417 research outputs found

    Nonparametric Estimators of Dose-Response Functions

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    We propose two semiparametric estimators of the dose-response function based on spline techniques. Under uncounfoundedness, the generalized propensity score can be used to estimate dose-response functions (DRF) and marginal treatment effect functions. In many observational studies treatment may not be binary or categorical. In such cases, one may be interested in estimating the dose-response function in a setting with a continuous treatment. We evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators using Monte Carlo simulation methods. The simulation results suggested that the estimated DRF is robust to the specific semiparametric estimator used, while the parametric estimates of the DRF were sensitive to model mis-specification. We apply our approach to the problem of evaluating the effect on innovation sales of Research and Development (R&D) financial aids received by Luxembourgish firms in 2004 and 2005.Continuous treatment; Dose-response function; Generalized Propensity Score; Non-parametric methods; R&D investment

    Some physiochemical and heavy metal concentration in surface water stream of Tutuka in the Kenyasi mining catchment area

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    The research was conducted in the Akantansu stream of Tutuka in Kenyasi in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana from October 2010 to January 2011. The objectives of the study were to find out the contamination levels of pH, BOD5, Lead, Chromium, and Arsenic in the Akantansu stream of Tutuka to promote public health safety of people patronizing the stream for bathing and cooking. Determination of pH was achieved using Etech instrument (PC 300 series where as BOD5 level was assessed by means of empirical standard laboratory test which determined the relative oxygen requirements of waste water, effluents and polluted water using the standard procedure as per America Public Health Association (2006). An AAS 220 atomic absorption spectrometer was used for the analyses of heavy metals (lead, chromium and arsenic). The Research revealed that, the geometric mean levels of (0.01- 0.02, 0.03 – 0.26, 0 - 0.01, 3.99 – 7.06) mg/L and 5.64 – 6.40 for Arsenic, Lead, Chromium, BOD5 and pH compared to the EPA Maximum Permissible Limits of ( 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 50) mg/L and 6-9 were respectively within the acceptable standards. However, due to slightly higher concentration of chromium (0.26 mg/L) up the stream, the people of Tutuka may develop health effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, headaches, depression, sleeping disorders, skin cancers, tumours in lungs, bladder, kidney and liver if they continue to use water from the stream for bathing and cooking

    Adrenergic modulation of potassium metabolism in uremia

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    Adrenergic modulation of potassium metabolism in uremia. The effect of chronic beta adrenergic blockade on potassium homeostasis during moderate intensity exercise (40% of VO2 max) was examined in seven end-stage renal patients who were being maintained on chronic dialysis treatment. Subjects participated in three study protocols: 1) exercise alone, 2) exercise plus propranolol (a nonselective beta-1, beta-2 antagonist), and 3) exercise plus metoprolol (a specific beta-1 antagonist). The basal potassium concentration was similar in all three studies and averaged 4.95 ± 0.12 mEq/liter. During Study 1 (exercise alone), plasma potassium rose by 0.26 ± 0.09 mEq/liter. During exercise with propranolol, plasma K concentration rose significantly higher (Δ plasma K = 0.44 ± 0.26 mEq/liter; P < 0.05 vs. exercise alone). In contrast, the rise in plasma K during exercise with metoprolol (Δ plasma K = 0.20 ± 0.08 mEq/liter) was similar to that observed with exercise alone. Differences in potassium homeostasis between metoprolol and propranolol could not be explained by differences in hemodynamic parameters, levels of potassium regulatory hormones, or acid base status. Thus, the higher rise in potassium concentration during exercise with propranolol could only be explained by adrenergic blockade at the beta-2 receptor site. These results support the concept that adrenergic control of extrarenal potassium homeostasis in dialysis patients is mediated at the beta-2 receptor. Since a deterioration in potassium homeostasis during exercise is observed with beta-2, but not beta-1 blockade, selective beta-1 adrenergic blocking agents may be safer in dialysis patients

    Modeling of Mid-IR Amplifier Based on an Erbium-Doped Chalcogenide Microsphere

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    An optical amplifier based on a tapered fiber and an Er3+-doped chalcogenide microsphere is designed and optimized. A dedicated 3D numerical model, which exploits the coupled mode theory and the rate equations, is used. The main transitions among the erbium energy levels, the amplified spontaneous emission, and the most important secondary transitions pertaining to the ion-ion interactions have been considered. Both the pump and signal beams are efficiently injected and obtained by a suitable design of the taper angle and the fiber-microsphere gap. Moreover, a good overlapping between the optical signals and the rare-earth-doped region is also obtained. In order to evaluate the amplifier performance in reduced computational time, the doped area is partitioned in sectors. The obtained simulation results highlight that a high-efficiency midinfrared amplification can be obtained by using a quite small microsphere

    Epinephrine and potassium homeostasis

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    Epinephrine and potassium homeostasis. The effect of epinephrine on potassium metabolism was examined in six subjects. Each subject participated in four studies as follows: (1) potassium chloride infusion (0.75 mEq/kg, i.v.) given over 2 hours, (2) epinephrine (0.05 ”g/kg·min) plus potassium chloride, (3) propranolol (1.43 ”g/kg·min) plus epinephrine plus potassium chloride, and (4) propranolol plus potassium chloride. The epinephrine infusion with potassium chloride led to a marked improvement in potassium tolerance, which was due to a greater than twofold increase in the extrarenal disposal of potassium (P < 0.001). The enhancing effect of epinephrine on extrarenal potassium uptake was completely reversed with the beta-blocking agent propranolol. When propranolol alone was infused with potassium chloride, a significant decrease in the extrarenal disposal of potassium was observed. When potassium chloride was infused alone, 47% of the administered potassium load was excreted in the urine. Epinephrine infusion with potassium chloride markedly inhibited the urinary excretion of potassium (UKV) to rates that were actually below the basal potassium excretion rate (P <0.001). Propranolol almost completely reversed this effect of epinephrine on UKV, and when propranolol was infused alone, an enhancement in UKV (P < 0.005) was observed. Insulin adds only a minor contribution to the enhancing effect of epinephrine on extrarenal potassium disposal and does not contribute at all to the inhibitory effect of epinephrine on renal potassium excretion. These results demonstrate that epinephrine ameliorates the rise in plasma potassium concentration following potassium chloride infusion. Because none of the infused potassium was excreted during the 4-hour study period, the improvement in potassium tolerance must result from an enhancement in extrarenal potassium disposal. The ability of propranolol to reverse both the extrarenal and renal effects indicates that the action of epinephrine is mediated via stimulation of the beta receptor.EpinĂ©phrine et homĂ©ostasie du potassium. L'effet de l'Ă©pinĂ©phrine sur le mĂ©tabolisme du potassium a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© chez six sujets. Chaque sujet a participĂ© Ă  quatre Ă©tudes de la façon suivante: (1) perfusion de chlorure de potassium (0,75 mEq/kg, i.v.) administrĂ© en 2 heures, (2) Ă©pinĂ©phrine (0,05 ”g/kg·min) plus chlorure de potassium, (3) propranolol (1,43 ”g/kg·min) plus Ă©pinĂ©phrine plus chlorure de potassium, et (4) propranolol plus chlorure de potassium. La perfusion d'Ă©pinĂ©phrine avec du chlorure de potassium dĂ©termine une augmentation importante de la tolĂ©rance au potassium, laquelle est due Ă  une augmentation de plus du double de la disposition extra-rĂ©nale du potassium (P < 0,001). L'effet d'augmentation par l'Ă©pinĂ©phrine de la captation extra-rĂ©nale du potassium a Ă©tĂ© complĂštement aboli par le bĂȘta bloquant propranolol. Quand le propsranolol seul a Ă©tĂ© perfusĂ© avec du chlorure de potassium, une diminution significative de la disposition extra-rĂ©nale de potassium a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Quand le chlorure de potassium est perfusĂ© seul, 47% de la charge administrĂ©e sont excrĂ©tĂ©s dans les urines. La perfusion d'Ă©pinĂ©phrine avec le chlorure de potassium a abaissĂ© de façon importante UKV Ă  des dĂ©bits infĂ©rieurs aux valeurs basales (P < 0,001). Le propranolol abolit presque complĂštement cet effet de l'Ă©pinĂ©phrine sur UKV et quand le propranolol est perfusĂ© seul une augmentation de UKV (P < 0,005) apparaĂźt. L'insuline n'apporte qu'une faible contribution Ă  l'effet d'augmentation par l'Ă©pinĂ©phrine de la disposition extra-rĂ©nale du potassium et ne contribue pas du tout Ă  l'effet inhibiteur de l'Ă©pinĂ©phrine sur l'excrĂ©tion rĂ©nale de potassium. Ces rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que l'Ă©pinĂ©phrine minimise l'Ă©lĂ©vation de la concentration plasmatique de potassium consĂ©cutive Ă  une perfusion de chlorure de potassium. Du fait que le potassium perfusĂ© n'est pas excrĂ©tĂ© pendant les 4 heures de l'Ă©tude il est prouvĂ© que l'amĂ©lioration de la tolĂ©rance au potassium est la consĂ©quence d'une augmentation de sa disposition extra-rĂ©nale. La capacitĂ© qu'a le propranolol d'abolir Ă  la fois l'effet rĂ©nal et l'effet extra-rĂ©nal indique que cette action de l'Ă©pinĂ©phrine a pour mĂ©diateur la stimulation des rĂ©cepteurs bĂȘta

    Kepuasan Pegawai PT. Taspen (Persero) Terhadap Program Canofile for Windows Pada Unit Kerja Arsip Dan Dokumen PT. Taspen (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Semarang

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    Skripsi ini berjudul Kepuasan Pegawai PT. Taspen (Persero) Terhadap Program Canofile For Windows Pada Unit Kerja Arsip dan Dokumen PT. Taspen (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kepuasan Pengguna Arsip Terhadap Layanan Arsip Elektronik di PT. Taspen (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan berdasarkan pada data kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai yang sering menggunakan arsip elektronik yang berjumlah 6 (enam) orang.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 50 % responden sangat setuju terhadap fungsi sistem komputer. Hal ini disebabkan adanya faktor-faktor lain yang mendukung diantaranya ketepatan ketika pengunjung membutuhkan informasi. Sikap responden terhadap kualitas layanan termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik yakni sebesar 56,43 %.Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa besarnya kontribusi yang diberikan variabel sistem komputer terhadap kualitas layanan yang diberikan petugas arsip memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna arsip. Proses layanan ini berjalan dengan baik dan benar sehingga dapat mencapai target yang diinginkan oleh para pengguna arsip baik secara elektronik maupun secara manual

    Evaluation of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) to uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients in Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) to treat uncomplicated Plasmodiumfalciparum malaria has been applied in Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia, since2004. However evaluation of the two ACT regimens used ie: Artesunate Amodiaquine(AAQ) and Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine (DHP) co-administered with Primaquine (PQ)has not been performed. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and side effects ofAAQ+PQ and DHP+PQ treatment in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Purworejo. Inthis descriptive and observational study, 46 Pf infected patients who fullfill the inclusionand exclusion criterias were recruited from December 2010 to August 2011. StandardACT treatment were given to the patients followed by WHO drug efficacy evaluation for28 days. The clinical symptoms and adverse events was also evaluated over the course ofthe treatment. From all recruited subjects, 37 patients received DHP+PQ and 9 patientsreceived AAQ+PQ. On the DHP+PQ treated patient, all subjects were free of asexualand sexual parasites by Day-3 while on AAQ+PQ treated patient, this parasite clearancewas achieved faster as early as on D-2 at the latest. On the otherhand, the disappearanceof fever was also last longer in DHP+PQ treated patient which in one patient last onD-14, while in AAQ+PQ treated patient, the symptom of fever dissappeared by D-2at the latest. No Early or Late Treatment Failures were found on either DHP+PQ orAAQ+PQ treatment as well as clinical and parasitological failures. However, the presenceof adverse events cause by both drugs should not be ignored to ensure drug compliance
