facilities and housing, as well as reduce poverty and unemployment rate in the region

    Assessing the effects of crowding perception and gender among Southeast Asia pilgrims in Mina, Saudi Arabia

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    This study gives a better understanding of the effect of crowding on pilgrims at the Hajj. It explores the levels of perceived crowding of Southeastern Asian pilgrims and investigates the effects of gender on their perceived crowding. Questionnaire in both Bahasa Melayu and English languages were administered for data collections from randomly selected pilgrims, (n=128), from the Southeast Asia Hajj group at Mina for three days (10th, 11th and 12th of Dhul-Hijjah). Results revealed that pilgrims witness high levels of crowd perception within their stay at Mina. In addition also, differences between the overall perceived crowding, perceived human crowding and perceived spatial crowding among pilgrims were revealed. Perceived human crowding was found as an indicator to the overall perceived crowding at Mina. Future research could be carried out to assess the effects of other factors such as education and cultural backgrounds and these findings can help authorities in charge of formulating policies manage crowd levels and perception