579 research outputs found

    Structure of the Local-field factor of the 2-D electron fluid. Possible evidence for correlated scattering of electron pairs

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    The static local-field factor (LFF) of the 2-D electron fluid is calculated {\it nonperturbatively} using a mapping to a classical Coulomb fluid [\lbrackPhys. Rev. Lett., {\bf 87}, 206]\rbrack. The LFF for the paramagnetic fluid {\it differs markedly} from perturbation theory where a maximum near 2kFk_F is expected. Our LFF has a quasi-linear small-k region leading to a maximum close to 3kFk_F, in agreent with currently available quantum Monte Carlo data. The structure in the LFF and its dependence on the density and temperature are interpretted as a signature of correlated scattering of electron pairs of opposite spin.The lack of structure at 2kF2k_F implies weakened Friedel oscillations, Kohn anomalies etc.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, version 2 of condmat/0304034, see http://nrcphy1.phy.nrc.ca/ims/qp/chandre/chnc/ Changs in the text, figure 2 and updated reference

    The ground state of clean and defected graphene: Coulomb interactions of massless Dirac fermions, pair-distribution functions and spin-polarized phases

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    First-principles density functional calculations for graphene and defected graphene are used to examine when the quasi-2D electrons near the Fermi energy in graphene could be represented by massless fermions obeying a Dirac-Weyl (DW) equation. The DW model is found to be inapplicable to defected graphene containing even ∼\sim3% vacancies or N substitution. However, the DW model holds in the presence of weakly adsorbed molecular layers. The possibility of spin-polarized phases (SPP) of DW-massless fermions in pure graphene is considered. The exchange energy is evaluated from the analytic pair-distribution functions as well as in kk-space. The kinetic energy enhancement of the sipn-polarized phase nearly cancels the exchange enhancement, and the correlation energy plays a dominant residual role. The correlation energies are estimated via a model four-component 2D electron fluid whose Coulomb coupling matches that of graphene. While SPPs appear with exchange only, the inclusion of correlations suppresses them in ideal graphene.Comment: ~7 pages, 6 figure

    Keberagaman Pengaturan Batas Usia Dewasa Seseorang untuk Melakukan Perbuatan Hukum dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia

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    Penentuan batas usia dewasa seseorang merupakan hal yang penting karena akan menentukan sah tidaknyaseseorang bertindak melakukan perbuatan hukum dan kecakapan seseorang melakukan perbuatan hukum.Akan tetapi, pengaturannya dalam berbagai undang-undang di Indonesia dilakukan secara beragam sehinggaperlu untuk di samakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaturan batas usia dewasapada peraturan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia dan upaya untuk mengatasi keberagaman pengaturan batasusia dewasa tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan pengaturan batas usia dewasaseseorang untuk menjadi syarat kecakapan dalam melakukan perbuatan hukum, yakni ada yang menentukan18 tahun dan 21 tahun, dan upaya untuk mengatasi keberagaman tersebut dengan penerbitan Surat EdaranMahkamah Agung Nomor 7 Tahun 2012 dan Surat Edaran Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 4/SE/I/2015

    The Equation of State and the Hugoniot of Laser Shock-Compressed Deuterium

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    The equation of state and the shock Hugoniot of deuterium are calculated using a first-principles approach, for the conditions of the recent shock experiments. We use density functional theory within a classical mapping of the quantum fluids [ Phys. Rev. Letters, {\bf 84}, 959 (2000) ]. The calculated Hugoniot is close to the Path-Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) result. We also consider the {\it quasi-equilibrium} two-temperature case where the Deuterons are hotter than the electrons; the resulting quasi-equilibrium Hugoniot mimics the laser-shock data. The increased compressibility arises from hot D+−eD^+-e pairs occuring close to the zero of the electron chemical potential.Comment: Four pages; One Revtex manuscript, two postscipt figures; submitted to PR

    Idealized Slab Plasma approach for the study of Warm Dense Matter

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    Recently, warm dense matter (WDM) has emerged as an interdisciplinary field that draws increasing interest in plasma physics, condensed matter physics, high pressure science, astrophysics, inertial confinement fusion, as well as materials science under extreme conditions. To allow the study of well-defined WDM states, we have introduced the concept of idealized-slab plasmas that can be realized in the laboratory via (i) the isochoric heating of a solid and (ii) the propagation of a shock wave in a solid. The application of this concept provides new means for probing the dynamic conductivity, equation of state, ionization and opacity. These approaches are presented here using results derived from first-principles (density-functional type) theory, Thomas-Fermi type theory, and numerical simulations.Comment: 37 pages, 21 figures, available, pdf file only. To appear in: Laser and Particle beams. To appear more or less in this form in Laser and Particle beam

    Anteseden dan Konsekuensi dari Price Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the antecedents and consequents of price satisfaction. It argues that price satisfaction is composed of several dimensions (price transparency, pricequality ratio, relative price, price confidence, price reliability, and price fairness) and that companies should consider these dimensions when monitoring customer price satisfaction.Based on a theoretical discussion of the price dimensions, a questionnaire is developed that measures customer satisfaction with individual price dimensions. Using structural equation model analysis, the impact of price satisfaction dimensions on overall price satisfaction is measured, using a sample of 100 respondent that also customers from several car workshops.The research was analyzed with Structural Equation Model to analyze the path effect between the variable to answer the hypothesis testing. Before doing the structural equation model, thedata was tested with instrument testing, consist of validity and reliability test. Goodness fit measure was also used to make sure that the structural equation model in good fit condition.The result showed that price satisfaction, price confidence, price quality ratio, price fairness, and price transparency have significant effect toward price satisfaction. The relative price variable didn't have significant effect toward price satisfaction. For the price satisfaction toward word of mouth, also didn't give significant result. Based on the measurement of price satisfaction, managers are able to identify the drivers of price satisfaction, their satisfaction and relative importance in different market segments and, consequently they are able to take the right measures to increase customer satisfaction and word of mouth

    Modeling of Cooling and Solidification of TNT based Cast High Explosive Charges

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    Cast trinitrotoluene (TNT) based high explosive charges suffer from different defects such as cracks, voids, etc. One of the quality control measures is to cool the castings gradually, so that the entire charge solidifies without a large temperature gradient from core to the periphery of the cast charge. The fact that the solidification of high explosive casting starts from the periphery (cooler side) and travels towards the center enables us to predict the solidification profile of TNT based explosive castings. Growth of solidification thickness and cooling temperature profiles of TNT based cast high explosive charges are predicted as functions of time and space using unsteady state heat transfer principles, associated with heat balance at solid to liquid interface as a moving boundary of solidification. This will enable adoption of proper quality control during solidification of the molten TNT to eliminate inherent drawbacks of cast high explosive charges. The solidification profiles of TNT based cast charges under controlled and natural conditions are predicted and the model is validated against 145 mm diameter TNT cast charge which is found to be in broad agreement with experiments.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 4, July 2014, pp.339-343, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.467
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