56 research outputs found

    Perspectives on Conceptualizing Developmentally Appropriate Sexuality Education

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    Despite recognition of the importance of a developmentally appropriate approach to sexuality education, there is little direct guidance on how to do this. This study employed in-depth interviews with experienced sexuality educators and developers of sexuality education materials to identify how this concept is understood and applied in the field. Developmentally appropriate sexuality education was conceptualized consistently across interviews to include (a) addressing developmentally relevant topics, (b) adapting content to cognitive development, (c) accommodating developmental diversity, and (d) facilitating the internalization of sexual health messages. However, these views fell short of incorporating the breadth of knowledge offered by adolescent development research

    The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Agricultural Trade

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    I extend Cho, Sheldon, and McCorriston's (2002) analysis of the effect of exchange rate volatility on agricultural trade among the G-10 countries to a broad sample of developed and developing nations. I replicate their original finding that exchange rate volatility has a large negative impact on agricultural trade between G-10 members. After controlling for agricultural export subsidies, which are correlated with exchange rate volatility, I show that the original impact declines by half. Using the extended sample, I find that the effect of exchange rate volatility is much larger for developing country exporters than for developed exporters. Copyright 2008, Oxford University Press.

    The development of intercultural competency in school psychology graduate students

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    School psychologists often have the opportunity to work with students and families from varied backgrounds and cultures. While this can be an exciting and enriching part of the job, it can also be daunting for some practitioners, particularly those who are inadequately prepared. A number of strategies have been implemented in school psychology training programs to improve students’ intercultural competency. This exploratory study investigated the results of one university’s short-term study abroad program for school psychology graduate students. Pre- and post- intercultural development assessments were given to school psychology graduate students who completed a course abroad; results were compared to students who took the same course on campus in the United States. Findings indicated that there was no measurable growth in intercultural competence in either group. Implications for school psychology training programs, suggestions for future research, and ways to improve intercultural competency among school psychologists are discussed
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