1,105 research outputs found

    Nickel containing nanopowders as highly dispersed pigments for ceramic dyes

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    В данной работе рассмотрены нанопорошков никеля и нихрома, полученные методом электрического взрыва проводника. Сравнены микрофотографии данных образцов, их энергодисперсионные спектры, по которым сделан вывод о составе данных порошков и размере частиц. После смешивания данных порошков с бессвинцовой фриттой в различных соотношениях и обжига в различных средах были проанализированы цветовые характеристики и равномерность окраски полученных образцов

    Sharp-Interface Limit of a Fluctuating Phase-Field Model

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    We present a derivation of the sharp-interface limit of a generic fluctuating phase-field model for solidification. As a main result, we obtain a sharp-interface projection which presents noise terms in both the diffusion equation and in the moving boundary conditions. The presented procedure does not rely on the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, and can therefore be applied to account for both internal and external fluctuations in either variational or non-variational phase-field formulations. In particular, it can be used to introduce thermodynamical fluctuations in non-variational formulations of the phase-field model, which permit to reach better computational efficiency and provide more flexibility for describing some features of specific physical situations. This opens the possibility of performing quantitative phase-field simulations in crystal growth while accounting for the proper fluctuations of the system.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Endowment funds of Russian universities as new opportunity for their development

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    В данной статье раскрывается понятие и механизм функционирования фондов целевого капитала российских университетов, рассматривается основная законодательная база, а также выделяются главные проблемы эндаументов.This artiсle explains the concept and functioning mechanism of Russian universities’ endowment funds, considers principal legislative base and distinguish the main problems of endowments

    Work of art in the space of network culture: Creativity as bricolage

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    The development of modern informational-communication technologies has led to the occurrence of the new unique sociocultural phenomenon – a network culture, with irony as the dominating rhetoric. In the space of network culture, under digital technologies, the forms, types, and functions of art, and creativity in general, change. The paper states that communication becomes the main function of art, while a work of art more and more becomes an object of communication. The authors propose to broaden the volume of creativity conception, going beyond the classical interpretation towards a broader understanding of this phenomenon, namely, creativity as bricolage. The methodological basis of the bricolage model of creativity, relevant for the new media art, is the concept of “bricolage” developed by Claude Lévi-Strauss. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by VGTU Press.The film distribution confirms this point of view. By the 2019 data, the film Matilda became the most unprofitable film supported by the Cinema Foundation of Russia: “Matilda’s losses became a sort of a record – 550 million rubles” (Zhitkova, 2018)

    Communication Technologies in Contemporary Corporate Social Responsibility Management

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    The main goal of the article is to construct a new communication model. This model implies transmission of basic principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) within organization. The model will help to distinguish main barriers to socially responsible management in world's and Russian business practice. The analysis of communication channels within organization gives an opportunity to see the flows of CSR information and its influence on people's behaviour

    Communication Technologies in Contemporary Corporate Social Responsibility Management

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    The main goal of the article is to construct a new communication model. This model implies transmission of basic principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) within organization. The model will help to distinguish main barriers to socially responsible management in world's and Russian business practice. The analysis of communication channels within organization gives an opportunity to see the flows of CSR information and its influence on people's behaviour