1,256 research outputs found

    Emotional crisis in a naturalistic context: characterizing outpatient profiles and treatment effectiveness.

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    Crisis happens daily yet its understanding is often limited, even in the field of psychiatry. Indeed, a challenge is to assess the potential for change of patients so as to offer appropriate therapeutic interventions and enhance treatment program efficacy. This naturalistic study aimed to identify the socio-demographical characteristics and clinical profiles at admission of patients referred to a specialized Crisis Intervention Center (CIC) and to examine the effectiveness of the intervention. The sample was composed of 352 adult outpatients recruited among the referrals to the CIC. Assessment completed at admission and at discharge examined psychiatric symptoms, defense mechanisms, recovery styles and global functioning. The crisis intervention consisted in a psychodynamically oriented multimodal approach associated with medication. Regarding the clinical profiles at intake, patients were middle-aged (M = 38.56, SD = 10.91), with a higher proportion of women (62.22%). They were addressed to the CIC because they had attempted to commit suicide or had suicidal ideation or presented depressed mood related to interpersonal difficulties. No statistical differences were found between patients dropping out (n = 215) and those attending the crisis intervention (n = 137). Crisis intervention demonstrated a beneficial effect (p < 0.01) on almost all variables, with Effect Sizes (ES) ranging from small to large (0.12 < ES < 0.75; median = 0.49). However, the Reliable Change Index indicated that most of the issues fall into the undetermined category (range 41.46 to 96.35%; median = 66.20%). This study establishes the profile of patients referred to the CIC and shows that more than half of the patients dropped out from the crisis intervention before completion. Our findings suggest that people presenting an emotional crisis benefit from crisis intervention. However, given methodological constraints, these results need to be considered with caution. Moreover, the clinical significance of the improvements is not confirmed. Thus, the effectiveness of crisis intervention in naturalistic context is not fully determined and should be more rigorously studied in future research

    Designing a resilient curriculum for a joint engineering first year

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    El préstamo y el tipo de interés en la tradición aristotélica: Aristóteles, Tomás de Aquino y Calvino

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    El artículo trata sobre el cambio que ha sufrido la concepción de interés entre la época clásica y la economía actual. Sostiene que más que un cambio de actitud moral es un cambio en la concepción del tiempo causado por la aparición del capitalismo. Para el capitalismo moderno, el tiempo es un bien económico –es decir, escaso– con un precio, el tipo de interés. El autor sostiene que para Aristóteles y Tomás de Aquino ese es un precio falso porque el dinero no es un bien duradero. Por tanto, el interés es un servicio entre individuos desiguales: va contra la naturaleza y revela la violencia que una persona ejerce contra otra. Por último, el artículo sostiene que ese cambio en el concepto de tiempo provoca un cambio en el concepto de trabajo: el trabajo ya no es más que trabajo productivo, para el que el tiempo no es ya interior y subjetivo sino exterior y objetivo.-----This paper deals with the change of conception of interest between classical ages and today economics. He maintains that more than a change of moral attitude it means a change in the conception of time caused by the appearance of capitalism. Time, for modern capitalism, is an economic –i.e., a scarce– good with a price, the rate of interest. For Aristotle and Aquinas, the author asserts, this is a false price because money is not a long-lasting good. Interest is then a service between unequal individuals: it is against nature and reveals the violence exerted by a person against another. Finally the article holds that by this change in the concept of time causes a change in the concept of work: work is no more than productive work for which time is not more an interior and subjective time but exterior and objective

    Transcriptional changes induced by candidate malaria vaccines and correlation with protection against malaria in a human challenge model.

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    INTRODUCTION: The complexity of immunity to malaria is well known, and clear correlates of protection against malaria have not been established. A better understanding of immune markers induced by candidate malaria vaccines would greatly enhance vaccine development, immunogenicity monitoring and estimation of vaccine efficacy in the field. We have previously reported complete or partial efficacy against experimental sporozoite challenge by several vaccine regimens in healthy malaria-naïve subjects in Oxford. These include a prime-boost regimen with RTS,S/AS02A and modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing the CSP antigen, and a DNA-prime, MVA-boost regimen expressing the ME TRAP antigens. Using samples from these trials we performed transcriptional profiling, allowing a global assessment of responses to vaccination. METHODS: We used Human RefSeq8 Bead Chips from Illumina to examine gene expression using PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) from 16 human volunteers. To focus on antigen-specific changes, comparisons were made between PBMC stimulated with CSP or TRAP peptide pools and unstimulated PBMC post vaccination. We then correlated gene expression with protection against malaria in a human Plasmodium falciparum malaria challenge model. RESULTS: Differentially expressed genes induced by both vaccine regimens were predominantly in the IFN-γ pathway. Gene set enrichment analysis revealed antigen-specific effects on genes associated with IFN induction and proteasome modules after vaccination. Genes associated with IFN induction and antigen presentation modules were positively enriched in subjects with complete protection from malaria challenge, while genes associated with haemopoietic stem cells, regulatory monocytes and the myeloid lineage modules were negatively enriched in protected subjects. CONCLUSIONS: These results represent novel insights into the immune repertoires involved in malaria vaccination

    University CubeSat Project Management for Success

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    CubeSats have been developed by many different institutions since they were introduced by California Polytechnic State University and Stanford University in 1999. Given the 40% failure rate of university missions, it is important to discover what project arrangements may give the CubeSat the best chance of success. The aim of this paper is to offer those wishing to start a CubeSat program some indications of what successful project management at a university may look like. This paper provides case studies of 3 universities who have launched more than 4 satellites: University of Michigan, the Montana State University, and Aalborg University in Denmark. The information was gathered by asking supervisors from these teams a series of questions relating to project management. These included team structure, continuity, how the students organize themselves, how much of the work is embedded in the curriculum, how new students were integrated and how documentation was used to manage the project. The different methods of organization used in the different programs were described with their unique features. After this, both the variation and the common elements were identified. It is hoped that this research will contribute to successful CubeSat projects in universities worldwide

    Disability Costs and Equivalence Scales in the Older Population in Great Britain

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    We use a standard of living (SoL) approach to estimate older people's disability costs, using data on 8000 individuals from the U.K. Family Resources Survey. We extend previous research in two ways. First, by allowing for a more flexible relationship between SoL and income, the structure of the estimated disability cost and equivalence scale is not dictated by a restrictive functional form assumption. Second, we allow for the latent nature of disability and SoL, addressing measurement error in the disability and SoL indicators in surveys. We find that disability costs are strongly related to severity of disability, and vary with income in absolute and proportionate terms. Older people above the median disability level require an extra �99 per week (2007 prices) on average to reach the SoL of an otherwise similar person at the median. Costs faced by older people in the highest decile of disability average �180

    Polyvalent Cations Constitute the Voltage Gating Particle in Human Connexin37 Hemichannels

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    Connexins oligomerize to form intercellular channels that gate in response to voltage and chemical agents such as divalent cations. Historically, these are believed to be two independent processes. Here, data for human connexin37 (hCx37) hemichannels indicate that voltage gating can be explained as block/unblock without the necessity for an independent voltage gate. hCx37 hemichannels closed at negative potentials and opened in a time-dependent fashion at positive potentials. In the absence of polyvalent cations, however, the channels were open at relatively negative potentials, passing current linearly with respect to voltage. Current at negative potentials could be inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by the addition of polyvalent cations to the bathing solution. Inhibition could be explained as voltage-dependent block of hCx37, with the field acting directly on polyvalent cations, driving them through the pore to an intracellular site. At positive potentials, in the presence of polyvalent cations, the field favored polyvalent efflux from the intracellular blocking site, allowing current flow. The rate of appearance of current depended on the species and valence of the polyvalent cation in the bathing solution. The rate of current decay upon repolarization depended on the concentration of polyvalent cations in the bathing solution, consistent with deactivation by polyvalent block, and was rapid (time constants of tens of milliseconds), implying a high local concentration of polyvalents in or near the channel pore. Sustained depolarization slowed deactivation in a flux-dependent, voltage- and time-independent fashion. The model for hCx37 voltage gating as polyvalent block/unblock can be expanded to account for observations in the literature regarding hCx37 gap junction channel behavior

    Identity work and the `unemployed' worker: age, disability and the lived experience of the older unemployed

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    This article seeks to explore how older individuals negotiate and manage their self-identity in relation to work while situated without paid employment. After reviewing the current positions of the older unemployed in the UK, noting the substantial overlap between age and disability, we turn our attention to conceptualizing the lived experiences of individuals through exploring `identity work' as a means of understanding a non-working work identity. Based upon focus group interviews, our empirical analysis focuses on key dimensions of participants' identity practice and how they sought to manage the following social processes: imposed identities; crafting working identities; and contesting unfavourable working identities.The conclusion contextualizes the findings against a backdrop of increasing individualistic discourses underpinning approaches to employability, closes with the policy implications arising from this study, and makes suggestions for future research agendas. </jats:p

    A Disdrometer based on Ultra-Fast SPAD Cameras

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    We present a new environmental application of SPAD imagers, namely the continuous and real-time measurement of size and shapes of hydrometeors. Details of the set-up and results obtained with a first 32x32 pixel prototype based on the RADHARD2 chip [1] are illustrated. Real-time operation at very low light levels, 6000 frames per second and 1:100 average data reduction are amongst the most significant achievements