3,933 research outputs found

    Genome-wide analysis in the search for candidate genes associated with meat productivity traits in meat-and-dairy goats

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    The development of the tourism cluster in the North Caucasus causes the expansion of product range with high consumer characteristics, in particular, a sustainable offer of dairy and meat products labeled as environmentally friendly. In the range of such products with high dietary properties, a special role may be played by goat meat obtained from Karachay goats, which are the most common meat-and-dairy goats in the region. The aim of the work was to search for candidate genes associated with live weight and meat productivity of Karachay goats. GWAS analysis using Goat 50K BeadChip high-density DNA microarray determined a genome-wide level of significance for six SNPs located on chromosomes 5, 6, 10 and 16 associated with the live weight of young animals (4 and 8 months old). Three of the six SNPs within the ± 200 kb region were localized to HMGA2, CRADD, and MAX genes. These genes were selected to study the meat productivity traits of young goats with different genotypes. It was found that in the locus linked with HMGA2 gene, young goats with GG genotype were characterized by the best indicators of meat productivity. Compared to AA genotype animals, they had superiority in pre-slaughter weight, slaughter carcass weight, slaughter yield, boneless meat weight and loin eye area by 8.9%, 13.6%, 4.3% (P<0.05), 10.5% (P<0.05) respectively. Young goat meat of this genotype was characterized by the high protein content of 22.56% and low fat content of 9.12%. For the CRADD gene, animals with GG genotype had a higher pre-slaughter weight, slaughter weight, slaughter carcass yield, boneless meat weight and loin eye area. Animals with AG genotype were characterized by the lowest indicators. According to the above characteristics, the difference between the compared genotypes was 15.8%, 25.7% (P<0.01), 8.4% (P <0.05), 18.3%, and 15.7% (P 0.01) respectively. There were no significant differences in the chemical composition of muscle tissue between animals of different genotypes. HMGA2 and CRADD genes are promising for further research of Karachay goats breeding to increase meat productivity and meat quality.

    Nanohyperthermia of malignant tumors.i. lanthanum-strontium manganite magnetic fluid as potential inducer of tumor hyperthermia

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    Objectives: To synthesize magnetic particles of lanthanum-strontium manganite, prepare the magnetic fluid (MF), evaluate the generation of heat by particles and determine their common toxiсity. Methods: Nanoparticles based on the solid solutions of lanthanum-strontium manganite (La1-xSrxMnO3) have been synthesized by a sol-gel method. Conventional methods of experimental oncology were used. Results: Nanoparticles of ferromagnetic materials on the basis of solid solutions of lanthanum strontium manganite by sol-gel method were synthesized. It was shown the possibility to regulate the aggregate form of particles that are formed during the synthesis. Magnetic fluid based on the synthesized nanoparticles and water solutions of agarose have been produced. It was shown the possibility to heat this magnetic fluid up to 42–45 °С in externally applied alternating magnetic field (AMF) operated at 100–400 kHz. It was determined that under long-term influence of AMF nanofluid is heated up to temperature which is not over that of magnetic phase transition. It was detected that magnetic powder as well as fluid have not displayed acute toxicity or side effects (intraperitoneal or intratumoral administration) in animals either intact or with transplanted tumors. Conclusions: Possibility of synthesized magnetic fluid to generate heat in externally applied AMF as well as lack of side effects allow to consider its as a potential mean for tumor hyperthermia (HT)

    Nanohyperthermia of malignant tumors. II. In vivo tumor heating with manganese perovskite nanoparticles

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    Objectives: To evaluate the ability of manganese perovskite nanoparticles (lanthanum-strontium manganite) to heat the tumor tissue in vivo under action of external alternating magnetic field. Materials and Methods: The magnetic fluid on the basis of nanoparticles of perovskite manganite was tested in the heating experiments using of alternating magnetic field of frequency 300 kHz and amplitude 7.7 kA/m. Guerin carcinoma was transplanted into the muscle of rat. Magnetic fluid was injected intramuscularly or intratumorally. Temperature was measured by copper-constantan thermocouple. Results: Temperature of magnetic fluid was increased by 56 °C for 10 min of alternating magnetic field action. Administration of magnetic fluid into the muscle followed by alternating magnetic field resulted in the elevation of muscle temperature by 8 °C after 30 min post injection. Temperature of the tumor injected with magnetic fluid and treated by alternating magnetic field was increased by 13.6 °C on the 30 min of combined influence. Conclusion: In vivo study with rat tissue has demonstrated that magnetic fluid of manganite perovskite injected in the tumor increases the tumor temperature under an alternating magnetic field. Obtained results emphasize that magnetic fluid of manganite perovskite can be considered as effective inducer of tumor hyperthermia

    Measurement of the τ-lepton Lifetime at Belle

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    The lifetime of the τ lepton is measured using the process e+e−→τ+τ−, where both τ leptons decay to 3πντ. The result for the mean lifetime, based on 711  fb−1 of data collected with the Belle detector at the ϒ(4S) resonance and 60  MeV below, is τ=(290.17±0.53(stat)±0.33(syst))×10−15  s. The first measurement of the lifetime difference betweenτ+ and τ− is performed. The upper limit on the relative lifetime difference between positive and negative τ leptons is |Δτ|/τ\u3c7.0×10−3 at 90% C.L

    Research of a modern communicative discourse of users of the Internet network within the reflexive activity and structural theory of communicative action of Jurgen Habermas

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    A digital era with inevitability raises for us a question of need of definition of determination of the changes, resulting from informatization: processes of transformation of contents, organizational and technological bases and also valuable sense of social communications in virtual space within concepts of “open society”, “network society”, “digital society”. In article views of the reflexive activity and structural theory of communicative action of Jurgen Habermas have been revealed: “the vital world” to which “the system world” resists has been considered. An approach to knowledge of process of evolution through attraction of the typology of communicative actions, developed by Jurgen Habermas, according to which the first type of actions focused on success, and the second type – on understanding, has been described. A modern communicative discourse of users of Internet network has been analyzed, in particular, fragmentation of ordinary consciousness and colonization has been noted by its systems, which is connected with disintegration of a common understanding of the vital worlds. On the basis of the analysis of results of a research of interaction of subjects of the digital communications, carried out by the State university of management, possibilities of interpretation of primary data on the basis of scientific approach of Jurgen Habermas have been introduced. So, for example, it has been shown, that young people actively make habitable “the system world” of virtual space, replacing with it real communications and transforming real forms of behavior of “the vital world”, a certain rationality of young people at assessment of objectivity of information Internet resources is noted, their ability to define “a discourse, that is the argument” in favor of these or those forms of use of opportunities of Internet network. Ways of fuller inclusion in the modern scientific device of digital sociology of approaches of Jurgen Habermas have been offered


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    The technique of the comparative analysis of the identification algorithms, applied at a stage of the tertiary radar-tracking information processing in the multisource radar-tracking systems of the air space monitoring is applied. The technique is based on the identification procedure representation of air objects trajectories as the automatic classification problem on the not given amount of classes.Предлагается методика сравнительного анализа алгоритмов отождествления, применяемых на этапе третичной обработки радиолокационной информации в многодатчиковых радиолокационных системах мониторинга воздушного пространства, основанная на представлении процедуры отождествления траекторий воздушных объектов как задачи автоматической классификации на незаданное число классов

    Coalition or Opposition? The Behaviour of Regionalist Parties in Multi-level Competition: The Cases of the Basque Country and Scotland

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    This article compares the positioning behaviour of parties and reveals why one party joins a coalition, while others do not. The cases of two regionalist parties of the UK and Spain are depicted: the Scottish National Party (SNP) and Basque National Party (BNP). The study is a contribution to the problems of positioning behaviour of parties in decentralised systems with strong regionalist elements and incentives of regionalist parties (RPs) to enter a coalition with state-wide parties (SWPs). Based on process tracing and comparative analysis of the main regionalist parties, electoral data, public statements, and media statements we conclude that the ideological proxi mity on the economic dimension of the parties, and the territorial dimension are of key importance in evaluating the coalition potential between SWPs and the RPs. Moreover, competition at the regional level creates incentives for RPs to enter a coalition with SWPs and there is no evident support for the minority government to be disposed to enter a coalition rather than a majority government