16 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of LNG and FLNG vessels during manoeuvring in open sea

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    Manoeuvring of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier in open sea at Floating LNG (FLNG) terminals can be associated with several operational risks of potential consequences to human safety, the environment and economy. In this paper, a fuzzy set approach was developed to handle the uncertainty in expert opinions commonly used for qualitative risk assessment studies such as the risk matrix. Risk parameters were modelled using a number of fuzzy sets, and a fuzzy risk value was calculated for several hazardous scenarios at different phases during ship berthing operations. The calculated fuzzy risk values were found to be consistent with the results of the risk matrix technique

    Proceedings of the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC) 2011

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    These proceedings bring together a selection of papers from the 2011 Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference(SPARC). It includes papers from PhD students in the arts and social sciences, business, computing, science and engineering, education, environment, built environment and health sciences. Contributions from Salford researchers are published here alongside papers from students at the Universities of Anglia Ruskin, Birmingham City, Chester,De Montfort, Exeter, Leeds, Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores and Manchester

    An exploration of the factors that impact customer experience in social commerce websites

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    Social commerce explains a subgroup of e-commerce, including the utilization of online media, social media that support the social relations and input of the user to assist in the sales and purchase of services and products. This study explores the relationships affecting the customer experience phenomenon with respect to social commerce. The relationships between factors associated with the customer experience as well as the role it plays in the social commerce have been measured using a survey method. A total of 372 students from Saudi Arabia studying in Australia and present at the Saudi Arabia UBT University were surveyed. To test the measurement and structural model as well as study the interconnection between variables, the study made use of partial least square (PLS). The results show that the entire Trust and Social Influence dimensions have a considerable relationship with customer experience. In addition, the Word of Mouth was another variable that impacted the Trust and Social Influence extremely strongly and in the specific situation of the social commerce. This research also recognizes that in the social commerce field, several factors influence the customer experience in a different manner in comparison to the factors that influence the customer experience in usual face-to-face transactions of buying and selling. This research is anticipated to help businesses in putting their strategies to book, while overly pioneering the development of the social commerce businesses. The results obtained from this study will add some facts to the present literature relating to social commerce and also serve as a chance for researchers to cut into more profoundly into the different factors that relate with the customer experience in the social commerce

    Operational risk assessment of offshore transport barges

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    Offshore operations such as load-out/float-off, transportation and installation involve a large number of operational hazards which impose high risks on human safety and assets. During such operations, there are many situations in which transport barges and Heavy Lift Vessels (HLVs) may expose to significant hazards including structural and mechanical failures. In this work, the system of a submersible barge was reviewed based on a Hazard Identification (HAZID) technique in order to identify the worst-case scenarios during load-out/float-off operations. In addition, a fuzzy set approach was developed to quantify and assess the risk level during offshore operations of an offshore structure due to several hazardous scenarios. Rule-based fuzzy logic models were created and tested using different types of membership functions to calculate risk values, and the potential hazard impacts on the safety of crew members, the environment, the barge and the offshore structure being loaded/launched were evaluated. Fuzzy set techniques enabled a further sensitivity analysis to be conducted for the top-ranked failure modes. Overall, the paper contributes towards the development of the current guidelines for offshore operations

    Crystal structure, phase transitions, dielectric and vibrational studies and photoluminescence properties of a new iron fluoride based on bipyridine

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    The new iron-fluoride, based on bipyridine formulated as FeF3(2,2′-bpy) (2,2′-bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine), was obtained by hydrothermal synthesis. The crystalline structure was characterized by single crystal X-Ray diffraction data analysis. It crystallizes in monoclinic space group Cc, with a = 14.030(4) Å, b = 9.487(3) Å, c = 7.650(2) Å and β = 103.287(3)º. Moreover, it exhibits three-dimensional organic-inorganic network, resulting from the association of [FeF4N2]∞ chains pertaining to corner sharing FeF4N2 octahedra extending along with the c-axis linked through weak C–H...F hydrogen bonds. The thermal analysis (TG, SDTA and DSC) of the title compound reveals the presence of the phase transitions at high temperature. In order to shed light on the electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of the title compound, we carried out, in the frequency range 200 to 2E5 Hz, impedance spectroscopy technique, in the temperature range 310–380K. The conductivity relaxation parameters of some H+ conducting in the FeF3(2,2′-bpy) material were determined from an analysis pertaining to electric conductivity data. Transport properties in this material appear due to proton hopping mechanism. Finally, the optical properties were evaluated by photoluminescence spectroscopy.We acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia and Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MAT2016–78155-C2-1-R and FPI grant BES-2011–046948 to MSM.A.)

    Soil and seedling response to dehydrated septic tank sludge versus forest floor additions at a disturbed site

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    Over a period of 2 yr, the effects of dehydrated septic tank sludge application on the chemical properties of a severely disturbed forest clayey soil were assessed and compared with application of native forest floor (i.e., from neighboring forest). Six treatments [fresh and mature sludges × two depths (15 and 25 cm), forest floor, and a control] were replicated three times according to a complete random design. Total organic C and N concentrations of amendments and their chemical structure, based on 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, were determined. Mineral soil C and N concentrations and C mineralization rates were monitored as well as nutrient supply rates using Plant Root Simulator™ probes. White spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] seedling foliar nutrition and growth were also monitored. NMR spectroscopy revealed differences among amendments, with the forest floor spectra displaying lower O-alkyl C and higher alkyl C and carbonyl C proportions relative to sludge. Neither soil C concentrations nor mineralization were significantly improved in the mineral soil under any treatment, even at application rates exceeding 700 t sludge ha−1 (dry mass). The sludges supplied more NO3 and P, and less NH4 and K to the mineral soil than the forest floor and control. Increased nutrient availability under sludge and forest floor generally resulted in improved foliar nutrition and growth of white spruce seedlings. Despite differences in organic matter quality and mineral N form supplied by sludge and forest floor, sludge application is a valid restoration approach