125 research outputs found

    Long-lived quantum coherence in photosynthetic complexes at physiological temperature

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    Photosynthetic antenna complexes capture and concentrate solar radiation by transferring the excitation to the reaction center which stores energy from the photon in chemical bonds. This process occurs with near-perfect quantum efficiency. Recent experiments at cryogenic temperatures have revealed that coherent energy transfer - a wavelike transfer mechanism - occurs in many photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes (1-4). Using the Fenna-Matthews-Olson antenna complex (FMO) as a model system, theoretical studies incorporating both incoherent and coherent transfer as well as thermal dephasing predict that environmentally assisted quantum transfer efficiency peaks near physiological temperature; these studies further show that this process is equivalent to a quantum random walk algorithm (5-8). This theory requires long-lived quantum coherence at room temperature, which never has been observed in FMO. Here we present the first evidence that quantum coherence survives in FMO at physiological temperature for at least 300 fs, long enough to perform a rudimentary quantum computational operation. This data proves that the wave-like energy transfer process discovered at 77 K is directly relevant to biological function. Microscopically, we attribute this long coherence lifetime to correlated motions within the protein matrix encapsulating the chromophores, and we find that the degree of protection afforded by the protein appears constant between 77 K and 277 K. The protein shapes the energy landscape and mediates an efficient energy transfer despite thermal fluctuations. The persistence of quantum coherence in a dynamic, disordered system under these conditions suggests a new biomimetic strategy for designing dedicated quantum computational devices that can operate at high temperature.Comment: PDF files, 15 pages, 3 figures (included in the PDF file

    Distribution of entanglement in light-harvesting complexes and their quantum efficiency

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    Recent evidence of electronic coherence during energy transfer in photosynthetic antenna complexes has reinvigorated the discussion of whether coherence and/or entanglement has any practical functionality for these molecular systems. Here we investigate quantitative relationships between the quantum yield of a light-harvesting complex and the distribution of entanglement among its components. Our study focusses on the entanglement yield or average entanglement surviving a time scale comparable to the average excitation trapping time. As a prototype system we consider the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) protein of green sulphur bacteria and show that there is an inverse relationship between the quantum efficiency and the average entanglement between distant donor sites. Our results suggest that longlasting electronic coherence among distant donors might help modulation of the lightharvesting function.Comment: Version accepted for publication in NJ

    Excitation energy transfer in light-harvesting system: Effect of initial state

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    The light-harvesting is a problem of long interest. It becomes active again in recent years stimulated by suggestions of quantum effects in energy transport. Recent experiments found evidence that BChla 1 and BChla 6 are the first to be excited in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson(FMO) protein, theoretical studies, however, are mostly restricted to consider the exciton in BChla 1 initially. In this paper, we study the energy transport in the FMO complex by taking different initial states into account. Optimizations are performed for the decoherence rates as to maximal transport efficiency. Dependence of the energy transfer efficiency on the initial states is given and discussed. Effects of fluctuations in the site energies and couplings are also examined.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, J Phys B accepte

    Exciton Dynamics in Photosynthetic Complexes: Excitation by Coherent and Incoherent Light

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    In this paper we consider dynamics of a molecular system subjected to external pumping by a light source. Within a completely quantum mechanical treatment, we derive a general formula, which enables to asses effects of different light properties on the photo-induced dynamics of a molecular system. We show that once the properties of light are known in terms of certain two-point correlation function, the only information needed to reconstruct the system dynamics is the reduced evolution superoperator. The later quantity is in principle accessible through ultrafast non-linear spectroscopy. Considering a direct excitation of a small molecular antenna by incoherent light we find that excitation of coherences is possible due to overlap of homogeneous line shapes associated with different excitonic states. In Markov and secular approximations, the amount of coherence is significant only under fast relaxation, and both the populations and coherences between exciton states become static at long time. We also study the case when the excitation of a photosynthetic complex is mediated by a mesoscopic system. We find that such case can be treated by the same formalism with a special correlation function characterizing ultrafast fluctuations of the mesoscopic system. We discuss bacterial chlorosom as an example of such a mesoscopic mediator and propose that the properties of energy transferring chromophore-protein complexes might be specially tuned for the fluctuation properties of their associated antennae.Comment: 12 page

    Traffic Equations and Granular Convection

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    We investigate both numerically and analytically the convective instability of granular materials by two dimensional traffic equations. In the absence of vibrations the traffic equations assume two distinctive classes of fixed bed solutions with either a spatially uniform or nonuniform density profile. The former one exists only when the function V(\rho) that monitors the relaxation of grains assumes a cut off at the closed packed density, \rho_c, with V(\rho_c)=0, while the latter one exists for any form of V. Since there is little difference between the uniform and nonuniform solution deep inside the bed, the convective instability of the bulk may be studied by focusing on the stability of the uniform solution. In the presence of vibrations, we find that the uniform solution bifurcates into a bouncing solution, which then undergoes a supercritical bifurcation to the convective instability. We determine the onset of convection as a function of control parameters and confirm this picture by solving the traffic equations numerically, which reveals bouncing solutions, two convective rolls, and four convective rolls. Further, convective patterns change as the aspect ratio changes: in a vertically long container, the rolls move toward the surface, and in a horizontally long container, the rolls move toward the walls. We compare these results with those reported previously with a different continuum model by Hayakawa, Yue and Hong[Phys. Rev. Lett. 75,2328, 1995]. Finally, we also present a derivation of the traffic equations from Enskoq equation.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    Motional effects on the efficiency of excitation transfer

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    Energy transfer plays a vital role in many natural and technological processes. In this work, we study the effects of mechanical motion on the excitation transfer through a chain of interacting molecules with application to biological scenarios of transfer processes. Our investigation demonstrates that, for various types of mechanical oscillations, the transfer efficiency is significantly enhanced over that of comparable static configurations. This enhancement is a genuine quantum signature, and requires the collaborative interplay between the quantum-coherent evolution of the excitation and the mechanical motion of the molecules; it has no analogue in the classical incoherent energy transfer. This effect may not only occur naturally, but it could be exploited in artificially designed systems to optimize transport processes. As an application, we discuss a simple and hence robust control technique.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures; completely revised; version accepted for publicatio

    Non-Markovian stochastic description of quantum transport in photosynthetic systems

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    We analyze several aspects of the transport dynamics in the LH1-RC core of purple bacteria, which consists basically in a ring of antenna molecules that transport the energy into a target molecule, the reaction center, placed in the center of the ring. We show that the periodicity of the system plays an important role to explain the relevance of the initial state in the transport efficiency. This picture is modified, and the transport enhanced for any initial state, when considering that molecules have different energies, and when including their interaction with the environment. We study this last situation by using stochastic Schr{\"o}dinger equations, both for Markovian and non-Markovian type of interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Implementación de módulo de autoaprendizaje para la enseñanza de la histología del ojo y oído

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    La complejidad histológica de ojo y oído es un punto crítico para su aprendizaje, lo que se evidencia en los exámenes finales escritos. Para motivar su estudio y mejorar el rendimiento académico de los alumnos se implementó un Módulo de Autoaprendizaje. Se elaboró material impreso con objetivos, contenidos, metodología, cronograma de actividades y bibliografía recomendada. Presenta dos problemas (uno de ojo y otro de oído) para estimular búsqueda de información y el logro de los objetivos. Se desarrolló en 5 semanas.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Implementación de módulo de autoaprendizaje para la enseñanza de la histología de ojo y oído

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    La complejidad histológica de ojo y oído es un punto crítico para su aprendizaje, lo que se evidencia en los exámenes finales escritos. Para motivar su estudio y mejorar el rendimiento académico de los alumnos se implementó un Módulo de Autoaprendizaje. Se elaboró material impreso con objetivos, contenidos, metodología, cronograma de actividades y bibliografía recomendada. Presenta dos problemas (uno de ojo y otro de oído) para estimular búsqueda de información y el logro de los objetivos. Se desarrolló en 5 semanas. El docente tuvo rol de consultor. La evaluación del aprendizaje se realizó en el examen final escrito.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Velocity and density profiles of granular flow in channels using lattice gas automaton

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    We have performed two-dimensional lattice-gas-automaton simulations of granular flow between two parallel planes. We find that the velocity profiles have non-parabolic distributions while simultaneously the density profiles are non-uniform. Under non-slip boundary conditions, deviation of velocity profiles from the parabolic form of newtonian fluids is found to be characterized solely by ratio of maximal velocity at the center to the average velocity, though the ratio depends on the model parameters in a complex manner. We also find that the maximal velocity (umaxu_{max}) at the center is a linear function of the driving force (g) as umax=αgδu_{max} = \alpha g - \delta with non-zero δ\delta in contrast with newtonian fluids. Regarding density profiles, we observe that densities near the boundaries are higher than those in the center. The width of higher densities (above the average density) relative to the channel width is a decreasing function of a variable which scales with the driving force (g), energy dissipation parameter (ϵ\epsilon) and the width of the system (L) as gμLν/ϵg^{\mu} L^{\nu}/\epsilon with exponents μ=1.4±0.1\mu = 1.4 \pm 0.1 and ν=0.5±0.1\nu = 0.5 \pm 0.1. A phenomenological theory based on a scaling argument is presented to interpret these findings.Comment: Latex, 15 figures, to appear in PR