310 research outputs found

    Effect of pulsed current charging on the performance of nickel-cadium cells

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    The effect of pulsed current charging on the charge acceptance of NiCd cells in terms of mass transfer, kinetic, and structural considerations was investigated. A systemic investigation on the performance of Ni-Cd cells by pulsed current charging was conducted under a variety of well-defined charge-discharge conditions. Experiments were carried out with half cells and film electrodes. The system behavior was studied by charge acceptance, mechanistic, and structural measurements

    Decay rates for a class of diffusive-dominated interaction equations

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    We analyse qualitative properties of the solutions to a mean-field equation for particles interacting through a pairwise potential while diffusing by Brownian motion. Interaction and diffusion compete with each other depending on the character of the potential. We provide sufficient conditions on the relation between the interaction potential and the initial data for diffusion to be the dominant term. We give decay rates of Sobolev norms showing that asymptotically for large times the behavior is then given by the heat equation. Moreover, we show an optimal rate of convergence in the L1L^1-norm towards the fundamental solution of the heat equation.Comment: 22 page

    Re-entrant Layer-by-Layer Etching of GaAs(001)

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    We report the first observation of re-entrant layer-by-layer etching based on {\it in situ\/} reflection high-energy electron-diffraction measurements. With AsBr3_3 used to etch GaAs(001), sustained specular-beam intensity oscillations are seen at high substrate temperatures, a decaying intensity with no oscillations at intermediate temperatures, but oscillations reappearing at still lower temperatures. Simulations of an atomistic model for the etching kinetics reproduce the temperature ranges of these three regimes and support an interpretation of the origin of this phenomenon as the site-selectivity of the etching process combined with activation barriers to interlayer adatom migration.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX 3.0. Physical Review Letters, in press

    Similarity Metrics for Closed Loop Dynamic Systems

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    To what extent and in what ways can two closed-loop dynamic systems be said to be "similar?" This question arises in a wide range of dynamic systems modeling and control system design applications. For example, bounds on error models are fundamental to the controller optimization with modern control design methods. Metrics such as the structured singular value are direct measures of the degree to which properties such as stability or performance are maintained in the presence of specified uncertainties or variations in the plant model. Similarly, controls-related areas such as system identification, model reduction, and experimental model validation employ measures of similarity between multiple realizations of a dynamic system. Each area has its tools and approaches, with each tool more or less suited for one application or the other. Similarity in the context of closed-loop model validation via flight test is subtly different from error measures in the typical controls oriented application. Whereas similarity in a robust control context relates to plant variation and the attendant affect on stability and performance, in this context similarity metrics are sought that assess the relevance of a dynamic system test for the purpose of validating the stability and performance of a "similar" dynamic system. Similarity in the context of system identification is much more relevant than are robust control analogies in that errors between one dynamic system (the test article) and another (the nominal "design" model) are sought for the purpose of bounding the validity of a model for control design and analysis. Yet system identification typically involves open-loop plant models which are independent of the control system (with the exception of limited developments in closed-loop system identification which is nonetheless focused on obtaining open-loop plant models from closed-loop data). Moreover the objectives of system identification are not the same as a flight test and hence system identification error metrics are not directly relevant. In applications such as launch vehicles where the open loop plant is unstable it is similarity of the closed-loop system dynamics of a flight test that are relevant

    Imaging technologies and strategies for detection of extant extraterrestrial microorganisms

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    There is no reductionist definition of life, so the way organisms look, behave, and move is the most definitive way to identify extraterrestrial life. Life elsewhere in the Solar System is likely to be microbial, but no microscope capable of imaging prokaryotic life has ever flown on a lander mission to a habitable planet. Nonetheless, high-resolution microscopes have been developed that are appropriate for planetary exploration. Traditional light microscopy, interferometric microscopy, light-field microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and electron microscopy are all possible techniques for the detection of extant micro-organisms on Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. This article begins with a general discussion of the challenges involved in searching for prokaryotic life, then reviews instruments that have flown, that have been selected for flight but not flown or not flown yet, and developing techniques of great promise for life detection that have not yet been selected for flight

    Local and Global Well-Posedness for Aggregation Equations and Patlak-Keller-Segel Models with Degenerate Diffusion

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    Recently, there has been a wide interest in the study of aggregation equations and Patlak-Keller-Segel (PKS) models for chemotaxis with degenerate diffusion. The focus of this paper is the unification and generalization of the well-posedness theory of these models. We prove local well-posedness on bounded domains for dimensions d≥2d\geq 2 and in all of space for d≥3d\geq 3, the uniqueness being a result previously not known for PKS with degenerate diffusion. We generalize the notion of criticality for PKS and show that subcritical problems are globally well-posed. For a fairly general class of problems, we prove the existence of a critical mass which sharply divides the possibility of finite time blow up and global existence. Moreover, we compute the critical mass for fully general problems and show that solutions with smaller mass exists globally. For a class of supercritical problems we prove finite time blow up is possible for initial data of arbitrary mass.Comment: 31 page

    Ka-Band Link Study and Analysis for a Mars Hybrid RF/Optical Software Defined Radio

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    The integrated radio and optical communications (iROC) project at the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) is investigating the feasibility of a hybrid RF and optical communication subsystem for future deep space missions. The hybrid communications subsystem enables the advancement of optical communications while simultaneously mitigating the risk of infusion by combining an experimental optical transmitter and telescope with a reliable Ka-band RF transmitter and antenna. The iROC communications subsystem seeks to maximize the total data return over the course of a potential 2-year mission in Mars orbit beginning in 2021. Although optical communication by itself offers potential for greater data return over RF, the reliable Ka-band link is also being designed for high data return capability in this hybrid system. A daily analysis of the RF link budget over the 2-year span is performed to optimize and provide detailed estimates of the RF data return. In particular, the bandwidth dependence of these data return estimates is analyzed for candidate waveforms. In this effort, a data return modeling tool was created to analyze candidate RF modulation and coding schemes with respect to their spectral efficiency, amplifier output power back-off, required digital to analog conversion (DAC) sampling rates, and support by ground receivers. A set of RF waveforms is recommended for use on the iROC platform

    Ares I Flight Control System Overview

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    This paper describes the control challenges posed by the Ares I vehicle, the flight control system design and performance analyses used to test and verify the design. The major challenges in developing the control system are structural dynamics, dynamic effects from the powerful first stage booster, aerodynamics, first stage separation and large uncertainties in the dynamic models for all these. Classical control techniques were employed using innovative methods for structural mode filter design and an anti-drift feature to compensate for translational and rotational disturbances. This design was coded into an integrated vehicle flight simulation and tested by Monte Carlo methods. The product of this effort is a linear, robust controller design that is easy to implement, verify and test
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