88 research outputs found

    Non-urban mobile radio market demand forecast

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    A national nonmetropolitan land mobile traffic model for 1990-2000 addresses user classes, density classes, traffic mix statistics, distance distribution, geographic distribution, price elasticity, and service quality elasticity. Traffic demands for business, special industrial, and police were determined on the basis of surveys in 73 randomly selected nonurban counties. The selected services represent 69% of total demand. The results were extrapolated to all services in the non-SMSA areas of the contiguous United States. Radiotelephone services were considered separately. Total non-SMSA mobile radio demand (one way) estimates are given. General functional requirements include: hand portability, privacy, reduction of blind spots, two way data transmission, position location, slow scan imagery

    Syntheses and analyses of Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) program data

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Global crop production forecasting data system analysis

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Findings led to the development of a theory of radiometric discrimination employing the mathematical framework of the theory of discrimination between scintillating radar targets. The theory indicated that the functions which drive accuracy of discrimination are the contrast ratio between targets, and the number of samples, or pixels, observed. Theoretical results led to three primary consequences, as regards the data system: (1) agricultural targets must be imaged at correctly chosen times, when the relative evolution of the crop's development is such as to maximize their contrast; (2) under these favorable conditions, the number of observed pixels can be significantly reduced with respect to wall-to-wall measurements; and (3) remotely sensed radiometric data must be suitably mixed with other auxiliary data, derived from external sources

    The application of remote sensing to the development and formulation of hydrologic planning models

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    A hydrologic planning model is developed based on remotely sensed inputs. Data from LANDSAT 1 are used to supply the model's quantitative parameters and coefficients. The use of LANDSAT data as information input to all categories of hydrologic models requiring quantitative surface parameters for their effects functioning is also investigated

    Cost/benefit analysis for the Operational Applications of Satellite Snowcover Observations (OASSO)

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The total cost associated with satellite snow cover area measurement (SATSCAM) in the Colorado ASVT was 2,050whichequatesto0.22/sqkm.Whenextrapolatedtothe2,238,890kmareaimpactedbysnow−surveyforecastingintheWesternUnitedStates,thetotalyearlycostofemployingSATSCAMisapproximately2,050 which equates to 0.22/sq km. When extrapolated to the 2,238,890 km area impacted by snow-survey forecasting in the Western United States, the total yearly cost of employing SATSCAM is approximately 493k. The estimated total benefits to hydroeletric energy production is 10myearly,withthePacificNorthwestreceivingthesmallestbenefits,andtheRioGranderegionthehighest.Irrigatedagriculturereceivesayearlytotalbenefitof10m yearly, with the Pacific Northwest receiving the smallest benefits, and the Rio Grande region the highest. Irrigated agriculture receives a yearly total benefit of 38m, with the Lower Colorado region receiving the largest per acre benefit and the Pacific Northwest receiving the lowest

    Impact of remote sensing upon the planning, management and development of water resources, appendix

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    Lists are presented of water resource agencies from the federal, state, Water Resources Research Institute, university, local, and private sectors. Information is provided on their water resource activities, computers, and models used. For Basic doc., see N75-25263

    User requirements and user acceptance of current and next-generation satellite mission and sensor complement, oriented toward the monitoring of water resources

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    Principal water resources users were surveyed to determine the applicability of remotely sensed data to their present and future requirements. Analysis of responses was used to assess the levels of adequacy of LANDSAT 1 and 2 in fulfilling hydrological functions, and to derive systems specifications for future water resources-oriented remote sensing satellite systems. The analysis indicates that water resources applications for all but the very large users require: (1) resolutions on the order of 15 meters, (2) a number of radiometric levels of the same order as currently used in LANDSAT 1 (64), (3) a number of spectral bands not in excess of those used in LANDSAT 1, and (4) a repetition frequency on the order of 2 weeks. The users had little feel for the value of new sensors (thermal IR, passive and active microwaves). What is needed in this area is to achieve specific demonstrations of the utility of these sensors and submit the results to the users to evince their judgement

    Impact of remote sensing upon the planning, management, and development of water resources

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    Principal water resources users were surveyed to determine the impact of remote data streams on hydrologic computer models. Analysis of responses demonstrated that: most water resources effort suitable to remote sensing inputs is conducted through federal agencies or through federally stimulated research; and, most hydrologic models suitable to remote sensing data are federally developed. Computer usage by major water resources users was analyzed to determine the trends of usage and costs for the principal hydrologic users/models. The laws and empirical relationships governing the growth of the data processing loads were described and applied to project the future data loads. Data loads for ERTS CCT image processing were computed and projected through the 1985 era
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