941 research outputs found

    Moral education in public schools: Some realities, problems and suggestions for educators

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    The debate about moral education in public schools continues

    Momentum interferences of a freely expanding Bose-Einstein condensate in 1D due to interatomic interaction change

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    A Bose-Einstein condensate may be prepared in a highly elongated harmonic trap with negligible interatomic interactions using a Feshbach resonance. If a strong repulsive interatomic interaction is switched on and the axial trap is removed to let the condensate evolve freely in the axial direction, a time dependent quantum interference pattern takes place in the short time (Thomas-Fermi) regime, in which the number of peaks of the momentum distribution increases one by one, whereas the spatial density barely changes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Localization and Anomalous Transport in a 1-D Soft Boson Optical Lattice

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    We study the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms in a 1-D optical lattice potential in a regime where the collective (Josephson) tunneling energy is comparable with the on-site interaction energy, and the number of particles per lattice site is mesoscopically large. By directly imaging the motion of atoms in the lattice, we observe an abrupt suppression of atom transport through the array for a critical ratio of these energies, consistent with quantum fluctuation induced localization. Directly below the onset of localization, the frequency of the observed superfluid transport can be explained by a phonon excitation but deviates substantially from that predicted by the hydrodynamic/Gross-Pitaevskii equations.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of apparent horizons in quantum gravitational collapse

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    We study the gravitational collapse of a massless scalar field within the effective scenario of loop quantum gravity. Classical singularity is avoided and replaced by a quantum bounce in this model. It is shown that, quantum gravity effects predict a threshold scale below which no horizon can form as the collapse evolves towards the bounce.Comment: Contribution to the Spanish Relativity Meeting in Portugal 2012 (ERE2012), Guimaraes, Portuga

    Biodegradable Polymers: Opportunities and Challenges

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    The overuse of polymer materials from fossil sources has generated a large volume of waste that causes environmental impacts due to the degradation time. The technological advance has stimulated the search for alternatives that can contribute to sustainability. In this context, the use of biodegradable polymers, that use raw materials from renewable sources stand out because they have that ability to form films and come from abundant sources. Also, in the expectation of optimizing the environmental benefits in this process, it is possible to value the agroindustrial residues, using them as raw material in the synthesis of the polymer, the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of these polymers are important to evaluate the possible applications. The proposal of this chapter is to present current research on renewable sources, including agricultural and industrial residues, to obtain biodegradable polymers, highlighting their properties and possibilities of application

    Adaptable-radius, time-orbiting magnetic ring trap for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We theoretically investigate an adjustable-radius magnetic storage ring for laser-cooled and Bose-condensed atoms. Additionally, we discuss a novel time-dependent variant of this and other ring traps. Time-orbiting ring traps provide a high optical access method for spin-flip loss prevention near a storage ring's circular magnetic field zero. Our scalable storage ring will allow one to probe the fundamental limits of condensate Sagnac interferometry.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. accepted in J Phys

    Ramos do Cooperativismo: cenário da região centro oeste do Brasil.

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    O cooperativismo é um modelo econômico com características próprias, baseado em princípios definidos pela Aliança Cooperativa Internacional - ACI. Está presente no Brasil desde o final do século XIX, contemplando hoje seus diferentes ramos, e em todos os Estados brasileiros e Distrito Federal. Na região centro oeste do país, temos hoje 575 cooperativas ativas, sendo 178 do ramo agropecuário, em Mato Grosso do Sul das 71 cooperativas, 26 são deste ramo. O desenvolvimento de forma sustentável é um desafio para as instituições e governos, assim, devido a sua natureza, o cooperativismo pode ser uma alternativa de promover o crescimento da economia, o desenvolvimento local de maneira sustentável? O que percebemos é que o crescente número de negócios de natureza cooperativa que vêm se firmando no país pode ser um sinal de que o caminho para alcançar tal desenvolvimento foi encontrado, uma vez que a maior parte das cooperativas do país já existem a mais de 20 anos, algumas mais de 40 demonstrando a solidez e sustentabilidade do negócio. Também evidenciando que ainda há espaço para crescimento.Anais do VI EIGEDIN