14 research outputs found

    Correction: A platform for nanomagnetism – assembled ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dipolar tubes

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    Correction for 'A platform for nanomagnetism – assembled ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dipolar tubes' by Igor Stanković et al., Nanoscale, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/c8nr06936k

    Minimum Drop-Loss Design of Microphotonic Microring-Resonator Channel Add-Drop Filters

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    Abstract-Microring-resonator filters have important applications as filtering elements in microphotonic circuits. In this paper, we address the question of optimum design of resonatorbased add-drop filters in the presence of finite losses, and show that symmetric coupling provides the optimum design. This conclusion contravenes previous work on this subject, and the oft-cited critically coupled resonator case. While the minimum bandwidth of a resonant filter is ultimately limited by intrinsic losses, i.e. the intrinsic Q, we show that the symmetric design can approach twice as narrow a linewidth as a critically coupled design for the same losses, in principle. We present a coupledmode theory (CMT) model, and a complete electromagnetic device design example based on finite-difference time-domain field simulations which validates our conclusions

    Incorporating Ecosystems in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Current Perspective and Future Directions

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    Integrated approaches for managing natural resources are needed to meet the increasing demand for freshwater, energy and food, while, in parallel, mitigating and adapting to climate change, maintaining the integrity of ecosystems, and ensuring equitable access to resources. The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus has been proposed as a cross-sectoral approach to understand, analyse, and manage the complex trade-offs and exploit synergies that arise among these resource sectors. Although not initially included as a component of the Nexus, the importance of ecosystems in supporting water, energy and food security is increasingly recognised by the Nexus community of researchers and practitioners. However, attempts to conceptually integrate Ecosystems into the Nexus have yet to converge into a common framework. A group of natural resources management researchers, system thinkers and ecosystem services experts from the European network COST Action CA20138 NEXUSNET have compiled and investigated the various approaches for integrating ecosystems in the WEF Nexus. By combining literature analysis with interdisciplinary workshops – one of which was held in a hybrid format (in person and online) at the University of Oulu, Finland, in September 2022 – we reveal a multiplicity of concepts utilised to represent, partially or fully, ecosystems in the Nexus, namely “natural environment”, “ecosystem services” and “biodiversity”. Disparity was also found in the role attributed to ecosystems in the Nexus framework, being it an underlying layer from which resources for Nexus sectors are extracted or the pillar of an expanded Nexus system – i.e., the WEF-Ecosystems Nexus. Through this collaborative effort, we present possible advantages and disadvantages of adopting differential WEF-Ecosystems Nexus approaches, highlighting their potential complementarity and integration to support future advancement of Nexus research. In the oral presentation, we will show our preliminary findings and encourage the exchange of ideas and feedback from the different scientific disciplines present at the CEMEPE Conference.Tenth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & SECOTOX Conference organized by: Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SECOTOX), Skiathos island, Greece, 2023

    Management of development of manufacturing enterprises in decentralization conditions

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    This article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on identifying the enterprise’s state to evaluate its effectiveness and optimize the target functions in solving enterprise development problems. The proposed scientific and methodological approach to modeling the enterprise development management system under decentralization conditions and its practical implementation makes it possible to determine the dominant development parameters of manufacturing enterprises that influence the United Territorial Community and to timely track the impulses and space of the United Territorial Community state, taking into account the PS state as parameters for its development. The proposed analysis of the Production System state within the United Territorial Community framework and evaluating its development dynamics shows the necessity of forming a system of generalized vector-scalar, situationally oriented indicators

    Management of development of manufacturing enterprises in decentralization conditions

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    This article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on identifying the enterprise’s state to evaluate its effectiveness and optimize the target functions in solving enterprise development problems. The proposed scientific and methodological approach to modeling the enterprise development management system under decentralization conditions and its practical implementation makes it possible to determine the dominant development parameters of manufacturing enterprises that influence the United Territorial Community and to timely track the impulses and space of the United Territorial Community state, taking into account the PS state as parameters for its development. The proposed analysis of the Production System state within the United Territorial Community framework and evaluating its development dynamics shows the necessity of forming a system of generalized vector-scalar, situationally oriented indicators

    Cold Rolling of Steel Strips with Metal-Working Coolants

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    The efficiency of cold rolling of steel strip in the main depends on the quality of technological lubricant and its cost. In this regard, it is important to develop new compositions of effective metalworking coolants that are low cost and provide maximum reduction in the friction coefficient. We developed and tested the new compositions of metalworking coolants on the basis of vegetable oil and chicken fat. The metalworking coolants were tested in Donbas State Engineering Academy (DSEA) on a laboratory rolling mill, 100 × 100, in cold rolling of 08Kp steel. The efficiency of the coolants was determined by the stretch ratio λ and the friction coefficient μ in the deformation zone, which was found by the forward slip method. We found the metalworking coolant with 100% concentration of boric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides is the most effective in the rolling of thin steel strips. Thus, the new metalworking coolants (MWC) on the basis of boric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides, synthesized on the basis of sunflower oil, can be recommended for use in the rolling of structural steels on account of its availability, high efficiency and low cost

    Efficient two-frequency ultrasound extraction of β-carotene from the fungus Blakeslea trispora

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    Carotenoids are known for their lower environmental pollution, lower costs, shorter extraction time compared to regular extraction methods and higher extraction efficiency. Ultrasound has significant advantages in the extraction of a great number of biologically active compounds including carotenoids. Benefits of using ultrasound for extraction of various compounds are numerous and include effective mixing and micro-mixing, more efficient energy transfer, reduced thermal and concentration gradients, reduced temperature. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of two-frequency ultrasound main parameters such as ultrasonic intensity, sonication time, and temperature. Application of two-frequency ultrasound (simultaneous influence of ultrasound with frequency of 20–46 kHz, intensity of 1.5–2.5 W/cm2 and frequency of 1.0–2.0 MHz, intensity of 2.0–3.0 W/cm2) raises the percentage of β-carotene extraction from biomass of the fungus Blakeslea trispora from 90–92% up to 98–99% in comparison with one frequency ultrasound. The recommended oil temperature for the extraction process is 35°C, because lower temperature leads to reduction of percentage of β-carotene extraction, and higher temperature promotes unjustified increase of expenditure of energy