46 research outputs found

    Large wildland fires in three diverse regions in Spain from 1978 to 2010.

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    Aim of study: Large wildland fires (LWF) are major disturbance processes affecting many ecosystems each year. In last decades, socio-economic changes have contributed to major changes in land uses. This study assess trends in number, burned area and average size of large wildfires (> 100 ha) from 1978 to 2010 in Spain.Area of study: This work analyzes three clearly different regions of Spain (Mediterranean coast, MC, Mediterranean Interior, MI, Northwestern Spain, NW).Material and Methods: We studied historical wildland fire data from Spain’s EGIF database (General Statistics on Wildland Fires). We selected only wildland fires larger than 100 ha. All LWF were analyzed to test trends in number of fires, burned area and mean fire size.Main results: The number of LWF decreased in all regions but the burned area only decreased in MC and NW regions. However, both the number of LWF and the burned area did not decrease after 1995 in any region. The average size of LWF did not change in any of the three regions. Fires larger than 500 ha were very significant due to the high percentage of area burned in relation to the total area burned by fires larger than 100 ha (79.3 % in MC, 63.9 % in MI, and 35.7% in NW).Research highlights: After 1995, the number of LWF and burned area did not decrease. Additional actions are required including learned lessons from past LWF spread, and better trained fire suppression workers and more fuel management.Keywords: large wildland fires; trends; forest management; Spain

    Fire behavior modeling for operational decision-making

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    Simulation frameworks are necessary to facilitate decision-making to many fire agencies. An accurate estimation of fire behavior is required to analyze potential impact and risk. Applied research and technology together have improved the implementation of fire modeling, and decision-making in operational environments.Dr Cardil acknowledges the support of Technosylva USA and Wageningen University in his research stays in the USA and the Netherlands to develop this work. The authors of this paper acknowledges the support of the EUfunded PYROLIFE project (Reference: 860787; https://pyrolife.lessonsonfire.eu/), a project in which a new generation of experts will be trained in integrated wildfire management

    Coupled effects of climate teleconnections on drought, Santa Ana winds and wildfires in southern California

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    Projections of future climate change impacts suggest an increase of wildfire activity in Mediterranean ecosystems, such as southern California. This region is a wildfire hotspot and fire managers are under increasingly high pressures to minimize socio-economic impacts. In this context, predictions of high-risk fire seasons are essential to achieve adequate preventive planning. Regional-scale weather patterns and climatic teleconnections play a key role in modulating fire-conducive conditions across the globe, yet an analysis of the coupled effects of these systems onto the spread of large wildfires is lacking for the region. We analyzed seven decades (1953–2018) of documentary wildfire records from southern California to assess the linkages between weather patterns and large-scale climate modes using various statistical techniques, including Redundancy Analysis, Superposed Epoch Analysis and Wavelet Coherence. We found that high area burned is significantly associated with the occurrence of adverse weather patterns, such as severe droughts and Santa Ana winds. Further, we document how these fire-promoting events are mediated by climate teleconnections, particularly by the coupled effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

    Large wildland fires and extreme temperatures in Sardinia (Italy)

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    Treetop: A Shiny-based application and R package for extracting forest information from LiDAR data for ecologists and conservationists

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    Individual tree detection (ITD) and crown delineation are two of the most relevant methods for extracting detailed and reliable forest information from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) datasets. However, advanced computational skills and specialized knowledge have been normally required to extract forest information from LiDAR.The development of accessible tools for 3D forest characterization can facilitate rapid assessment by stakeholders lacking a remote sensing background, thus fostering the practical use of LiDAR datasets in forest ecology and conservation. This paper introduces the treetop application, an open-source web-based and R package LiDAR analysis tool for extracting forest structural information at the tree level, including cutting-edge analyses of properties related to forest ecology and management.We provide case studies of how treetop can be used for different ecological applications, within various forest ecosystems. Specifically, treetop was employed to assess post-hurricane disturbance in natural temperate forests, forest homogeneity in industrial forest plantations and the spatial distribution of individual trees in a tropical forest.treetop simplifies the extraction of relevant forest information for forest ecologists and conservationists who may use the tool to easily visualize tree positions and sizes, conduct complex analyses and download results including individual tree lists and figures summarizing forest structural properties. Through this open-source approach, treetop can foster the practical use of LiDAR data among forest conservation and management stakeholders and help ecological researchers to further understand the relationships between forest structure and function.The authors thank Nicholas L. Crookston for co‐developing the web‐LiDAR treetop tool, and the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions on the first version of the manuscript. This study is based on the work supported by the Department of Defence Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) under grants No. RC‐2243, RC19‐1064 and RC20‐1346 and USDA Forest Service (grand No. PRO00031122

    Carbon emissions from oil palm induced forest and peatland conversion in sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The palm oil industry is one of the major producers of vegetable oil in the tropics. Palm oil is used extensively for the manufacture of a wide variety of products and its production is increasing by around 9% every year, prompted largely by the expanding biofuel markets. The rise in annual demand for biofuels and vegetable oil from importer countries has caused a dramatic increase in the conversion of forests and peatlands into oil palm plantations in Malaysia. This study assessed the area of forests and peatlands converted into oil palm plantations from 1990 to 2018 in the states of Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia, and estimated the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. To do so, we analyzed multitemporal 30-m resolution Landsat-5 and Landsat-8 images using a hybrid method that combined automatic image processing and manual analyses. We found that over the 28-year period, forest cover declined by 12.6% and 16.3%, and the peatland area declined by 20.5% and 19.1% in Sarawak and Sabah, respectively. In 2018, we found that these changes resulted in CO2 emissions of 0.01577 and 0.00086 Gt CO2-C yr−1, as compared to an annual forest CO2 uptake of 0.26464 and 0.15007 Gt CO2-C yr−1, in Sarawak and Sabah, respectively. Our assessment highlights that carbon impacts extend beyond lost standing stocks, and result in substantial direct emissions from the oil palm plantations themselves, with 2018 oil palm plantations in our study area emitting up to 4% of CO2 uptake by remaining forests. Limiting future climate change impacts requires enhanced economic incentives for land uses that neither convert standing forests nor result in substantial CO2 emissions