14 research outputs found

    Mediation of Problematic Use in the Relationship Between Types of Internet Use and Subjective Well-Being in Schoolchildren

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    Indexación: ScopusSubjective well-being is a broad category of phenomena that includes people’s emotional responses, domain satisfactions, and global judgments of life satisfaction. This research investigates how schoolchildren’s subjective well-being is affected by the different types of technology use, in personal contexts, and, concurrently, whether these effects are different when the use of technology is problematic. The central hypotheses are as follows: (1) the use of the Internet affects the subjective well-being of schoolchildren negatively only when this use is problematic and (2) the effect on subjective well-being is different according to the type of Internet use. To respond to the objectives of the research, a survey was applied to 15-year-old adolescents (2,579 cases), distributed in 330 public schools, beneficiaries of a government program for the delivery of personal computers and Internet for a year. The different uses of the Internet were measured using frequency scales by type of activity (social, recreational, and educational). Problematic use scale measured the perception of negative consequences of the intensity of Internet use on a daily basis. Subjective well-being was measured by the Personal Well-Being Index-School Children (PWI-SC). Subsequently, for analytical purposes, three simple mediation models were created, whose dependent variable was PWI-SC, while its independent variables were Internet use scales differentiated by purpose (social, recreational, and educational) and problematic use as a mediating variable, as well as attributes of the subjects and their social environment, which were incorporated as control variables. The main results show that only if Internet use is expressed as problematic does it negatively affect subjective well-being. On the contrary, when the use of the Internet is not problematic, the effect is positive and even greater than the simple effect (without mediation) between these two variables. This finding is relevant, since it allows us to provide evidence that suggests that, when studying the effect that the intensity of the Internet, firstly, one must consider the mediating effect exerted by the network’s problematic use and, secondly, that not all types of use have the same impact. Therefore, it is useful to enrich the discussion on subjective well-being and social integration of schoolchildren in the digital age. © Copyright © 2021 Donoso, Casas, Rubio and Céspedes.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.641178/ful

    Dung removal increases under higher dung beetle functional diversity regardless of grazing intensification

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    Dung removal by macrofauna such as dung beetles is an important process for nutrient cycling in pasturelands. Intensification of farming practices generally reduces species and functional diversity of terrestrial invertebrates, which may negatively affect ecosystem services. Here, we investigate the effects of cattle-grazing intensification on dung removal by dung beetles in field experiments replicated in 38 pastures around the world. Within each study site, we measured dung removal in pastures managed with low- and high-intensity regimes to assess between-regime differences in dung beetle diversity and dung removal, whilst also considering climate and regional variations. The impacts of intensification were heterogeneous, either diminishing or increasing dung beetle species richness, functional diversity, and dung removal rates. The effects of beetle diversity on dung removal were more variable across sites than within sites. Dung removal increased with species richness across sites, while functional diversity consistently enhanced dung removal within sites, independently of cattle grazing intensity or climate. Our findings indicate that, despite intensified cattle stocking rates, ecosystem services related to decomposition and nutrient cycling can be maintained when a functionally diverse dung beetle community inhabits the human-modified landscape

    Toxicity of trichlorfon exposure using an experimentally induced model with Silver Pacu (Piaractus brachypomus)

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    The trichlorfon (TCF) is an organophosphate insecticide widely used in agricultural systems and livestock production. However, its indiscriminate use has generated serious problems affecting organisms in aquatic ecosystems that are not direct targets of the chemical. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess acute toxicity (LC50) and chronic subletal of TCF in cachama blanca fingerlings (Piaractus brachypomus). Acute toxicity was evaluated at 96 hours, using four concentrations of TCF (0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 mg/L) and a control group, each group consisted of 8 animals (2.5 ± 0.5 g). The LC50 value calculated using the Trimmed Spearman-Karber software was 0.18 mg/L (p<0,05). The evaluation of the effect of chronic exposure to sublethal TCF on the immune response of P. brachypomus was performed by testing respiratory burst, showing significant increase in animals exposed to 0.029 mg / L during the first 10 days of exposure compared to control. Likewise, the plasma bactericidal capacity was evaluated in TCF exposed fish using Aeromonas hydrophila, finding greater of colony forming units on day 20 and 30 of exposure to the concentration 0.018 mg/L as opposed to the control. In addition, a histopathological study was performed, finding gill lesions compatible with epithelial cell hypertrophy and lamellar detachment in fish exposed to 0,05 mg/L on day 30 of exposure. This work showed the cachama blanca as a biomarker in contaminations associated with these xenobiotics.O triclorfom (TCF) é um inseticida organofosforado amplamente utilizado em sistemas de produção agrícola e pecuária; no entanto, seu uso indiscriminado tem levado a sérios problemas que afetam os organismos nos ecossistemas aquáticos que não são alvos diretos da substância química. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade aguda (CL50) e crônica subletal de TCF em alevinos de cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus). A toxicidade aguda foi avaliada em 96 horas, usando quatro concentrações de TCF, com um grupo control, cada grupo com 8 animais (2,5 ± 0,5 g). O valor de CL50 calculado com o software de Spearman-Karber foi de 0,18 mg/L (p<0,05). A avaliação do efeito da exposição crônica a concentrações subletais de TCF na resposta imune de P. brachypomus foi realizada pelo teste de explosão respiratória, mostrando um aumento significativo nesta, em animais expostos a 0,029 mg/L, durante os primeiros 10 dias de exposição. Também, a capacidade bactericida do plasma dos peixes expostos a TCF foi avaliada frente a Aeromonas hydrophila, os quais apresentaraõ maior unidades formadoras de colônias no dia 20 e 30 de exposição a concentração de 0,018 mg/L, ao contrario do controle. Alem disso, um estudo histopatológico foi realizado, emcontrando lesões de brânquia compatíveis com hipertrofia e desprendimento de células epiteliais nas lamelas de peixes expostos a 0,05 mg/L no dia 30 de exposição. este trabalho mostra ao cachama blanca como um biomarcador de contaminação asociado com estes xenobióticos.El Triclorfón (TCF) es un insecticida organofosforado ampliamente utilizado en sistemas de producción agrícola y pecuario; sin embargo, su uso indiscriminado ha generado serios problemas en ecosistemas acuáticos afectando organismos que no son blanco directo del compuesto químico. Por este motivo, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivos evaluar la toxicidad aguda (CL50) y crónica subletal del TCF en alevinos de cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus). La toxicidad aguda se evaluó a 96 horas, empleando cuatro concentraciones de TCF (0,01, 0,1, 0,25, 0,5 mg/L) y un grupo control, cada grupo consto de 8 animales (2,5 ± 0,5 g). El valor de CL50 calculado mediante el software Trimmed Spearman-Karber fue 0,18 mg/L (p<0,05). La evaluación del efecto de la exposición crónica subletal a TCF sobre la respuesta inmune de P. brachypomus se realizó mediante el ensayo de explosión respiratoria, evidenciándose aumento significativo en animales sometidos a 0,029 mg/L durante los primeros 10 días de exposición en comparación con el control. Asimismo, se evalúo la capacidad bactericida del plasma de los peces expuestos a TCF frente Aeromonas hydrophila, presentándose mayor conteo de unidades formadoras de colonia para el día 20 y 30 de exposición a la concentración de 0,018 mg/L a diferencia del control. Aunado a esto, se realizó estudio histopatológico, hallándose lesiones branquiales compatibles con hipertrofia de células epiteliales y desprendimiento lamelar en los peces expuestos a 0,05 mg/L para el día 30 de exposición. Este trabajo demuestra que la cachama blanca se constituye en un bioindicador de contaminación asociado a estos xenobiótico

    Disfunción temporomandibular, discapacidad y salud oral en una población geriátrica semi-institucionalizada Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, disability and oral health in a community-dwelling elderly population

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    Introducción: Las articulaciones temporomandibulares (ATM) intervienen en importantes acciones del sistema estomatognático para la nutrición, como son la masticación o la deglución. Si la tolerancia fisiológica de sus componentes es superada, pueden desencadenarse síntomas de disfunción temporomandibular (DTM). Objetivos: Valorar y relacionar los síntomas de la DTM, las limitaciones funcionales y la estimación de la salud oral y general autopercibida en una población geriátrica semi-institucionalozada. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional. A 94 personas pertenecientes a Unidades de Día Geriátricas de Granada se les evaluó la sintomatología de DTM (índice anamnésico de Helkimo), el dolor (escala EVA), la limitación funcional del sistema estomatognático (criterios diagnósticos de investigación de los trastornos temporomandibulares CDI/TTM), el índice de apertura mandibular, la salud general (índice de 1-5) y lasalud oral (índice de evaluación de salud oral geriátrica). Resultados: Del total de la muestra el 42,7% presentó al menos un síntoma de DTM. Los síntomas más comunes fueron la fatiga muscular (26,6%), los ruidos (21,3%) y el dolor en la ATM (14,9%). La clínica inespecífica más frecuente en el grupo sintomático fue la cervicalgia y el nerviosismo. El 48,9% de la muestra presentó limitación funcional en actividades orofaciales. También, se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa (p Introduction: Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) is involved in important activities of the stomatognathic system for nutrition, such as chewing or swallowing. If the physiological tolerance of its components is exceeded, it can trigger symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Objectives: To assess and relate the symptoms of TMD, functional limitations and estimates of self-perceived oral health and general geriatric population in a communitydwelling elderly population. Methods: An observational study was performed. Ninetyfour persons belonging to units of Granada Geriatric Day were assessed symptoms of TMD (Helkimo Simplified Index), pain (VAS scale), functional limitation of stomatognathic system (research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders CDI/TTM), jaw opening index, general health index (1-5) and oral health (geriatric oral health assessment). Results: In the total sample, 42.7% had at least one symptom of TMD. The most common symptoms were muscular fatigue (26.6%), noise (21.3%) and TMD pain (14.9%). The most common non-specific symptoms in the symptomatic group were neck pain and nervousness. A 48.9% of the sample had functional limitation in orofacial activities. Also, there was a statistically significant association (p < 0.05) between the jaw opening index and symptomatic and asymptomatic groups with TMD. Conclusions: In the group with symptoms of TMD were more common temporomandibular joint departures and pain, and they presented lower values in oral and general health self-perception

    Examining the immune signatures of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy and the impact on neurodevelopment: Protocol of the SIGNATURE longitudinal study.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic represents a valuable opportunity to carry out cohort studies that allow us to advance our knowledge on pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropsychiatric diseases. One of these opportunities is the study of the relationships between inflammation, brain development and an increased risk of suffering neuropsychiatric disorders. Based on the hypothesis that neuroinflammation during early stages of life is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and confers a greater risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders, we propose a cohort study of SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women and their newborns. The main objective of SIGNATURE project is to explore how the presence of prenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and other non-infectious stressors generates an abnormal inflammatory activity in the newborn. The cohort of women during the COVID-19 pandemic will be psychological and biological monitored during their pregnancy, delivery, childbirth and postpartum. The biological information of the umbilical cord (foetus blood) and peripheral blood from the mother will be obtained after childbirth. These samples and the clinical characterisation of the cohort of mothers and newborns, are tremendously valuable at this time. This is a protocol report and no analyses have been conducted yet, being currently at, our study is in the recruitment process step. At the time of this publication, we have identified 1,060 SARS-CoV-2 infected mothers and all have already given birth. From the total of identified mothers, we have recruited 537 SARS-COV-2 infected women and all of them have completed the mental health assessment during pregnancy. We have collected biological samples from 119 mothers and babies. Additionally, we have recruited 390 non-infected pregnant women