89 research outputs found

    Effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharide exposure on immune responsiveness in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease

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    The effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on immune modulation in rats subjected to a right-unilateral lesion of the substantia nigra neurons by means of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), were investigated. LPS administration (250 μg) significantly decreases the total number of leukocytes and erythrocytes, as well as the hemoglobin level in the 6-OHDAlesioned rats. In addition, LPS administration was also associated with an increase, relative to control, in the erythrocyte indexes and the phagocytosis by neutrophils, and in blastic transformation of T lymphocytes. The obtained data indicated that LPS exposure might represent a risk factor for the development of the immunological changes associated with Parkinson’s disease

    The association between cholesterol levels and brachial/aortic augmentation index versus cognitive status in patients with cardiovascular risk factors

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    Cardiovascular pathology appears to have a major impact in cognitive decline, and early identification and correction of cardiovascular morbidity could have a major protective impact on cognitive functioning. However, it is not clear how the risk factors for vascular disease can also be risk factors for a general cognitive decline. Regarding cholesterol, its implications in cognitive decline are not very well understood, considering that a high level of cholesterol has been associated with both an increased and decreased risk of dementia. In the present context, we decided to study correlations between cholesterol concentration and the various subdomains of some main psychometric tests, such as MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination) and MoCA (The Montreal Cognitive Assessment), as well as some measurements for systemic arterial stiffness (brachial and aortic augmentation index) and how they correlate with the aforementioned psychometric parameters. Our results provide additional evidence for a correlation between cholesterol levels and cognitive subdomains (with special focus on orientation, attention, recent memory and long-term memory). Additionally, a significant correlation was found between the brachial and aortic augmentation index and the results of both MMSE and MOCA tests

    Influence of environmental colors and long-term sex isolation on zebrafish shoaling behavior

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    Paper description: Zebrafish social behavior is mediated by different means of communication (chemical and visual). The potential influence of environmental coloring on the shoaling preference of Danio rerio has not been studied. Sex-related differences were found. Unlike females, male fish shoaled more with another male and less with a potential sexual partner. We did not find a significant influence of environmental coloring on social preference patterns. These results are an addition to the insufficient literature in this research area, which is generally characterized by underestimation of sex-related differences in the zebrafish social behavior. Abstract: Zebrafish has a complex social behavior and little is known about the role of sexual preference and their environmental social interactions. In this study we investigated the potential influence of environmental colors and shoaling preferences of zebrafish male and female populations, with a focus on visual communication. Males and females were kept for 7 days in gender-isolated tanks, with a specific habitat color for each group: green for males and red for females. After the pre-test period, all the animals were kept separated and 8 noninvasive behavioral tests were conducted in a T-maze, with the application of different visual stimuli. We did not observe any clear influence of environmental coloring on social zebrafish choices. Significant sex-related differences were found in shoaling partner preference (i.e. same sex vs. other sex, one fish vs. three fish) as follows: females showed a tendency to avoid other females and spent more time with males. Male fish did not display a preference between one or three fish stimuli and they shoaled more with another male and less with a potential sexual partner. There was an obvious difference between males and females in responses and selection of shoaling partners. https://doi.org/10.2298/ABS190118015L Received: January 18, 2019; Revised: February 23, 2019; Accepted: March 5, 2019; Published online: March 19, 2019 How to cite this article: Lenzi C, Grasso C, Nicoara M, Savuca A, Ciobica A, Plavan GI, Strungaru SA. Influence of environmental colors and long-term sex isolation on zebrafish shoaling behavior. Arch Biol Sci. 2019;71(2):329-37

    Concept of Suicide: Neurophysiological/Genetic Theories and Possible Oxytocin Relevance

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    The suicidal behavior is regarded as the act by which a person seeks to take his life, being aware of the consequences of his action. In our review, besides describing the main introductory aspects for the concept of suicide, we focus our attention on the main neurophysiological and genetical mechanisms relevant for this extremely difficult to manage and controversial behavior. Moreover, considering the latest interests in the current literature on the relevance of central oxytocin to various superior cognitive behaviors, we will also make a short description on how important effects of oxytocin could be in the context of suicidal behavior.Суїцидальна поведінка – це дії, в результаті яких особа намагається позбавити себе життя, усвідомлюючи наслідки таких дій. У даному огляді, окрім опису основних загальних аспектів концепції суїциду, ми концентрували увагу на основних нейрофізіологічних та генетичних аспектах, котрі мають відношення до цього вкрай важко контрольованого та повного протиріч типу поведінки. Окрім того, враховуючи велику цікавість, яку викликає в сучасній літературі задіяність центральної окситоцинової системи в контроль когнітивної поведінки вищих типів, ми надали короткий опис того, наскільки ефекти окситоцину можуть бути важливими в контексті суїцидальної поведінки

    Is Oxytocin Relevant for the Affective Disorders?

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    A DFT Study of CH x

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