782 research outputs found

    Verbs in English and Toba Batak Language

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    The objectives of this study is restricted to investigating and describing similarities and differences of the two languages about verbs in English and Toba Batak Language, included in terms of types, functions, and forms. This study was applied by descriptive qualitative design. The data was taken an observe about Toba Batak language from some of informant and text book. The findings describied that there were some similarities and differences verbs in English and Toba Batak Language. Both the languages, the similarities describied the functions of verb has as predicates, noun phrase modifiers, adjective phrase complements, subjects, suject complements and using to be as verbs. The analysis also shown the differences as how the pattern verbs using tenses in both of the languages, the verbs using affixes. In conclusion, there are similarities and differences of verbs in English and Toba Batak Language

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    Tingkat Pencemaran Waduk Penjalin Kecamatan Paguyangan Kabupaten Brebes Ditinjau dari Struktur Komunitas Plankton

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    Penjalin Reservoir is located in Brebes Regency, Indonesia. Human activity around Penjalin Reservoir, such as irrigation, aquaculture, and sanitation can affect its water\u27s quality. Plankton can be used as bioindicator since its existence is heavily affected by water physical and chemical factors. Polluted waters can affect diversity and abundance of plankton. The purpose of this research were to determine waters quality of Penjalin Reservoir, to know plankton community structure (abundance, diversity, and domination), and pollution level of each sampling station based on plankton diversity. This research used survey method on 6 sampling stations covering inlet, middle of reservoir, and outlet with 3 replicates and 4 weeks interval. Water quality were analyzed descriptively based on criteria of PP No. 82 Tahun 2001. Abundance and diversity were estimated as Shanon-Wiener index. Domination were estimated as Simpson index. Plankton abundance values varies from 4,970.30 to 12,923.37 ind/l with the most abundant species was Tetraedon minimum. Diversity index (H\u27) were high with value around 3.28–3.55 and domination index were around 0.04–0.07. These diversity indexes showed that the water quality of Penjalin Reservoir were not polluted

    Faktor- Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Perilaku Ibu Dalam Pemberian Sarapan Pagi Pada Anak Di SD St.thomas 1 Medan Tahun 2013

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    Breakfast is the food and drink that provide energy and other nutrientsthat were consumed in the morning. Breakfast is human need that should beregularly. Humans need to have breakfast,because it use to supply the sufficiencyof energy for daily activities. If you don't have itt, your body will not have energyto do your activity.This study was aimed to determine factors that influence mother behaviorin the provision of breakfast to children in elementary school of St.Thomas 1Medan. Some factor that influence were age, education, employment, knowledgeand attitude. This research was a quantitative analytic study. The population ofthis study were all of students in St. Thomas 1 elementary school and 85 mothersof the student. The sampling technique was using stratified random sampling. Thedata was obtained by questionnaires and interviews and analyzed used Chi-Square test.The research results showed that there was no correlation (p> 0.05)between age, education, employment and mother's behavior on giving breakfastand there was a correlation (p <0.05) between knowledge, attitude and mother'sbehavior on giving breakfast.As recommendation in this study, the parents should give more attentionand increase nutrition needs, especially in its quality and breakfast behavior oftheir children
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