69 research outputs found

    Study Protocol: insulin and its role in cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have shown that metabolic syndrome and its consequent biochemical derangements in the various phases of diabetes may contribute to carcinogenesis. A part of this carcinogenic effect could be attributed to hyperinsulinism. High levels of insulin decrease the production of IGF-1 binding proteins and hence increase levels of free IGF-1. It is well established that bioactivity of free insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) increases tumor turnover rate. The objective is to investigate the role of insulin resistance/sensitivity in carcinogenesis by studying the relation between insulin resistance/sensitivity and IGF-1 levels in cancer patients. We postulate that hyperinsulinaemia which prevails during initial phases of insulin resistance (condition prior to overt diabetes) increases bioactivity of free IGF-1, which may contribute to process of carcinogenesis.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Based on our pilot study results and power analysis of the same, we have designed a two group case-control study. 800 proven untreated cancer patients (solid epithelial cell tumors) under age of 50 shall be recruited with 200 healthy subjects serving as controls. Insulin resistance/sensitivity and free IGF-1 levels shall be determined in all subjects. Association between the two parameters shall be tested using suitable statistical methods.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Well controlled studies in humans are essential to study the link between insulin resistance, hyperinsulinaemia, IGF-1 and carcinogenesis. This study could provide insights to the role of insulin, insulin resistance, IGF-1 in carcinogenesis although a precise role and the extent of influence cannot be determined. In future, cancer prevention and treatment strategies could revolve around insulin and insulin resistance.</p

    New Insights into the Evolution of Metazoan Tyrosinase Gene Family

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    Tyrosinases, widely distributed among animals, plants and fungi, are involved in the biosynthesis of melanin, a pigment that has been exploited, in the course of evolution, to serve different functions. We conducted a deep evolutionary analysis of tyrosinase family amongst metazoa, thanks to the availability of new sequenced genomes, assessing that tyrosinases (tyr) represent a distinctive feature of all the organisms included in our study and, interestingly, they show an independent expansion in most of the analyzed phyla. Tyrosinase-related proteins (tyrp), which derive from tyr but show distinct key residues in the catalytic domain, constitute an invention of chordate lineage. In addition we here reported a detailed study of the expression territories of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis tyr and tyrps. Furthermore, we put efforts in the identification of the regulatory sequences responsible for their expression in pigment cell lineage. Collectively, the results reported here enlarge our knowledge about the tyrosinase gene family as valuable resource for understanding the genetic components involved in pigment cells evolution and development

    Childhood Obesity

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    In March 2004 a group of 65 physicians and other health professionals representing nine countries on four continents convened in Israel to discuss the widespread public health crisis in childhood obesity. Their aim was to explore the available evidence and develop a consensus on the way forward. The process was rigorous, although time and resources did not permit the development of formal evidence-based guidelines. In the months before meeting, participants were allocated to seven groups covering prevalence, causes, risks, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and psychology. Through electronic communication each group selected the key issues for their area, searched the literature, and developed a draft document. Over the 3-d meeting, these papers were debated and finalized by each group before presenting to the full group for further discussion and agreement. In developing a consensus statement, this international group has presented the evidence, developed recommendations, and provided a platform aimed toward future corrective action and ongoing debate in the international community

    Increased transgene expression by the mouse tyrosinase enhancer is restricted to neural crest-derived pigment cells

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    In this study, we have addressed the impact of the mouse tyrosinase enhancer on regulated expression from the mouse tyrosinase promoter during embryonic development. Stable and transient transgenic experiments using the reporter gene lacZ reveal that (1) expression is detected in neural crest-derived melanoblasts from E11.5 onward, (2) the enhancer does not increase transgenic expression in optic cup-derived pigment cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and (3) expression in the telencephalon is not any longer detected. The importance of the enhancer for expression in pigment cells of the eye was further investigated in adult mice using an attenuated diphtheria toxin A gene. This demonstrated that in presence of the enhancer the transgene expression is specifically targeted to neural crest-derived melanocytes of the choroid and not, or slightly, to the RPE. This suggests that tyrosinase is differentially regulated in the two pigment cell lineages, and that this promoter can be used to target expression preferentially to the neural crest-derived melanocyte lineage

    [Cellular and molecular features of mammalian pigmentation--tyrosinase and TRP]

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    Melanin pigments are found in all biological kingdoms. At the cellular level, correct pigmentation depends not only on correct migration of pigment cells (melanocytes) and their precursors (melanoblasts), but also on specialized cytoplasmic organelles, melanosomes. Three pigment cell-specific enzymes inside melanosomes are involved in melanogenesis: tyrosinase, TRP-1 and TRP-2/DOPA-chrome tautomerase. A point mutation of tyrosinase is sufficient to give rise to a nonfunctional enzyme, leading to albinism and associated decreased visual acuity. Several regulatory elements have been identified within the promoters of the genes encoding these three enzymes. These promoter fragments have been used to target the expression of heterogeneous genes in pigment cells of transgenic mice

    Genomic structure and evolutionary conservation of the tyrosinase gene family from Fugu

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    The tyrosinase gene family encompasses three members, tyrosinase, tyrosinase-related protein 1 (Tyrp1) and dopachrome tautomerase (Dct), which encode for proteins implicated in melanin synthesis. In human and mouse, genomic organization is known for all three genes, revealing common features of regulatory elements and of exon/intron structure. We have set out to identify the complete family from a more primitive vertebrate, the pufferfish Fugu (Takifugu rubripes), which is characterized by a compact genome. We had recently isolated and characterized the Fugu tyrosinase gene (Genesis 28 (2000) 99-105). We now report the isolation and characterization of the two other members of the family, Tyrp1 and Dct. Regulatory sequences from these genes function in mouse pigment cells and are able to mediate reporter gene expression. Our results demonstrate the existence of all three tyrosinase family members in teleosts and underline the evolutionary conservation of the pigmentary system

    Phosphorylation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein 1 in cell culture and in vivo: effects on affinity for IGF-I.

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    The insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) are present in extracellular fluids bound to specific IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs). We and others have reported varying biologic activity of different preparations of IGFBP-1 that appeared to have identical amino acid sequences and molecular sizes. This observation prompted us to determine whether IGFBP-1 undergoes posttranslational modifications. Immunoprecipitation was used to show that Chinese hamster ovary cells (transfected with a human IGFBP-1 cDNA construct) and human hepatoma (HepG2) cells secrete 32P-labeled IGFBP-1 following incubation with [32P]orthophosphate. Phospho amino acid analysis of 32P-labeled IGFBP-1 revealed only phosphoserine residues. A method was developed that could separate nonphosphorylated IGFBP-1 from four or five phosphorylated isoforms. Using this technique we demonstrated that human amniotic fluid and human fetal serum contain a large proportion of nonphosphorylated IGFBP-1, as well as phosphorylated forms. In contrast, HepG2 cells and human decidual cells secrete predominantly the phosphorylated isoforms. These observations suggest that IGFBP-1 is secreted as a phosphoprotein and is subsequently dephosphorylated in vivo. Binding studies showed that the phosphorylated IGFBP-1 secreted by HepG2 cells has a 6-fold higher affinity for IGF-I than it does after dephosphorylation. We conclude that IGFBP-1 is phosphorylated and that this phosphorylation is a physiologically important posttranslational modification

    Extracellular matrix contains insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5: potentiation of the effects of IGF-I.

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    Abstract. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) have been shown to serve as carrier proteins for the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and to modulate their biologic effects. Since extracellular matrix (ECM) has been shown to be a reservoir for IGF-I and IGF-U, we examined the ECM of cultured human fetal fibroblasts and found that IGFBP-5 was incorporated intact into ECM, while mostly inert proteolytic fragments were found in the medium. In contrast, two other forms of IGFBP that are secreted by these cells were either present in ECM in minimal amounts (IGFBP-3) or not detected (IGFBP-4). Likewise, when purified IGFBPs were incubated with ECM, IGFBP-5 bound preferentially. IGFBP-5 was found to bind to types III and IV collagen, laminin, and fibronectin