92 research outputs found

    Tin in Southeastern Europe?

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    Apart from Cornwall, the only indisputable source of tin in the prehistoric Europe, some new potential sources in Southeastern Europe (on the mountains Bukulja and Cer in western Serbia), should be considered. The fortunate coincidence, that the deposits of copper and tin ore were found close to each other, very likely played the crucial role in the production of full-fledged bronze towards the end of the Vučedol culture (phase C)

    Metalurgija vučedolskog kompleksa

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    U vrijeme kasnog eneolitika unutar vučedolskog kulturnog kompleksa stvoreni su pored ostalih i osnovni tehnološki uvjeti koji su prethodili pojavi ranog brončanog doba. Serijska proizvodnja bakrenih predmeta rezultirala je prijelazom s oksidne na upotrebu sulfidne bakrene rudače. To je dovelo do pomicanja dijela populacije prema rudnim ležištima u kasnoj vučedolskoj kulturi. I oblicima i sastavom bakrenih predmeta vučedolska kultura predstavlja autentičnu metaluršku cjelinu koja se dosta oštro distancira od istovremenih prilika istočno od Dunava

    O geostrateškom položaju Siscije

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    Otvorenost Siscije uvjetovana je prije svega njezinim izuzetnim komunikacijskim položajem uz korito plavne Save. Čvorište tradicionalnih veza Panonije I Dalmacije u rimsko se vrijeme širi u lepezu cesta, istodobno obuhvaćajući Savu, Kupu, Unu, Sanu i Japru u ključnu prometnu transversalu gospodarstva Siscije

    Industrija cinabarita u Vinči

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    Arheolškim iskopavanjima s početka stoljeća na lokalitetu Vinča, M. Vasić je dokazivao postojanje industije cinabarita u vinčanskoj kulturi. S obzirom na blizinu ležišta cinabarita na obroncima Avale u Šupljoj steni, dokaze valja smatrati uvjerljivima, ali zbog postojanja peći neobične konstrukcije produkcija je otišla i dalje od dobivanja samog cinabarita. U takvim pećima mogao se cinabarit topiti u živu koja je služila za proizvodnju aluvijalnog zlata. I novija istraživanja dokazuju da je rudarstvo i taljenje bakra u vinčanskoj kulturi bilo široko poznato, a razlog tako dugog kontinuiteta života Vinče je produkcija žive. Time se otvaraju široke ekonomske veze Vinče i izvan okvira vinčanske kulture

    Vučedolska terina i Orion

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    Prilog stratificiranju Kevderc-Hrnjevac tipa Retz-Gajarske kulture

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    Zemunica Kevederc-Hrnjevac tipa retz-gajarske kulture na lokalitetu Drljanovac (sonda II) iskazuje se horizontalnom stratigrafijom u vremenskom paralelizmu s najmlađima slojem lasinjske kulture – Lasinja III. Zemunica je preslojena kućom ranobrončanodobne vinkovačke kulture

    In memoriam: Borivoj Čović

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    Transient climate simulations with the HadGEM1 climate model: Causes of past warming and future climate change

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    The ability of climate models to simulate large-scale temperature changes during the twentieth century when they include both anthropogenic and natural forcings and their inability to account for warming over the last 50 yr when they exclude increasing greenhouse gas concentrations has been used as evidence for an anthropogenic influence on global warming. One criticism of the models used in many of these studies is that they exclude some forcings of potential importance, notably from fossil fuel black carbon, biomass smoke, and land use changes. Herein transient simulations with a new model, the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model version 1 (HadGEM1), are described, which include these forcings in addition to other anthropogenic and natural forcings, and a fully interactive treatment of atmospheric sulfur and its effects on clouds. These new simulations support previous work by showing that there was a significant anthropogenic influence on near-surface temperature change over the last century. They demonstrate that black carbon and land use changes are relatively unimportant for explaining global mean near-surface temperature changes. The pattern of warming in the troposphere and cooling in the stratosphere that has been observed in radiosonde data since 1958 can only be reproduced when the model includes anthropogenic forcings

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy