10 research outputs found

    Electrophilic oligodeoxynucleotide synthesis using dM-Dmoc for amino protection

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    Solid-phase synthesis of electrophilic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) was achieved using dimethyl-Dmoc (dM-Dmoc) as amino protecting group. Due to the high steric hindrance of the 2-(propan-2-ylidene)-1,3-dithiane side product from deprotection, the use of excess nucleophilic scavengers such as aniline to prevent Michael addition of the side product to the deprotected ODN during ODN cleavage and deprotection was no longer needed. The improved technology was demonstrated by the synthesis and characterization of five ODNs including three modified ones. The modified ODNs contained the electrophilic groups ethyl ester, α-chloroamide, and thioester. Using the technology, the sensitive groups can be installed at any location within the ODN sequences without using any sequence- or functionality-specific conditions and procedures


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    The article presents a psychosemantic approach to interpersonal relations, which is based on the theoretical concepts of O. Harvey, D. Hunt, & H. Schroeder, as well as, L.Vygotski, A. N. Leontev, D.N. Leontev, V. Nalimov, and others. A psychosemantic approach to interpersonal relations manifests through the concepts of person’s conceptual system, gestalt-concepts, conceptual dissonance, common conceptual space, and conceptual flexibility. The main pathogenic strategies of conceptual dissonance smoothing, like distortion of existing reality, distortion of the laws and principles offormal logic, and rejection of previous experience, are also discussed

    International Developments in Open

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    Electrophilic oligodeoxynucleotide synthesis using dM-Dmoc for amino protection

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    Solid-phase synthesis of electrophilic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) was achieved using dimethyl-Dmoc (dM-Dmoc) as amino protecting group. Due to the high steric hindrance of the 2-(propan-2-ylidene)-1,3-dithiane side product from deprotection, the use of excess nucleophilic scavengers such as aniline to prevent Michael addition of the side product to the deprotected ODN during ODN cleavage and deprotection was no longer needed. The improved technology was demonstrated by the synthesis and characterization of five ODNs including three modified ones. The modified ODNs contained the electrophilic groups ethyl ester, α-chloroamide, and thioester. Using the technology, the sensitive groups can be installed at any location within the ODN sequences without using any sequence- or functionality-specific conditions and procedures

    Multicolor GLUT5-permeable fluorescent probes for fructose transport analysis.

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    The specificity of carbohydrate transporters towards their substrates poses a significant challenge for the development of molecular probes to monitor sugar uptake in cells for biochemical and biomedical applications. Herein we report a new set of coumarin-based fluorescent sugar conjugates applicable for the analysis of fructose uptake due to their free passage through the fructose-specific transporter GLUT5. The reported probes cover a broad range of the fluorescence spectrum providing essential tools for the evaluation of fructose transport capacity in live cells

    Capacitively coupled electrolyte-conductivity sensor based on high-k material of barium strontium titanate

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    A miniaturized capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C4D) sensor based on high-k perovskite oxide of barium strontium titanate (BST) has been implemented for the first time. The BST films (∼120 nm thick) of Ba0.25Sr0.75TiO3 composition were prepared on a p-Si-SiO2-Pt structure by pulsed laser deposition technique using BST targets fabricated by the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis method. The Pt electrodes were buried into the SiO2 layer to obtain a planar structure. For comparison, contact-mode electrolyte- conductivity (EC) sensors without the protective BST layer were also fabricated. To study the influence of the protective BST layer, both sensors were characterized in electrolyte solutions with various conductivities using two- and four-electrode operation modes. The impedance spectra were recorded in a frequency range from 1 Hz to 1 MHz. An equivalent circuit of the C4D sensor is discussed as well. Both, the EC and C4D sensor, demonstrate nearly identical sensor characteristics. The obtained results clearly show the benefits of the use of the BST-based C4D sensor in a four-electrode configuration for contactless conductivity measurements. A linear dependence between the measured conductance and the electrolyte conductivity is obtained in a wide range of electrolyte conductivity from 0.3 mS/cm to 50 mS/cm. Moreover, typical problems associated with contact-mode EC detection such as the effect of possible redox processes, contamination and fouling of electrodes during continuous measurements can be minimized, thus, enhancing the life-time of conductivity sensors considerably. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    Chemische Sensoren mit Bariumstrontiumtitanat als funktionale Schicht zur Multiparameterdetektion

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    Die herausragenden multifunktionalen Materialeigenschaften und die große Vielfalt in der stöchiometrischen Zusammensetzung von Perowskit-Oxiden wie beispielsweise Bariumstrontiumtitanat (BST) haben großes Interesse bei der Herstellung von Chemo- und Biosensoren für Flüssigkeiten geweckt. In diesem Beitrag werden BST-Dünnfilme als funktionale Schicht für die Multiparameterbestimmung von pH-Wert, Elektrolytleitfähigkeit sowie für die Detektion von geladenen Makromolekülen verwendet. Zur pH-Wertmessung wurde ein kapazitiver Feldeffektsensor mit einer BST-Schicht als alternativem Gatematerial, zur Messung der Elektrolytleitfähigkeit und zur Detektion von geladenen Makromolekülen wurden Platin-Interdigitalelektroden (IDE) mit einer BST-Schicht als Isolatormaterial und funktionale Schicht verwendet. Die BST-Schichten wurden mittels gepulster Laserdeposition (PLD) auf die jeweiligen Sensorstrukturen abgeschieden

    Structure, function and regulation of mammalian glucose transporters of the SLC2 family

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