124 research outputs found

    Modelado de las fuerzas de corte en el torneado de alta velocidad utilizando redes neuronales artificiales

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    Cutting forces are very important variables in machining performance because they affect surface roughness, cutting tool life, and energy consumption. Reducing electrical energy consumption in manufacturing processes not only provides economic benefits to manufacturers but also improves their environmental performance. Many factors, such as cutting tool material, cutting speed, and machining time, have an impact on cutting forces and energy consumption. Recently, many studies have investigated the energy consumption of machine tools; however, only a few have examined high-speed turning of plain carbon steel. This paper seeks to analyze the effects of cutting tool materials and cutting speed on cutting forces and Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) during dry high-speed turning of AISI 1045 steel. For this purpose, cutting forces were experimentally measured and compared with estimates of predictive models developed using polynomial regression and artificial neural networks. The resulting models were evaluated based on two performance metrics: coefficient of determination and root mean square error. According to the results, the polynomial models did not reach 70 % in the representation of the variability of the data. The cutting speed and machining time associated with the highest and lowest SEC of CT5015-P10 and GC4225-P25 inserts were calculated. The lowest SEC values of these cutting tools were obtained at a medium cutting speed. Also, the SEC of the GC4225 insert was found to be higher than that of the CT5015 tool.Las fuerzas de corte son variables muy importantes para el rendimiento del mecanizado, ya que afectan la rugosidad de la superficie, la vida útil de la herramienta de corte y el consumo de energía. La reducción del consumo de energía eléctrica de los procesos de fabricación no solo beneficia económicamente a los fabricantes, sino que también mejora su comportamiento medioambiental. Muchos factores, como el material de la herramienta de corte, la velocidad de corte y el tiempo de mecanizado, afectan la fuerza de corte y el consumo de energía de la máquina. En la actualidad, muchas investigaciones se han realizado sobre el consumo energético de las máquinas herramienta. Sin embargo, la investigación sobre torneado de acero al carbono a alta velocidad es escasa. En este trabajo se estudiaron los efectos de los materiales de las herramientas de corte y su velocidad sobre las fuerzas de corte y el consumo específico de energía en el torneado en seco de alta velocidad de acero AISI 1045. Las fuerzas de corte se determinaron experimentalmente y se compararon con las estimaciones de los modelos predictivos desarrollados mediante regresión polinomial y redes neuronales artificiales. Los modelos obtenidos fueron evaluados según métricas de desempeño como el coeficiente de determinación y la raíz del error cuadrático medio, donde los modelos polinomiales no superaron el 70% en la representación de la variabilidad de los datos. Se determinó la velocidad de corte y el tiempo de mecanizado relacionados con el mayor y menor consumo de energía de las plaquitas CT5015-P10 y GC4225-P25. Los valores más bajos de consumo de energía de estas herramientas se alcanzaron para la velocidad de corte intermedia. Además, la plaquita GC4225 presentó un mayor consumo que la herramienta CT5015

    Near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool for in vivo analysis of human muscles

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    Recent advances in materials and fabrication techniques provided portable, performant, sensing optical spectrometers readily operated by user-friendly cabled or wireless systems. Such systems allow rapid, non-invasive, and not destructive quantitative analysis of human tissues. This proof-of-principle investigation tested whether infrared spectroscopy techniques, currently utilized in a variety of areas, could be applied in living humans to categorize muscles. Using an ASD FieldSpec\uae 4 Standard-Res Spectroradiometer with a spectral sampling capability of 1.4 nm at 350\u20131000 nm and 1.1 nm at 1001\u20132500 nm, we acquired reflectance spectra in visible short-wave infra-red regions (350\u20132500 nm) from the upper limb muscles (flexors and extensors) of 20 healthy subjects (age 25\u201389 years, 9 women). Spectra off-line analysis included preliminary preprocessing, Principal Component Analysis, and Partial Least-Squares Discriminant Analysis. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy proved valuable for noninvasive assessment of tissue optical properties in vivo. In addition to the non-invasive detection of tissue oxygenation, NIR spectroscopy provided the spectral signatures (ie, \u201cfingerprints\u201d) of upper limb flexors and extensors, which represent specific, accurate, and reproducible measures of the overall biological status of these muscles. Thus, non-invasive NIR spectroscopy enables more thorough evaluation of the muscular system and optimal monitoring of the effectiveness of therapeutic or rehabilitative interventions

    Nabiximols effect on blood pressure and heart rate in post-stroke patients of a randomized controlled study

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    Background: Cannabinoids may be useful to treat pain, epilepsy and spasticity, although they may bear an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This study aims to evaluate the cardiovascular safety of nabiximols, a cannabis-based drug, in patients with spasticity following stroke, thus presenting an increased cardiovascular risk. Methods: This is an ancillary study stemming from the SativexStroke trial: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study aimed at assessing the effect of nabiximols on post-stroke spasticity. Patients were treated with nabiximols oromucosal spray or placebo and assessed before and after two phases of 1-month duration each. Only the phase with the active treatment was considered for each patient who completed the study. The average values of blood pressure (diastolic, systolic, differential) and heart rate from the first 5 days of the phase (lowest nabiximols dosage) were compared to the average values recorded during the last 5 days at the end of the phase (highest nabiximols dosage). Baseline comparisons between gender, stroke type and affected side and correlation between age and blood pressure and heart rate were performed. The study was registered with the EudraCT number 2016-001034-10. Results: Thirty-four patients completed the study and were included in the analysis. Thirty-one were taking antihypertensive drugs and, among these, 12 were taking beta-blockers. During the study, no arrhythmic events were recorded, blood pressure and heart rate did not show pathological fluctuations, and no cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events occurred. At baseline blood pressure and heart rate were comparable concerning gender, stroke type and affected side. A significant direct correlation emerged between differential blood pressure and age and an inverse correlation between diastolic blood pressure and age. No correlation emerged between systolic blood pressure or heart rate and age. Blood pressure and heart rate did not change during nabiximols treatment compared to the baseline condition. Conclusion: This ancillary study adds evidence that, in patients who already underwent a cerebrovascular accident, nabiximols does not determine significant blood pressure and heart rate variation or cardiovascular complications. These data support the cardiovascular safety of nabiximols, encouraging more extensive studies involving cannabinoids characterized by slow absorption rates

    The Ventricular System Enlarges Abnormally in the Seventies, Earlier in Men, and First in the Frontal Horn: A Study Based on More Than 3,000 Scans

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    Objectives: To detect on computed tomography (CT) brain scans the trajectories of normal and abnormal ventricular enlargement during aging. Methods: For each 1-year age cohort, we assessed in 3,193 axial CT scans the Evans’ index (EI) in the anterior frontal horns and the parieto-occipital (POR) and temporal ratio (TR) in the posterior and inferior horns. Cut-off values for abnormal enlargement were based on previous clinical studies. Results: The mean age associated with normal linear measures was 71 years. Values for all three measures increased with age, showing a linear relationship below—but not above—each cut-off value. The mean age of participants with abnormal enlargement on CT progressed from 79 years for EI to 83 years for POR to 87 years for TR. These results suggested that ventricular dilatation progresses in an age–location relationship. First comes enlargement of the frontal horns (13.8% of scans), followed by the parieto-occipital horns (15.1% of scans) and then temporal horn enlargement (6.8% of scans). Scans from men displayed abnormal values earlier than scans from women (on average 6 years). Risk increased 5.1% annually for abnormal EI, 9.0% for abnormal POR, and 11% for abnormal TR (all p < 0.001). The most frequent agreement between categories (normal–abnormal) for values of neuroimaging measures was identified for POR–TR. Conclusion: The results of this large radiological study suggest that the ventricular system enlarges progressively during aging, and in a subset of patients follows an abnormal consecutive geometric dilatation, influenced by age and sex

    The effect of verbal encouragement on performance and muscle fatigue in swimming

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    Background and Objectives: Verbal encouragement (VE) can be used to enhance performance in several sports, even though no studies have been conducted among swimmers and only a few effects have been reported in elite athletes. Besides influencing motor performance, VE is also known to enhance the physical load, thus potentially increasing the probability of developing fatigue. With this in mind, this study aimed to explore the effects of VE in swimmers in order to fill in the knowledge gap concerning the aquatic environment. Materials and Methods: Each athlete swam a maximal 200 m freestyle trial under two different conditions: one trial with VE and the other without VE. The two main outcome measures were: (1) performance velocity (m/s); and (2) muscle fatigue, investigated by means of surface electromyography. Sixty swimmers were recruited, aged 18.63 ± 3.46 years (median 18 years), 28 men (47%), and 32 women (53%), with 7.03 ± 3.9 years of experience. Results: With VE, performance significantly improved in the swim trial (p < 0.001, effect size (ES) −0.95, large). When breaking the results down into the first half (first (0–100 m) vs. the second half (100–200 m)), the ES was large in the first part (−1.11), indicating an improvement in performance. This worsened, however, in the second part of the trial (ES 0.63). In the multivariate analysis, years of experience were found to be a significant predictor of the change in overall performance (p = 0.011). There was a significant increase in muscle fatigue induced by VE, overall, and during the second half, but not during the first half of the trial. Conclusions: The present study indicates that VE during a middle-distance event (200 m) increases performance most in swimmers with little experience. However, it has a negative impact on fatigue

    Swimming and the human microbiome at the intersection of sports, clinical, and environmental sciences. A scoping review of the literature

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    The human microbiota is comprised of more than 10–100 trillion microbial taxa and symbiotic cells. Two major human sites that are host to microbial communities are the gut and the skin. Physical exercise has favorable effects on the structure of human microbiota and metabolite production in sedentary subjects. Recently, the concept of “athletic microbiome” has been introduced. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no review specifically addressing the potential role of microbiomics for swimmers, since each sports discipline requires a specific set of techniques, training protocols, and interactions with the athletic infrastructure/facility. Therefore, to fill in this gap, the present scoping review was undertaken. Four studies were included, three focusing on the gut microbiome, and one addressing the skin microbiome. It was found that several exercise-related variables, such as training volume/intensity, impact the athlete’s microbiome, and specifically the non-core/peripheral microbiome, in terms of its architecture/composition, richness, and diversity. Swimming-related power-/sprint- and endurance-oriented activities, acute bouts and chronic exercise, anaerobic/aerobic energy systems have a differential impact on the athlete’s microbiome. Therefore, their microbiome can be utilized for different purposes, including talent identification, monitoring the effects of training methodologies, and devising ad hoc conditioning protocols, including dietary supplementation. Microbiomics can be exploited also for clinical purposes, assessing the effects of exposure to swimming pools and developing potential pharmacological strategies to counteract the insurgence of skin infections/inflammation, including acne. In conclusion, microbiomics appears to be a promising tool, even though current research is still limited, warranting, as such, further studies

    Planetary sleep medicine. Studying sleep at the individual, population, and planetary level

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    Circadian rhythms are a series of endogenous autonomous oscillators that are generated by the molecular circadian clock which coordinates and synchronizes internal time with the external environment in a 24-h daily cycle (that can also be shorter or longer than 24 h). Besides daily rhythms, there exist as well other biological rhythms that have different time scales, including seasonal and annual rhythms. Circadian and other biological rhythms deeply permeate human life, at any level, spanning from the molecular, subcellular, cellular, tissue, and organismal level to environmental exposures, and behavioral lifestyles. Humans are immersed in what has been called the “circadian landscape,“ with circadian rhythms being highly pervasive and ubiquitous, and affecting every ecosystem on the planet, from plants to insects, fishes, birds, mammals, and other animals. Anthropogenic behaviors have been producing a cascading and compounding series of effects, including detrimental impacts on human health. However, the effects of climate change on sleep have been relatively overlooked. In the present narrative review paper, we wanted to offer a way to re-read/re-think sleep medicine from a planetary health perspective. Climate change, through a complex series of either direct or indirect mechanisms, including (i) pollution- and poor air quality-induced oxygen saturation variability/hypoxia, (ii) changes in light conditions and increases in the nighttime, (iii) fluctuating temperatures, warmer values, and heat due to extreme weather, and (iv) psychological distress imposed by disasters (like floods, wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, and infectious outbreaks by emerging and reemerging pathogens) may contribute to inducing mismatches between internal time and external environment, and disrupting sleep, causing poor sleep quantity and quality and sleep disorders, such as insomnia, and sleep-related breathing issues, among others. Climate change will generate relevant costs and impact more vulnerable populations in underserved areas, thus widening already existing global geographic, age-, sex-, and gender-related inequalities

    Not all forms of muscle hypertonia worsen with fatigue. A pilot study in para swimmers

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    In hypertonic muscles of patients with upper motor neuron syndrome (UMNS), investigation with surface electromyography (EMG) with the muscle in a shortened position and during passive muscle stretch allows to identify two patterns underlying hypertonia: spasticity and spastic dystonia. We recently observed in Para swimmers that the effect of fatigue on hypertonia can be different from subject to subject. Our goal was, therefore, to understand whether this divergent behavior may depend on the specific EMG pattern underlying hypertonia. We investigated eight UMNS Para swimmers (five men, mean age 23.25 ± 3.28 years), affected by cerebral palsy, who presented muscle hypertonia of knee flexors and extensors. Muscle tone was rated using the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS). EMG patterns were investigated in rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) before and after two fatiguing motor tasks of increasing intensity. Before the fatiguing tasks, two subjects (#2 and 7) had spasticity and one subject (#5) had spastic dystonia in both RF and BF. Two subjects (#3 and 4) showed spasticity in RF and spastic dystonia in BF, whereas one subject (#1) had spasticity in RF and no EMG activity in BF. The remaining two subjects (#6 and 8) had spastic dystonia in RF and no EMG activity in BF. In all the 16 examined muscles, these EMG patterns persisted after the fatiguing tasks. Spastic dystonia increased (p < 0.05), while spasticity did not change (p > 0.05). MAS scores increased only in the muscles affected by spastic dystonia. Among the phenomena possibly underlying hypertonia, only spastic dystonia is fatigue-dependent. Technical staff and medical classifiers should be aware of this specificity, because, in athletes with spastic dystonia, intense and prolonged motor activity could negatively affect competitive performance, creating a situation of unfairness among Para athletes belonging to the same sports class

    The exported protein PbCP1 localises to cleft-like structures in the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei

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    Protein export into the host red blood cell is one of the key processes in the pathobiology of the malaria parasite Plasmodiumtrl falciparum, which extensively remodels the red blood cell to ensure its virulence and survival. In this study, we aimed to shed further light on the protein export mechanisms in the rodent malaria parasite P. berghei and provide further proof of the conserved nature of host cell remodeling in Plasmodium spp. Based on the presence of an export motif (R/KxLxE/Q/D) termed PEXEL (Plasmodium export element), we have generated transgenic P. berghei parasite lines expressing GFP chimera of putatively exported proteins and analysed one of the newly identified exported proteins in detail. This essential protein, termed PbCP1 (P. berghei Cleft-like Protein 1), harbours an atypical PEXEL motif (RxLxY) and is further characterised by two predicted transmembrane domains (2TMD) in the C-terminal end of the protein. We have functionally validated the unusual PEXEL motif in PbCP1 and analysed the role of the 2TMD region, which is required to recruit PbCP1 to discrete membranous structures in the red blood cell cytosol that have a convoluted, vesico-tubular morphology by electron microscopy. Importantly, this study reveals that rodent malaria species also induce modifications to their host red blood cell