94 research outputs found

    DZero data-intensive computing on the Open Science Grid

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    International audienceHigh energy physics experiments periodically reprocess data, in order to take advantage of improved understanding of the detector and the data processing code. Between February and May 2007, the DZero experiment has reprocessed a substantial fraction of its dataset. This consists of half a billion events, corresponding to about 100 TB of data, organized in 300,000 files. The activity utilized resources from sites around the world, including a dozen sites participating to the Open Science Grid consortium (OSG). About 1,500 jobs were run every day across the OSG, consuming and producing hundreds of Gigabytes of data. Access to OSG computing and storage resources was coordinated by the SAM-Grid system. This system organized job access to a complex topology of data queues and job scheduling to clusters, using a SAM-Grid to OSG job forwarding infrastructure. For the first time in the lifetime of the experiment, a data intensive production activity was managed on a general purpose grid, such as OSG. This paper describes the implications of using OSG, where all resources are granted following an opportunistic model, the challenges of operating a data intensive activity over such large computing infrastructure, and the lessons learned throughout the project


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    On the basis of the interdisciplinary sociological and law approach and systematic methodology the features of the genesis and determination of juvenile delinquency are discussed. The author develops his own theoretical and practical model of prevention of juvenile delinquency in the juvenile justice system of Belarus as an effective measure to improve the national legislation and sustainable reduction in crime among young people.На основе междисциплинарного социолого-правового подхода и системной методологии рассматриваются особенности генезиса и детерминации правонарушений несовершеннолетних. Разработана авторская теоретико-прикладная модель системы предупреждения правонарушений несовершеннолетних и ювенального правосудия, которая рассматривается как эффективный социальный механизм совершенствования национального законодательства и устойчивого снижения правонарушений среди молодежи

    Ecological-climatic characteristics of the flora of a floodplain landscape in Southeastern Europe

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    Floodplain ecosystems take on the role of active areas of biodiversity and provide many “ecosystem services”, as evidenced by a number of European scientific references. A biodiversity analysis of river floodplains in six European countries within the temperate zone has shown that the floodplains are habitats with a high-level of structural and functional dynamics. The level of their conservation reflects the floristic diversity of forest territories, which is especially important for subarid areas. Recently, a comparison of bioecological characteristics of flora in floodplain forest areas and treeless territories was conducted on the floodplain landscapes of a subarid region of Europe. The valley-terraced landscape of the Samara River, a tributary of the Dnieper can serve as a reference site of native plant complexes of subarid territory in Eastern Europe. Despite long-term anthropogenic transformation, the landscape has retained a significant phytodiversity level. The flora of the Samara River area includes 887 plant species. Of these, 177 species belonging to the rare and endangered categories. The floodplain landscape is the richest in species and most diverse part of this complex. The flora of the Samara floodplain includes 728 species (including 132 rare ones), of which 631 grow in forest communities, and 487 – in anthropogenically transformed, treeless floodplain areas. As part of the forest flora, the number of tree and shrubby species, scyophytes, hygrophytes, and megatrophs significantly increases compared to treeless sites, and the number of ruderal plant species decreases. The floristic composition of the floodplain forests of the subarid region is much richer and more diverse than the flora of the treeless floodplain areas, and this should encourage measures for their protection and restoration. Afforestation of floodplain territories within the steppe zone of Ukraine should be a priority in comparison with other landscapes. For the protection of the flora studied, a scientific justification for creating the National Park "Samara Bor" was prepared. Under the conditions of anthropogenic and climatic impact, this article is of great global importance for attracting the attention of specialists, authorities and society to the protection and restoration of biodiversity in the most valuable landscapes

    Sheaves on fibered threefolds and quiver sheaves

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    This paper classifies a class of holomorphic D-branes, closely related to framed torsion-free sheaves, on threefolds fibered in resolved ADE surfaces over a general curve C, in terms of representations with relations of a twisted Kronheimer--Nakajima-type quiver in the category Coh(C) of coherent sheaves on C. For the local Calabi--Yau case C\cong\A^1 and special choice of framing, one recovers the N=1 ADE quiver studied by Cachazo--Katz--Vafa.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, minor change

    Rare steppe plant communities in Ukraine: Status, threats and their minimization

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    Nowadays, the impact of anthropogenic activities on natural vegetation is constantly increasing, the level of threats is raised, and newer risk factors are emerging. Recent trends in the anthropogenic impact on plant communities are extremely pronounced, especially on those listed in the Green Book of Ukraine (GBU). Identifying such trends is required for the further development of strategic and tactical planning for the preservation and restoration of rare grass, shrub, and subshrub steppe, petrophyte and psammophyte plant communities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. In addition to well-established threat factors that cause changes in the habitat of plant communities or mechanically affect plants, new specific threats occur. Today, the most important among them in Ukraine are as follows: climate change, military activity, growing population in the industrial cities, population poverty and government corruption, changes in forms of land ownership and the creation of a land market, lack of knowledge and effective policy, including lack of popular scientific information about the status of specific species and plant groupings, inadequate management of protected areas, uncoordinated environmental protection measures, ineffective sanctions, insufficient monitoring of the consumption of natural biological resources. The preservation of rare grass, shrubby and subshrubby communities in the steppe zone of Ukraine should be provided with proper support at the state level. There is a pressing need for a law of Ukraine “On the preservation of the steppes in Ukraine” and this will require mechanisms for its implementation. The issue of developing a strategy for the conservation and balanced use of steppe ecosystems in Ukraine, whose area is one of the largest in Europe, has long been raised. The main goal of the strategy is the actual preservation of steppe communities (most of which are currently rare) ensuring their restoration, minimizing degradation, and stopping biodiversity loss. In order to develop specific actions to eliminate threats or reduce their impact on rare plant groupings, it is required to investigate the causes of threats and assess their level and duration. This is required to preserve the landscape and biotic diversity in the steppe zone of Ukraine


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    The problems of state and the next technical maintenance radiotherapy and nuclear medicine evaluation in the Republic of Belarus are discussed. Now the treatment of oncological patients in radiotherapy puts to electron linear accelerators instead of irradiation them on external gamma-therapy units with 60Co. Dosimetric monitoring of new high technological methods of radiotherapy is described. Application of such complex precision methods on linear accelerators increases the efficiency of radiotherapy, practically decreases the complication in normal tissue and critical organs surrounding the volume targets during and after irradiation. Application of the modern diagnostic emission tomography including positron emission tomography units with ultrashort living radionuclides allows one to essentially improve the quality of cancer distribution detection, to develop the optimal treatment of patients, and to control them during the period after treatment. The ways of next technical maintenance evolution in radiotherapy and nuclear medicine are discussed. Рассматриваются проблемы состояния и дальнейшего развития технического обеспечения лучевой терапии и ядерной медицины в Республике Беларусь. Обсуждается проблема перевода облучения пациентов на медицинские линейные ускорители электронов вместо гамма-терапевтических аппаратов с источниками 60Со, а также дозиметрическое обеспечение новых методик лучевой терапии. Применение сложных прецизионных методов облучения пациентов с помощью ускорителей существенно повысило эффективность современной высокотехнологичной лучевой терапии, позволило практически снизить до минимума возникновение лучевых реакций и осложнений со стороны нормальных тканей и критических органов, окружающих опухолевые очаги. В ядерной медицине применение современных диагностических эмиссионных томографов, включая позитронно-эмиссионные томографические аппараты с ультракороткоживущими радионуклидами, дало возможность существенно улучшить качество определения степени распространенности опухолевых процессов, вырабатывать оптимальные методы лечения пациентов, а также прослеживать состояние пациентов в период после окончания лечения. Обсуждаются пути дальнейшего развития технических средств лучевой терапии и ядерной медицины.

    Повышение маневренных возможностей теплофикационных парогазовых установок за счет применения электрокотлов

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    The paper contains the results of efficiency evaluation  of using the electric boilers to improve maneuver capabilities of the cogeneration combined cycle power plants (as an example, 230 MW combined cycle unit of Minsk CHP-3) in comparison with the traditional steam-turbine units of cogeneration power plants.Приведены результаты расчета эффективности применения электрокотлов для повышения маневренных возможностей теплофикационных парогазовых установок (на примере ПГУ-230 Минской ТЭЦ-3) в сравнении с традиционными паротурбинными установками ТЭЦ

    К вопросу ограничения нагрузки отопительных отборов для получения резервной мощности теплофикационных турбоагрегатов

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    The paper considers problems pertaining to limitation of heating extraction load of power-and-heat supply turbo-generators with the purpose to obtain a reserve power.Graphical dependences for determination of time period within which an indoor temperature is decreased by 1 оС according to relative heat expenditure for heating and a value of outdoor temperature. The paper reveals the possibility to limit a heating load by 20% within some hours time while observing comfortable indoor conditions.Рассматриваются вопросы ограничения нагрузки отопительных отборов теплофикационных турбоагрегатов для получения резервной мощности.Приводятся графические зависимости для определения времени, в течение которого температура внутри помещения снижается на 1 оС в зависимости от относительного расхода теплоты на отопление и температуры наружного воздуха. Показывается возможность ограничения отопительной нагрузки примерно на 20 % в течение нескольких часов при соблюдении комфортных условий в помещении

    Система оперативной оценки состояния потенциально опасных гидрообъектов

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    The article deals with the results of the development of monitoring system of potentially dangerous hydro-objects. The formal statement of the problem, models of the monitoring scene and its participants are presented. The scene is initially focused on the gradual replacement of participants-people on systems with artificial intelligence. The models are unified and can be refined to the level of program code. On the basis of models the proactive algorithm of monitoring providing fixing of dangerous situations at an initial stage of their emergence and operational synthesis of the corresponding managing decisions is constructed. The algorithm uses a knowledge base containing formalized expert knowledge about the features of the observed objects and resources of the regional administration to combat catastrophic phenomena.To automate the solution, a hardware and software system using domestic intelligent sensors has been developed. Programs are written in the console version, require a minimum of computing resources. The peculiarity of the system is to minimize the time of decision-making and reducing their subjectivity by reducing the role of the human factor.The complex is intended for use in areas where possible floods of water bodies with disastrous consequences.В статье рассматриваются результаты разработки системы мониторинга потенциально опасных гидрообъектов. Представлена формальная постановка задачи, модели сцены мониторинга и ее участников. Сцена изначально ориентирована на постепенную замену участников-людей на системы с искусственным интеллектом. Модели носят унифицированный характер и допускают уточнение до уровня программного кода. На основе моделей построен проактивный алгоритм мониторинга, обеспечивающий фиксацию опасных ситуаций на начальной стадии их возникновения и оперативный синтез соответствующих управляющих решений. Алгоритм использует базу знаний, содержащую формализованные экспертные знания об особенностях наблюдаемых объектов и ресурсах администрации региона для борьбы с катастрофическими явлениями.Для автоматизации решения разработан аппаратно-программный комплекс, использующий отечественные интеллектуальные датчики. Программы написаны в консольном варианте, требуют минимум вычислительных ресурсов. Особенность системы заключается в минимизации времени принятия решений и уменьшении их субъективизма за счет уменьшения роли человеческого фактора.Комплекс предназначен для применения в районах, где возможны паводки водных объектов с катастрофическими последствиями