22 research outputs found

    The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders

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    Consistent failure over the past few decades to reduce the high prevalence of stress-related disorders has motivated a search for alternative research strategies. Resilience refers to the phenomenon of many people maintaining mental health despite exposure to psychological or physical adversity. Instead of aiming to understand the pathophysiology of stress-related disorders, resilience research focuses on protective mechanisms that shield people against the development of such disorders and tries to exploit its insights to improve treatment and, in particular, disease prevention. To fully harness the potential of resilience research, a critical appraisal of the current state of the art — in terms of basic concepts and key methods — is needed. We highlight challenges to resilience research and make concrete conceptual and methodological proposals to improve resilience research. Most importantly, we propose to focus research on the dynamic processes of successful adaptation to stressors in prospective longitudinal studies.In preparing this Perspective, U.B. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG CRC 1193, subproject C06); G.A.B. by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (project 2013067), David and Maureen O’Connor, and the Rockefeller Foundation (2012-RLC 304); A.C. by DFG CRC 1193, subproject C04; E.B. by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme (EU H2020/705217); C.J.F. by DFG CRC 1193, subprojects C03 and C06, DFG FI 848/5-1, and the European Research Council (ERC-CoG 617891); I.G.-L. by the National Institute of Mental Health (K01MH102415); S.G. by DFG CRC 1193, subproject B05; E.J.H. by the ERC (ERCCoG682591); R.K. by DFG CRC 1193, subprojects B01 and C01, and the State of Rhineland- Palatinate (project 1080, MARP); K.L. by DFG CRC 1193, subproject Z03, and the State of Rhineland-Palatinate (project 1080, MARP); B.L. by DFG CRC 1193, subprojects A02, B03, and Z02; M.B.M. by DFG CRC 1193, subprojects A03 and Z02; R.J.M. by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF 100014-143398; project no. un 8306); A.R. by DFG CRC 1193, subprojects C07 and Z03, and EU H2020/2014-2020 (643051 (MiND) and 667302 (CoCA)); K.R. by the ERC (ERC_StG2012_313749) and the NWO (NWO VICI no. 453-12-001); B.P.F.R. by the NWO (NWO VENI no. 916-11-086); D.S. by the SNF (SNF 100014-143398, project no. un 8306); O.T. by DFG CRC 1193, subproject C04, and the State of Rhineland-Palatinate (project 1080, MARP); A.-L.v.H. by the Royal Society (DH150176); C.H.V. by the Netherlands Brain Foundation (Fellowship F2013(1)-216) and the NWO (NWO VENI no. 451-13-001); T.D.W. by the National Institute of Health (NIH); M.We. by DFG CRC 1193, subprojects C05 and C07; and M.Wi. by DFG CRC 1193, subproject C04

    Different age-specific incidence and remission rates in pre-school and primary school suggest need for targeted obesity prevention in childhood.

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    BACKGROUND: School entry marks a tremendous change in the children's life style, which might well be relevant for the emergence of overweight. Previous studies suggested a dramatic increase in the prevalence of overweight during this age. OBJECTIVE: To compare the age-specific balance between the incidence and remission of overweight between pre-school and primary school age children. DESIGN: We combined the data of three studies that had been conducted within the setting of the compulsory school entry health examination in different parts of Germany: one covering retrospective cohort data from age 2 to school entry (n=5045), one prospective data from school entry to fourth grade (n=1235) and one comprising both (n=1194). We assessed the rates of incidence and remission of overweight and obesity from age 2 to school entry and from school entry to fourth grade. RESULTS: In pre-school age, the pooled incidence for overweight was 8.2% (95% confidence interval: 7.5, 8.9) compared with a remission rate of 62.6% (58.4, 66.7), yielding a prevalence at school entry of 10.7% (9.9, 11.5). In primary school age, the pooled incidence for overweight increased to 14.6% (13.1, 16.1), whereas the remission rate was reduced to 17.7% (13.8, 22.3), yielding a prevalence of 23.7% (22.0, 25.4) in fourth grade. A similar pattern was observed for obesity. CONCLUSIONS: While high remission rates balance incident overweight in pre-school years, the dramatic increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in primary school years reflects a higher incidence and even more a lower remission rate. Obesity prevention programs in primary school age are mandatory and need to address primary and secondary prevention elements

    Longitudinal determination of resilience in humans to identify mechanisms of resilience to modern-life stressors: the longitudinal resilience assessment (LORA) study

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    Resilience is the maintenance and/or quick recovery of mental health during and after periods of adversity. It is conceptualized to result from a dynamic process of successful adaptation to stressors. Up to now, a large number of resilience factors have been proposed, but the mechanisms underlying resilience are not yet understood. To shed light on the complex and time-varying processes of resilience that lead to a positive long-term outcome in the face of adversity, the Longitudinal Resilience Assessment (LORA) study has been established. In this study, 1191 healthy participants are followed up at 3- and 18-month intervals over a course of 4.5 years at two study centers in Germany. Baseline and 18-month visits entail multimodal phenotyping, including the assessment of mental health status, sociodemographic and lifestyle variables, resilience factors, life history, neuropsychological assessments (of proposed resilience mechanisms), and biomaterials (blood for genetic and epigenetic, stool for microbiome, and hair for cortisol analysis). At 3-monthly online assessments, subjects are monitored for subsequent exposure to stressors as well as mental health measures, which allows for a quantitative assessment of stressor-dependent changes in mental health as the main outcome. Descriptive analyses of mental health, number of stressors including major life events, daily hassles, perceived stress, and the ability to recover from stress are here presented for the baseline sample. The LORA study is unique in its design and will pave the way for a better understanding of resilience mechanisms in humans and for further development of interventions to successfully prevent stress-related disorder

    Pharmacological neuroenhancement and the ability to recover from stress – a representative cross-sectional survey among the German population

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    Abstract Background Pharmacological neuroenhancement (PNE) refers to the use of psychoactive substances without doctor’s prescription to enhance cognitive performance or to improve mood. Although some studies have reported that drugs for PNE are also being used to cope with stressful life situations, nothing is known about the relationship of PNE and resilience, i.e. the ability to recover from stress. This study aimed at investigating the relationship of PNE and resilience in the first representative population sample. Methods A cross-sectional survey in a representative sample of 1128 adults (age ≥ 18 yrs.) living in Germany was conducted. The use of PNE and related attitudes, perceptions and behaviours were assessed by structured interviews and self-report questionnaires. Stepwise logistic regression with backward elimination was conducted to identify potential risk factors for PNE use. Results Lifetime prevalence for the use of stimulating prescription drugs without medical indication was 4.3%, 10.2% for stimulating illicit drugs, 20.3% for mood modulating prescription drugs, and 23.4% for cannabis. Coping with stressful situations was more frequently reported as underlying motive for using stimulant or mood modulating prescription drugs than stimulating illicit drugs or cannabis. The individual perceived stress increased the risk of using stimulating prescription drugs (OR: 2.86; 95% Cl: 1.49–5.46) and the individual ability to recover from stress decreased the risk of using any substance for PNE and especially mood modulating prescription drugs (OR: .62; 95% Cl: .47–.81). Conclusions The non-medical use of prescription drugs for PNE appears to be more prevalent in subjects who are less resilient to stress. Tailored resilience interventions that improve the ability to adapt to and recover from stressors may prevent the use of prescription medication for PNE. Further research should disentangle the association between psychological resilience and PNE as well as examine the efficacy of resilience interventions in the prevention of PNE