2,884 research outputs found

    A Critical Review of Ian Barbour's Analysis of Discussions on the Mind/Body Problem

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    The concepts of mind, soul, and consciousness are key to an understanding of ourselves and how we interact with the universe around us. Ian Barbour names the mind/body problem as one of the major subjects of long-term discussion among religion, philosophy, and science, including cognitive psychology. However, his treatment of the traditional philosophical positions on this topic is wanting. What is most intriguing is that, after years of discussion, newer approaches to the mind/body problem seem to have come full circle, sharing many commonalities with the much older approach of property dualism

    Joy Brammer, Senior Piano Recital

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    A Window On The Earliest Star Formation: Extreme Photoionization Conditions of a High-Ionization, Low-Metallicity Lensed Galaxy at z~2

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    We report new observations of SL2SJ021737-051329, a lens system consisting of a bright arc at z=1.84435, magnified ~17x by a massive galaxy at z=0.65. SL2SJ0217 is a low-mass (M <10^9 M*), low-metallicity (Z~1/20 Z*) galaxy, with extreme star-forming conditions that produce strong nebular UV emission lines in the absence of any apparent outflows. Here we present several notable features from rest-frame UV Keck/LRIS spectroscopy: (1) Very strong narrow emission lines are measured for CIV 1548,1550, HeII 1640, OIII] 1661,1666, SiIII] 1883,1892, and CIII] 1907,1909. (2) Double-peaked LyA emission is observed with a dominant blue peak and centered near the systemic velocity. (3) The low- and high-ionization absorption features indicate very little or no outflowing gas along the sightline to the lensed galaxy. The relative emission line strengths can be reproduced with a very high-ionization, low-metallicity starburst with binaries, with the exception of He \ii, which indicates an additional ionization source is needed. We rule out large contributions from AGN and shocks to the photoionization budget, suggesting that the emission features requiring the hardest radiation field likely result from extreme stellar populations that are beyond the capabilities of current models. Therefore, SL2S0217 serves as a template for the extreme conditions that are important for reionization and thought to be more common in the early Universe.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures, 8 tables, re-submitted to ApJ, comments welcom

    Thirty-fold: Extreme gravitational lensing of a quiescent galaxy at z=1.6z=1.6

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    We report the discovery of eMACSJ1341-QG-1, a quiescent galaxy at z=1.594z=1.594 located behind the massive galaxy cluster eMACSJ1341.9-2442 (z=0.835z=0.835). The system was identified as a gravitationally lensed triple image in Hubble Space Telescope images obtained as part of a snapshot survey of the most X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at z>0.5z>0.5 and spectroscopically confirmed in ground-based follow-up observations with the ESO/X-Shooter spectrograph. From the constraints provided by the triple image, we derive a first, crude model of the mass distribution of the cluster lens, which predicts a gravitational amplification of a factor of \sim30 for the primary image and a factor of \sim6 for the remaining two images of the source, making eMACSJ1341-QG-1 by far the most strongly amplified quiescent galaxy discovered to date. Our discovery underlines the power of SNAPshot observations of massive, X-ray selected galaxy clusters for lensing-assisted studies of faint background populations

    Caracterização citogenética clássica e molecular de trigos brasileiros.

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    Editores técnicos: Joseani Mesquita Antunes, Ana Lídia Variani Bonato, Márcia Barrocas Moreira Pimentel

    Citogenética vegetal: da era clássica à molecular.

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    Análise citogenética de híbridos entre Triticum durum x Aegilops tauschii com potencial uso em programas de melhoramento genético de trigo.

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    Editores técnicos: Joseani Mesquita Antunes, Ana Lídia Variani Bonato, Márcia Barrocas Moreira Pimentel

    Identification and cost of adverse events in metastatic breast cancer in taxane and capecitabine based regimens.

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    PurposeWe sought to compare the economic impact of treatment-related adverse events (AEs) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC) using taxane- or capecitabine-based treatment regimens as either first- or second-line (FL or SL) therapy in the US.MethodsWe used healthcare claims data from the Truven Health Analytics MarketScan® Commercial Databases to conduct a retrospective cohort study comparing the economic impact of AEs amongst taxane- and capecitabine-treated mBC patients in the US. We selected women diagnosed with mBC between 2008-2010 who received a taxane or capecitabine as first- or second-line (FL or SL) chemotherapy. Costs related to hospitalization, outpatient services, emergency department visits, chemotherapy and other medications were tabulated and combined to determine total healthcare costs. The incremental monthly costs associated with the presence of AEs compared to no AEs were estimated using generalized linear models, controlling for age and Charlson Comorbidity Index.ResultsWe identified 15,443 mBC patients meeting inclusion criteria. Adjusted total monthly costs were significantly higher in those who experienced AEs than in those without AEs in both lines of treatment (FL incremental cost: taxanes 1,142,capecitabine1,142, capecitabine 1,817; SL incremental cost: taxanes 1,448,capecitabine1,448, capecitabine 4,437). Total costs increased with the number of AEs and were primarily driven by increased hospitalization amongst those with AEs.ConclusionsAdverse events in taxane- or capecitabine-treated mBC patients are associated with significant increases in costs. Selecting treatment options associated with fewer AEs may reduce costs and improve outcomes in these patients