3,920 research outputs found

    Quark number susceptibilities, strangeness and dynamical confinement

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    We report first results on the strange quark number susceptibility, chi_s, over a large range of temperatures, mainly in the plasma phase of QCD. Chi_s jumps across the phase transition temperature, T_c, and grows rapidly with temperature above but close to T_c. For all quark masses and susceptibilities in the entire temperature range studied, we found significant departures from ideal-gas values. We also observed a strong correlation between these quantities and the susceptibility in the scalar/pseudo-scalar channel, supporting ideas of ``dynamical confinement'' in the high temperature phase of the QCD plasma.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ballistic-Ohmic quantum Hall plateau transition in graphene pn junction

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    Recent quantum Hall experiments conducted on disordered graphene pn junction provide evidence that the junction resistance could be described by a simple Ohmic sum of the n and p mediums' resistances. However in the ballistic limit, theory predicts the existence of chirality-dependent quantum Hall plateaus in a pn junction. We show that two distinctively separate processes are required for this ballistic-Ohmic plateau transition, namely (i) hole/electron Landau states equilibration and (ii) valley iso-spin dilution of the incident Landau edge state. These conclusions are obtained by a simple scattering theory argument, and confirmed numerically by performing ensembles of quantum magneto-transport calculations on a 0.1um-wide disordered graphene pn junction within the tight-binding model. The former process is achieved by pn interface roughness, where a pn interface disorder with a root-mean-square roughness of 10nm was found to suffice under typical experimental conditions. The latter process is mediated by extrinsic edge roughness for an armchair edge ribbon and by intrinsic localized intervalley scattering centers at the edge of the pn interface for a zigzag ribbon. In light of these results, we also examine why higher Ohmic type plateaus are less likely to be observable in experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Structure, bonding and magnetism in cobalt clusters

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    The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Con_n clusters (n=2n=2-20) have been investigated using density functional theory within the pseudopotential plane wave method. An unusual hexagonal growth pattern has been observed in the intermediate size range, n=15n=15-20. The cobalt atoms are ferromagnetically ordered and the calculated magnetic moments are found to be higher than that of corresponding hcp bulk value, which are in good agreement with the recent Stern-Gerlach experiments. The average coordination number is found to dominate over the average bond length to determine the effective hybridization and consequently the cluster magnetic moment.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    Does the QCD plasma contain propagating gluons?

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    Comparison of two appropriately chosen screening masses of colour singlet operators in the pure glue QCD plasma indicates that at sufficiently high temperature it contains a weakly-interacting massive quasi-particle with the quantum numbers of the electric gluon. Still in the deconfined phase, but closer to T_c, the same mass ratio is similar to that at zero temperature, indicating that the propagating modes are more glueball-like, albeit with a lower scale for the masses. We observe a continuity between these two regimes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Heavy Quark Diffusion and Lattice Correlators

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    We study charmonia correlators at finite temperature. We analyze to what extent heavy quarkonia correlators are sensitive to the effect of heavy quark transport and whether it is possible to constrain the heavy quark diffusion constant by lattice calculations. Preliminary lattice calculations of quarkonia correlators performed on anisotropic lattices show that they are sensitive to the effect of heavy quark transport, but much detailed calculations are required to constrain the value of the heavy quark diffusion constant.Comment: Based on talks presented on Lattice 2005, Extreme QCD 2005 and Quark Matter 2005, 5 pages, 4 Figure

    Effect of nonlinearity on the dynamics of a particle in dc field-induced systems

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    Dynamics of a particle in a perfect chain with one nonlinear impurity and in a perfect nonlinear chain under the action of dc field is studied numerically. The nonlinearity appears due to the coupling of the electronic motion to optical oscillators which are treated in adiabatic approximation. We study for both the low and high values of field strength. Three different range of nonlinearity is obtained where the dynamics is different. In low and intermediate range of nonlinearity, it reduces the localization. In fact in the intermediate range subdiffusive behavior in the perfect nonlinear chain is obtained for a long time. In all the cases a critical value of nonlinear strength exists where self-trapping transition takes place. This critical value depends on the system and the field strength. Beyond the self-trapping transition nonlinearity enhances the localization.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, 6 ps figures include

    "All-versus-nothing" proof of tripartite quantum steering and genuine entanglement certification in the two-sided device-independent scenario

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    We consider the task of certification of genuine entanglement of tripartite states. We first present an "all-versus-nothing" proof of tripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering by demonstrating the non-existence of a local hidden state (LHS) model in the tripartite network as a motivation to our main result. A full logical contradiction of the predictions of the LHS model with quantum mechanical outcome statistics for any three-qubit generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GGHZ) states and pure W-class states is shown, using which, one can distinguish between the GGHZ and W-class states in the two-sided device-independent (2SDI) steering scenario. We next formulate a 2SDI fine-grained steering inequality for the tripartite scenario. We show that the maximum quantum violation of this FGI can be used to certify genuine entanglement of three-qubit pure states.Comment: Analysis and results strengthened (sharp logical contradiction proofs of W-class states added), comments are welcom

    The continuum limit of quark number susceptibilities

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    We report the continuum limit of quark number susceptibilities in quenched QCD. Deviations from ideal gas behaviour at temperature T increase as the lattice spacing is decreased from T/4 to T/6, but a further decrease seems to have very little effect. The measured susceptibilities are 20% lower than the ideal gas values, and also 10% below the hard thermal loop (HTL) results. The off-diagonal susceptibility is several orders of magnitude smaller than the HTL results. We verify a strong correlation between the lowest screening mass and the susceptibility. We also show that the quark number susceptibilities give a reasonable account of the Wroblewski parameter, which measures the strangeness yield in a heavy-ion collision.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure