404 research outputs found

    Controlling chaos in diluted networks with continuous neurons

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    Diluted neural networks with continuous neurons and nonmonotonic transfer function are studied, with both fixed and dynamic synapses. A noisy stimulus with periodic variance results in a mechanism for controlling chaos in neural systems with fixed synapses: a proper amount of external perturbation forces the system to behave periodically with the same period as the stimulus.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Filtration of the Microalga Amphidinium carterae by the Polychaetes Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum: A New Tool for the Control of Harmful Algal Blooms?

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are extreme biological events representing a major issue in marine, brackish, and freshwater systems worldwide. Their proliferation is certainly a problem from both ecological and socioeconomic contexts, as harmful algae can affect human health and activities, the marine ecosystem functioning, and the economy of coastal areas. Once HABs establish, valuable and environmentally friendly control actions are needed to reduce their negative impacts. In this study, the influence exerted by the filter‐feeding activity of the two sabellid polychaetes Branchiomma luctuosum (Grube) and Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin) on a harmful dinoflagellate was investigated. Clearance rates (C) and retention efficiencies were estimated by employing the microalga Amphidinium carterae Hulburt. The Cmax was 1.15 ± 0.204 L h−1 g−1 DW for B. luctuosum and 0.936 ± 0.151 L h−1 g−1 DW for S. spallanzanii. The retention efficiency was 72% for B. luctuosum and 68% for S. spallanzanii. Maximum retention was recorded after 30 min for both species. The obtained results contribute to the knowledge of the two polychaetes’ filtration activity and to characterize the filtration process on harmful microalgae in light of the protection of water resources and human health. Both species, indeed, were extremely efficient in removing A. carterae from seawater, thus suggesting their employment as a new tool in mitigation technologies for the control of harmful algae in marine environments, as well as in the aquaculture facilities where HABs are one of the most critical threats

    Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in pre-pubertal children with psoriasis

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    Psoriasis in adults is associated with an increased risk of metabolic disease. Various cardiometabolic comorbidities have been reported in childhood psoriasis, but only a few studies have analyzed the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. We performed a single-center prospective study investigating the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in children with psoriasis. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was evaluated in 60 pre-pubertal children with psoriasis (age: 3\u201310 years), accordingly to recently established criteria for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in children. Insulin resistance was considered altered when the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR) for insulin resistance was 65 90th sex- and age-specific percentile and HOMA 2-IR was > 1.8. Eighteen (30%) children with psoriasis were found to have metabolic syndrome. Sixteen (27%) children were found to have insulin resistance. Conclusion: Our data underline the importance of assessing metabolic syndrome not only in adults and adolescents but also in young children with psoriasis.What is Known:\u2022 Psoriasis in adults is strongly associated with metabolic disease and insulin resistance.\u2022 Very limited data are available on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in pre-pubertal children with psoriasis.What is New:\u2022 This study reports that in pre-pubertal children with psoriasis, there is a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.\u2022 In children with psoriasis metabolic syndrome risk factors should be assessed

    The Stomach Divalent Ion-sensing Receptor SCAR Is a Modulator of Gastric Acid Secretion

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    Divalent cation receptors have recently been identified in a wide variety of tissues and organs, yet their exact function remains controversial. We have previously identified a member of this receptor family in the stomach and have demonstrated that it is localized to the parietal cell, the acid secretory cell of the gastric gland. The activation of acid secretion has been classically defined as being regulated by two pathways: a neuronal pathway (mediated by acetylcholine) and an endocrine pathway (mediated by gastrin and histamine). Here, we identified a novel pathway modulating gastric acid secretion through the stomach calcium-sensing receptor (SCAR) located on the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells. Activation of SCAR in the intact rat gastric gland by divalent cations (Ca(2+) or Mg(2+)) or by the potent stimulator gadolinium (Gd(3+)) led to an increase in the rate of acid secretion through the apical H+,K+ -ATPase. Gd(3+) was able to activate acid secretion through the omeprazole-sensitive H+,K+ -ATPase even in the absence of the classical stimulator histamine. In contrast, inhibition of SCAR by reduction of extracellular cations abolished the stimulatory effect of histamine on gastric acid secretion, providing evidence for the regulation of the proton secretory transport protein by the receptor. These studies present the first example of a member of the divalent cation receptors modulating a plasma membrane transport protein and may lead to new insights into the regulation of gastric acid secretion

    Bioactive potential of two marine picocyanobacteria belonging to Cyanobium and Synechococcus genera

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    Coccoid cyanobacteria produce a great variety of secondary metabolites, which may have useful properties, such as antibacterial, antiviral, anticoagulant or anticancer activities. These cyanobacterial metabolites have high ecological significance, and they could be considered responsible for the widespread occurrence of these microorganisms. Considering the great benefit derived from the identification of competent cyanobacteria for the extraction of bioactive compounds, two strains of picocyanobacteria (coccoid cyanobacteria < 3 ”m) (Cyanobium sp. ITAC108 and Synechococ-cus sp. ITAC107) isolated from the Mediterranean sponge Petrosia ficiformis were analyzed. The biological effects of organic and aqueous extracts from these picocyanobacteria toward the nauplii of Artemia salina, sea urchin embryos and human cancer lines (HeLa cells) were evaluated. Methanolic and aqueous extracts from the two strains strongly inhibited larval development; on the contrary, in ethyl acetate and hexane extracts, the percentage of anomalous embryos was low. Moreover, all the extracts of the two strains inhibited HeLa cell proliferation, but methanol extracts exerted the highest activity. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis evidenced for the first time the presence of ÎČ-N-methylamino-L-alanine and microcystin in these picocyanobacteria. The strong cytotoxic activity observed for aqueous and methanolic extracts of these two cyanobacteria laid the foundation for the production of bioactive compounds of pharmacological interest

    High-Resolution Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Spreading in a Small Town

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    Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, public health authorities and the general population are striving to achieve a balance between safety and normalcy. Ever changing conditions call for the development of theory and simulation tools to finely describe multiple strata of society while supporting the evaluation of “what-if” scenarios. Particularly important is to assess the effectiveness of potential testing approaches and vaccination strategies. Here, an agent-based modeling platform is proposed to simulate the spreading of COVID-19 in small towns and cities, with a single-individual resolution. The platform is validated on real data from New Rochelle, NY—one of the first outbreaks registered in the United States. Supported by expert knowledge and informed by reported data, the model incorporates detailed elements of the spreading within a statistically realistic population. Along with pertinent functionality such as testing, treatment, and vaccination options, the model accounts for the burden of other illnesses with symptoms similar to COVID-19. Unique to the model is the possibility to explore different testing approaches—in hospitals or drive-through facilities—and vaccination strategies that could prioritize vulnerable groups. Decision-making by public authorities could benefit from the model, for its fine-grain resolution, open-source nature, and wide range of features

    Chaos in neural networks with a nonmonotonic transfer function

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    Time evolution of diluted neural networks with a nonmonotonic transfer function is analitically described by flow equations for macroscopic variables. The macroscopic dynamics shows a rich variety of behaviours: fixed-point, periodicity and chaos. We examine in detail the structure of the strange attractor and in particular we study the main features of the stable and unstable manifolds, the hyperbolicity of the attractor and the existence of homoclinic intersections. We also discuss the problem of the robustness of the chaos and we prove that in the present model chaotic behaviour is fragile (chaotic regions are densely intercalated with periodicity windows), according to a recently discussed conjecture. Finally we perform an analysis of the microscopic behaviour and in particular we examine the occurrence of damage spreading by studying the time evolution of two almost identical initial configurations. We show that for any choice of the parameters the two initial states remain microscopically distinct.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review E. Originally submitted to the neuro-sys archive which was never publicly announced (was 9905001

    Unequal effects of the national lockdown on mental and social health in Italy

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    With the exception of a few countries that chose a different approach, the worldwide reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic was a (longer or shorter) period of national lockdown. While the economic consequences of shutting down national economies were immediately evident, the sociopsychiatric implications of the social confinement of the entire population remain hidden and not fully understood. Italy has been the first European country to be severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, to which it responded through strict lockdown measurements. The results of a timely survey on mental and social health, carried out by students and teachers of a middle school in Rome, might help identify the most vulnerable groups of the population. This evidence could be crucial in conceiving and enacting targeted public health policies to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic on mental health and to prevent intolerance to containment measures in some population segments, which could hamper worldwide efforts in the fight against COVID-19

    Phase ordering in chaotic map lattices with conserved dynamics

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    Dynamical scaling in a two-dimensional lattice model of chaotic maps, in contact with a thermal bath, is numerically studied. The model here proposed is equivalent to a conserved Ising model with coupligs which fluctuate over the same time scale as spin moves. When couplings fluctuations and thermal fluctuations are both important, this model does not belong to the class of universality of a Langevin equation known as model B; the scaling exponents are continuously varying with the temperature and depend on the map used. The universal behavior of model B is recovered when thermal fluctuations are dominant.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Revised version accepted for publication on Physical Review E as a Rapid Communicatio
