195 research outputs found

    MKBA EcoLaNa grondfonds : De maatschappelijke gevolgen van de implementatie van een aantal duurzaamheidcriteria op veehouderij en akkerbouwbedrijven

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    Het EcoLaNa plan houdt in dat boeren overstappen op een duurzamere vorm van landbouw dan gangbare landbouw. Wat er onder duurzaamheid wordt verstaan blijkt uit de maatregelen die voor EcoLaNa zijn opgesteld. Door in te zetten op duurzame landbouw zal het EcoLaNa plan bijdragen aan het realiseren van de doelen die gesteld zijn door verschillende overheden, onder andere in het Europese Plattelandsontwikkelingsbeleid. Het gaat hierbij om doelen als het bevorderen van een sterke en dynamische agrofoodsector, instandhouding van de biodiversiteit en van landbouwsystemen met hoge natuurwaarden en uitvoering van de kaderrichtlijn water (POP2). In deze studie is middels een MKBA onderzocht of overschakeling naar duurzamere EcoLaNa landbouw voor de samenleving interessant is

    A decision analysis approach for optimal groundwater monitoring system design under uncertainty

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    International audienceGroundwater contamination is the degradation of the natural quality of groundwater as a result of human activity. Landfills are one of the most common human activities threatening the groundwater quality. The objective of the monitoring systems is to detect the contaminant plumes before reaching the regulatory compliance boundary in order to prevent the severe risk to both society and groundwater quality, and also to enable cost-effective counter measures in case of a failure. The detection monitoring problem typically has a multi-objective nature. A multi-objective decision model (called MONIDAM) which links a classic decision analysis approach with a stochastic simulation model is applied to determine the optimal groundwater monitoring system given uncertainties due to the hydrogeological conditions and contaminant source characteristics. A Monte Carlo approach is used to incorporate uncertainties. Hydraulic conductivity and the leak location are the random inputs of the simulation model. The design objectives considered in the model are: (1) maximizing the detection probability, (2) minimizing the contaminated area and, (3) minimize the total cost of the monitoring system. The results show that the monitoring systems located close to the source are optimal except for the cases with very high unit installation and sampling cost and/or very cheap unit remediation cost

    Counting base phi representations

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    In a base phi representation, a natural number is written as a sum of powers of the golden mean φ. There are many ways to do this. Well known is the standard representation, introduced by George Bergman in 1957, where a unique representation is obtained by requiring that no consecutive powers, φn and φn+1, occur in the representation. In this paper, we introduce a new representation by allowing that the powers φ0 and φ1 may occur at the same time, but no other consecutive powers. We then argue that this representation is much closer to the classical representation of the natural numbers by powers of an integer than Bergman’s standard representation

    Anisotropic Scaling in Layered Aperiodic Ising Systems

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    The influence of a layered aperiodic modulation of the couplings on the critical behaviour of the two-dimensional Ising model is studied in the case of marginal perturbations. The aperiodicity is found to induce anisotropic scaling. The anisotropy exponent z, given by the sum of the surface magnetization scaling dimensions, depends continuously on the modulation amplitude. Thus these systems are scale invariant but not conformally invariant at the critical point.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps-figures, Plain TeX and epsf, minor correction

    Wat noemen we verbrede landbouw? Verkenning van definities en informatiebehoeften

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    Het ministerie van LNV wil zich inzetten om agrarische ondernemers te faciliteren in de keuze van een (nieuwe) bedrijfsstrategie. Een belangrijk aspect daarvan behelst het inzichtelijk maken van het economische belang van de verbrede landbouw. Om de discussie rond het belang van verbreding op agrarische bedrijven zuiver te kunnen voeren is een empirische onderbouwing nodig waarmee uiteindelijk de omvang, de economische bijdrage en de ontwikkeling daarvan over de jaren heen, van de verbrede landbouw bepaald kan worden. The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality (LNV) actively supports agricultural entrepreneurs in determining their business strategies. Given the increasing interest from entrepreneurs for multifunctional agriculture, there is strong demand for insights into its economic relevance. At the same time, there is a need for a robust empirical framework to understand and compare all the economic issues which are relevant to multifunctional agriculture. This framework would need to consist of indicators for market size, economic contribution to business revenue and the development of multifunctional agriculture over the years. This report is concerned with defining these indicators and looks into a preliminary design of a monitoring system which could fulfil the sector's requirements for more knowledge on the economic potential of multifunctional agriculture

    Limit theorems for weakly subcritical branching processes in random environment

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    For a branching process in random environment it is assumed that the offspring distribution of the individuals varies in a random fashion, independently from one generation to the other. Interestingly there is the possibility that the process may at the same time be subcritical and, conditioned on nonextinction, 'supercritical'. This so-called weakly subcritical case is considered in this paper. We study the asymptotic survival probability and the size of the population conditioned on non-extinction. Also a functional limit theorem is proven, which makes the conditional supercriticality manifest. A main tool is a new type of functional limit theorems for conditional random walks.Comment: 35 page