129 research outputs found


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    Saat ini stres kerja merupakan isu global yang berpengaruh pada seluruh profesi dan pekerja di negara maju maupun berkembang. Stres kerja dapat berdampak pada individu, organisasi, bahkan lingkungan sosial. Prevalensinya yang tinggi, serta dampak yang luas dan berat menjadikan stres kerja masalah yang serius, serta perlu penanganan cepat dan tepat. Sektor kesehatan merupakan salah satu sektor dengan prevalensi stres kerja paling tinggi. Perawat memilik tingkat stres yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tenaga profesional lainnya di RS. Tujuannya, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan stres kerja pada perawat pelaksana. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan jenis deskriptif analitik, menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ialah seluruh perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap (N=96). Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Sampel ialah seluruh perawat pelaksana yang ada saat penelitian dilakukan (86 perawat), dengan tingkat respon 83,9% (n=73). Data primer dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Tahapan analisis data, terdiri atas editing, coding, processing, cleaning, dan tabulating, dengan menggunakan program komputer. Hasil analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat diperoleh dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan Regresi Logistik, serta disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan diagram. Kesimpulannya, terdapat hubungan antara beban kerja (p=0,009; OR=0,018), dan sarana/prasarana (p=0,009; OR=0,018) dengan stres kerja. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara iklim organisasi (p=0,639), supervisi keperawatan (p=0,552), dan disiplin kerja (p=1,000) dengan stres kerja. Beban kerja dan sarana/prasarana merupakan variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan stres kerja, dengan kekuatan yang sama.Kata kunci: Stres Kerja, Beban Kerja, Iklim Organisasi, Sarana/Prasarana, Supervisi Keperawatan, Disiplin Kerja ABSTRACTAt present, work stress is a global issue that affects all professions and workers in developed and developing countries. Work stress can have impact on individuals, organizations, and even the social environment. Its high prevalence, wide and severe impacts make work stress a serious problem. It needs fast and appropriate handling. Health sector is one of the sectors with the highest prevalence of work stress. Nurses have higher level of stress than other professionals in the hospital. The Aims, To analyze the factors associated with work stress on nurses in the inpatient care units of the Bethesda GMIM General Hospital Tomohon. The study used a quantitative method, with descriptive analitycal type, using a cross sectional approach. The study’s population was all nurses in the inpatient care units (N = 96). The study’s sample was determined using total sampling tachnique. The sample was all nurses who were available at the time of the study was conducted (86 nurses), with response rate 83.9% (n=73). Primary data was collected using questionnaires. Data analyzing stages were consisted of coding, processing, cleaning, and tabulating, using computer programs. The results of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis were obtained used Chi-Square and Logistic Regression test, and were presented in forms tables and diagrams. The Conclusions, There is a relationship between workload (p=0.009; OR=0.018), facilities/infrastructure (p=0.009; OR=0.018) and work stress. There is no relationship between organizational climate (p=0.639), nursing supervision (p=0.552), work discipline (p=1,000) and work stress. Workload and facilities/infrastructure variables are the most dominant variables related to work stress. Keywords: Work Stress, Workload, Organizational Climate, Facilities/Infrastructure, Nursing Supervision, Work Disciplin

    Pengembangan Penggunaan Sistem Arus Searah sebagai Pencatu Daya pada Lampu Hemat Energi

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    Jenis lampu hemat energi (Compact fluorescent lamps) berbasis switch mode power supply sebagai lampu penerangan saat ini menjadi dominan karena mempunyai konsumsi daya rendah serta kuat cahaya yang tinggi. Lampu ini juga memenuhi standar SNI 04-6504-2001 sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam penggunaan lampu penerangan yang mengacu pada standar IEEE Std 446-1995 Sekalipun jenis lampu ini mempunyai kelebihan daya rendah namun jenis lampu ini mempunyai sifat kapasitip sehingga akan menimbulkan gejala harmonik, pengaruh ini akan berdampak pada kualitas penyaluran daya pada sistem distribusi jaringan listrik arus bolak Balik. Jenis lampu ini dapat bekerja dalam sistem arus bolak – Balik maupun arus searah. Penggunaan catu daya sistem arus searah diharapkan dapat menggantikan sistem catu daya pada arus bolak – Balik sehingga gejala harmonik dapat ditiadakan. Hasil penelitian dari penggunaan sistem arus searah sebagai pencatu daya lampu hemat pada lampu 18 W bekerja secara efektif pada tegangan 200 Vdc dengan arus nominal 0.06 A

    Penyembuhan Luka Decubitus pada Tikus Putih

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    Chronic wounds are still problem is one of the most frequent among the community. Pressure ulcers (decubitus) are examples of types of chronic wounds in which the maintenance costs of the injury fairly expensive. The use of plants is an appropriate alternative for the treatment of decubitus chronic wounds. One among the many plants that are known efficacious drugs for the health of Aloe vera. With the various components contained therein, aloe vera is known to affect the decubitus chronic wound healing. This study is purely experimental posttest-only design approach. The sample uses a white rats strain wistar female, weight 150-250 gr and 2,5 to 3 months of age. The variable is the concentration of the extract of Aloe vera and scores healing pressure ulcers (decubitus) degree II in white rats. The data obtained using observation, then analyzed with the assumption test (Lilliefors test and the Barlett test), one way Anova test and different test real distance of Duncan with significansy values of 0,05. The results indicate that there is the influence of various concentrations of leaf extract of Aloe vera to diameter decubitus chronic wound healing in rats and the concentration of leaf extract of Aloe vera 100% to give a good effect on the diameter of decubitus chronic wound healing on white rats (á 0.05)

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Malaria pada Ibu Hamil di Indonesia

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    Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite called Plasmodium. It has been the main concern of health problem in Indonesia, especially to the high-risk groups; the infants, under-five-years-old children and pregnant women. If a pregnant woman is infected to malaria, it might affect the pregnancy and cause abnormalities to the baby. This analysis is aimed to determine the factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Indonesia. The data which used for this research is taken from National Basic Health research (Riskesdas) 2013 and the samples are all of pregnant women who'schosen as the respondents in Riskesdas 2013. The data was analyzed using binary logistic regression analysis and backward elimination method. The result shows that the factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Indonesia are health monitoring of pregnant women by midwives which implemented in the possessing of KIA book, the USAge of electric/coil mosquito repellent when sleeping in the night, the economic status, and the presence of midwives/maternity hospital. The lower the economic status of pregnant women, the higher the risk they tend to get infected with malaria. Pregnant women are advised to check their health status routinely and avoid contact with the vectors of malaria, by using mosquito repellent at night

    Optimalisasi Kinerja (Internet Protocol) Ip Clock Pada Jaringan Base Transceiver Station (Bts)

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    Pada sistem komunikasi GSM (Global System for Mobile), BTS (Base Transceiver Station) merupakan jantung dari sebuah cell site layanan telekomunikasi. BTS merupakan perangkat pemancar dan penerima yang menangani akses radio dan berinteraksi langsung dengan Mobile Station (MS) melalui air interface. Sebuah optimasi kinerja ip clock pada base transceiver station (BTS) metode untuk sinkronisasi jaringan untuk jam global yang berasal dari jam GPS diakuisisi oleh sejumlah BTS. IP clock didistribusikan ke pengendali serta acuan berbagai jaringan, dan dari sana ke jaringan perangkat akses,sehingga sinkronisasi jaringan komunikasi konvergensi antara BTS,BSS,dan RNC
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