230 research outputs found

    A sharp look at the gravitationally lensed quasar SDSS J0806+2006 with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics

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    We present the first VLT near-IR observations of a gravitationally lensed quasar, using adaptive optics and laser guide star. These observations can be considered as a test bench for future systematic observations of lensed quasars with adaptive optics, even when bright natural guide stars are not available in the nearby field. With only 14 minutes of observing time, we derived very accurate astrometry of the quasar images and of the lensing galaxy, with 0.05 \arcsec spatial resolution, comparable to the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). In combination with deep VLT optical spectra of the quasar images, we use our adaptive optics images to constrain simple models for the mass distribution of the lensing galaxy. The latter is almost circular and does not need any strong external shear to fit the data. The time delay predicted for SDSS0806+2006, assuming a singular isothermal ellipsoid model and the concordance cosmology, is Delta t \simeq 50 days. Our optical spectra indicate a flux ratio between the quasar images of A/B=1.3 in the continuum and A/B=2.2 in both the MgII and in the CIII] broad emission lines. This suggests that microlensing affects the continuum emission. However, the constant ratio between the two emission lines indicates that the broad emission line region is not microlensed. Finally, we see no evidence of reddening by dust in the lensing galaxy.Comment: 4 pages, Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Discussion slightly expanded with respect to v1. Typos correcte

    Characterizing Entanglement Sources

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    We discuss how to characterize entanglement sources with finite sets of measurements. The measurements do not have to be tomographically complete, and may consist of POVMs rather than von Neumann measurements. Our method yields a probability that the source generates an entangled state as well as estimates of any desired calculable entanglement measures, including their error bars. We apply two criteria, namely Akaike's information criterion and the Bayesian information criterion, to compare and assess different models (with different numbers of parameters) describing entanglement-generating devices. We discuss differences between standard entanglement-verificaton methods and our present method of characterizing an entanglement source.Comment: This submission, together with the next one, supersedes arXiv:0806.416

    Spectroscopic Redshifts for Seven Lens Galaxies

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    We report VLT observations of 11 lensed quasars, designed to measure the redshifts of their lens galaxies. We successfully determined the redshifts for seven systems, five of which were previously unknown. The securely measured redshifts for the lensing galaxies are: HE0047-1756 z=0.408; PMNJ0134-0931 z=0.766; HE0230-2130 z=0.522; HE0435-1223 z=0.455; SDSS0924+021 z=0.393; LBQS1009-025 z=0.871; and WFIJ2033-472 z=0.658. For four additional systems (BRI0952-0115, Q1017-207, Q1355-2257 and PMNJ1632-003) we estimate tentative redshifts based on some features in their spectra.Comment: 8 pages, ApJ, submitte

    Testing a new analytic model for gravitational lensing probabilities

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    We study gravitational lensing with a multiple lens plane approach, proposing a simple analytical model for the probability distribution function (PDF) of the dark matter convergence, kappa, for the different lens planes in a given cosmology as a function of redshift and smoothing angle, theta. The model is fixed solely by the variance of kappa, which in turn is fixed by the amplitude of the power spectrum, sigma_8. We test the PDF against a high resolution Tree-Particle-Mesh simulation and find that it is far superior to the Gaussian or the lognormal, especially for small values of theta << 1 arcmin and at large values of kappa relevant to strong lensing. With this model, we predict the probabilities of strong lensing by a single plane or by multiple planes. We find that for theta ~ 10 arcsec, a single plane accounts for almost all (~ 98%) of the strong lensing cases for source redshift unity. However, for a more typical source redshift of 4, about 12% of the strong lensing cases will result from the contribution of a secondary clump of matter along the line of sight, introducing a systematic error in the determination of the surface density of clusters, typically overestimating it by about 2-5%. We also find that matter inhomogenieties introduce a dispersion in the value of the angular diameter distance about its cosmological mean. The probable error relative to the mean increases with redshift to a value of about 8% for z ~ 6 and theta ~ 10 arcsec.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 13 pages, 12 figures, revised version, references added, section 6 expande

    Finding rare objects and building pure samples: Probabilistic quasar classification from low resolution Gaia spectra

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    We develop and demonstrate a probabilistic method for classifying rare objects in surveys with the particular goal of building very pure samples. It works by modifying the output probabilities from a classifier so as to accommodate our expectation (priors) concerning the relative frequencies of different classes of objects. We demonstrate our method using the Discrete Source Classifier, a supervised classifier currently based on Support Vector Machines, which we are developing in preparation for the Gaia data analysis. DSC classifies objects using their very low resolution optical spectra. We look in detail at the problem of quasar classification, because identification of a pure quasar sample is necessary to define the Gaia astrometric reference frame. By varying a posterior probability threshold in DSC we can trade off sample completeness and contamination. We show, using our simulated data, that it is possible to achieve a pure sample of quasars (upper limit on contamination of 1 in 40,000) with a completeness of 65% at magnitudes of G=18.5, and 50% at G=20.0, even when quasars have a frequency of only 1 in every 2000 objects. The star sample completeness is simultaneously 99% with a contamination of 0.7%. Including parallax and proper motion in the classifier barely changes the results. We further show that not accounting for class priors in the target population leads to serious misclassifications and poor predictions for sample completeness and contamination. (Truncated)Comment: MNRAS accepte

    Hevin is down-regulated in many cancers and is a negative regulator of cell growth and proliferation

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    We have cloned a human Hevin cDNA from omental adipose tissue of different patients by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and shown a sequence variation due to a possible polymorphism at amino acid position 161 (E/G). Hevin protein expressed in vitro showed molecular weights of approximately 75 kDa and 150 kDa, suggesting that Hevin may form a homodimer in vitro. Using Northern blots and a human expressed sequence tAg database analysis, Hevin was shown to be widely expressed in human normal or non-neoplastic diseased tissues with various levels. In contrast to this, its expression was strongly down-regulated in most neoplastic cells or tissues tested. However, neither the mechanism nor the physiological meaning of this down-regulation is known. As an initial step towards investigating the functional role of Hevin in cell growth and differentiation, we transiently or stably expressed this gene in cancer cells (HeLa 3S) that are devoid of endogenous Hevin and measured DNA synthesis (cell proliferation) by 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine incorporation. Hevin was shown to be a negative regulator of cell proliferation. Furthermore, we have shown that Hevin can inhibit progression of cells from G1 to S phase or prolong G1 phase. This is the first report which describes the function of Hevin in cell growth and proliferation. Through database analysis, Hevin was found to be located on chromosome 4 which contains loss of heterozygosity of many tumour suppressor genes. Taken together, these results suggest that Hevin may be a candidate for a tumour suppressor gene and a potential target for cancer diagnosis/therapy. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Curvature of the Universe and Observed Gravitational Lens Image Separations Versus Redshift

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    In a flat, k=0 cosmology with galaxies that approximate singular isothermal spheres, gravitational lens image separations should be uncorrelated with source redshift. But in an open k=-1 cosmology such gravitational lens image separations become smaller with increasing source redshift. The observed separations do become smaller with increasing source redshift but the effect is even stronger than that expected in an Omega=0 cosmology. The observations are thus not compatible with the "standard" gravitational lensing statistics model in a flat universe. We try various open and flat cosmologies, galaxy mass profiles, galaxy merging and evolution models, and lensing aided by clusters to explain the correlation. We find the data is not compatible with any of these possibilities within the 95% confidence limit, leaving us with a puzzle. If we regard the observed result as a statistical fluke, it is worth noting that we are about twice as likely to observe it in an open universe (with 0<Omega<0.4) as we are to observe it in a flat one. Finally, the existence of an observed multiple image lens system with a source at z=4.5 places a lower limit on the deceleration parameter: q_0 > -2.0.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, AASTeX

    Gravitational Lensing, Dark Matter and the Optical Gravitational Lens Experiment

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    After briefly reviewing the history of gravitational lensing, we recall the basic principles of the theory. We then describe and use a simple optical gravitational lens experiment which has the virtue of accounting for all types of image configurations observed so far among the presently known gravitational lens systems. Finally, we briefly present the 4m International Liquid Mirror Telescope project in the context of a photometric monitoring of multiply imaged quasars