27 research outputs found

    Selective Light-Triggered Release of DNA from Gold Nanorods Switches Blood Clotting On and Off

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    Blood clotting is a precise cascade engineered to form a clot with temporal and spatial control. Current control of blood clotting is achieved predominantly by anticoagulants and thus inherently one-sided. Here we use a pair of nanorods (NRs) to provide a two-way switch for the blood clotting cascade by utilizing their ability to selectively release species on their surface under two different laser excitations. We selectively trigger release of a thrombin binding aptamer from one nanorod, inhibiting blood clotting and resulting in increased clotting time. We then release the complementary DNA as an antidote from the other NR, reversing the effect of the aptamer and restoring blood clotting. Thus, the nanorod pair acts as an on/off switch. One challenge for nanobiotechnology is the bio-nano interface, where coronas of weakly adsorbed proteins can obscure biomolecular function. We exploit these adsorbed proteins to increase aptamer and antidote loading on the nanorods.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMR #0906838

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Maximizing RNA loading for gene silencing using porous silicon nanoparticles

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    Gene silencing by RNA interference is a powerful technology with broad applications. However, this technology has been hampered by the instability of small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules in physiological conditions and their inefficient delivery into the cytoplasm of target cells. Porous silicon nanoparticles have emerged as a potential delivery vehicle to overcome these limitations-being able to encapsulate RNA molecules within the porous matrix and protect them from degradation. Here, key variables were investigated that influence siRNA loading into porous silicon nanoparticles. The effect of modifying the surface of porous silicon nanoparticles with various amino-functional molecules as well as the effects of salt and chaotropic agents in facilitating siRNA loading was examined. Maximum siRNA loading of 413 μg/(mg of porous silicon nanoparticles) was found when the nanoparticles were modified by a fourth generation polyamidoamine dendrimer. Low concentrations of urea or salt increased loading capacity: an increase in RNA loading by 19% at a concentration of 0.05 M NaCl or 21% at a concentration of 0.25 M urea was observed when compared to loading in water. Lastly, it was demonstrated that dendrimer-functionalized nanocarriers are able to deliver siRNA against ELOVL5, a target for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.Terence Tieu, Sameer Dhawan, V. Haridas, Lisa M. Butler, Helmut Thissen, Anna Cifuentes-Rius, Nicolas H. Voelcke

    Engineering Micro–Nanomaterials for Biomedical Translation

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    Engineered nano–bio interfaces–driven by vertical micro/nanoneedles, nanoparticles, organ‐on‐chip devices, and a diversity of nanosubstrates for mass spectroscopy imaging–are spurring scientific and technological progress, from fundamental to transnational biomedical research. Each class has its own characteristic features, which is critical for their translational uptake, but they broadly share the same range of functionality and applicability at the forefront of modern research and medicine. The review provides insights into unique attributes of microneedle technology and its ability for efficient transdermal transport of therapeutic compounds. The uses of nanoneedle technology in precise manipulation of increasingly complex cellular processes at the cell–material interface and their potential for major improvements for many fundamental research applications and ex vivo cell‐based therapies are highlighted. A snapshot in the use of food and drug administration (FDA)‐approved nanoparticle therapeutics and their applications in nanomedicine is provided. The achievements in organ‐on‐chip technology, particularly at the preclinical stage, and its potential to efficiently screen diverse types of therapeutics are covered. The final section is dedicated to the use of nanomaterial‐enhanced mass spectrometry in drug discovery and imaging. Overall, this review aims to highlight those main rules in the design of bio–nano interfaces that have successfully achieved translation into the market

    Patient-derived prostate cancer explants: a clinically relevant model to assess siRNA-based nanomedicines

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    Over the last thirty years, research in nanomedicine has widely been focused on applications in cancer therapeutics. However, despite the plethora of reported nanoscale drug delivery systems that can successfully eradicate solid tumor xenografts in vivo, many of these formulations have not yet achieved clinical translation. This issue particularly pertains to the delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA), a highly attractive tool for selective gene targeting. One of the likely reasons behind the lack of translation is that current in vivo models fail to recapitulate critical elements of clinical solid tumors that may influence drug response, such as cellular heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment. This study incorporates a more clinically relevant model for assessing siRNA delivery systems; ex vivo culture of prostate cancer harvested from patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy, denoted patient-derived explants (PDE). The model retains native human tissue architecture, microenvironment, and cell signaling pathways. Porous silicon nanoparticles (pSiNPs) behavior in this model is investigated and compared with commonly used 3D cancer cell spheroids for their efficacy in the delivery of siRNA directed against the androgen receptor (AR), a key driver of prostate cancer.Terence Tieu, Swati Irani, Kayla L. Bremert, Natalie K. Ryan, Marcin Wojnilowicz, Madison Helm, Helmut Thissen, Nicolas H. Voelcker, Lisa M. Butler, and Anna Cifuentes-Riu

    Targeted camptothecin delivery via silicon nanoparticles reduces breast cancer metastasis

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    In advanced breast cancer (BCa) patients, not the primary tumor, but the development of distant metastases, which occur mainly in the organ bone, and their adverse health effects are responsible for high mortality. Targeted delivery of already known drugs which displayed potency, but rather unfavorable pharmacokinetic properties, might be a promising approach to overcome the current limitations of metastatic BCa therapy. Camptothecin (CPT) is a highly cytotoxic chemotherapeutic compound, yet poorly water-soluble and non-specific. Here, CPT was loaded into porous silicon nanoparticles (pSiNP) displaying the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-targeting antibody (Ab) cetuximab to generate a soluble and targeted nanoscale delivery vehicle for cancer treatment. After confirming the cytotoxic effect of targeted CPT-loaded pSiNP in vitro on MDA-MB-231BO cells, nanoparticles were studied in a humanized BCa bone metastasis mouse model. Humanized tissue-engineered bone constructs (hTEBCs) provided a humanized microenvironment for BCa bone metastases in female NOD-scid IL2Rgnull (NSG) mice. Actively targeted CPT-loaded pSiNP led to a reduction of orthotopic primary tumor growth, increased survival rate and significant decrease in hTEBC and murine lung, liver and bone metastases. This study demonstrates that targeted delivery via pSiNP is an effective approach to employ CPT and other potent anti-cancer compounds with poor pharmacokinetic profiles in cancer therapy