670 research outputs found

    Identification and stochastic control of helicopter dynamic modes

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    A general treatment of parameter identification and stochastic control for use on helicopter dynamic systems is presented. Rotor dynamic models, including specific applications to rotor blade flapping and the helicopter ground resonance problem are emphasized. Dynamic systems which are governed by periodic coefficients as well as constant coefficient models are addressed. The dynamic systems are modeled by linear state variable equations which are used in the identification and stochastic control formulation. The pure identification problem as well as the stochastic control problem which includes combined identification and control for dynamic systems is addressed. The stochastic control problem includes the effect of parameter uncertainty on the solution and the concept of learning and how this is affected by the control's duel effect. The identification formulation requires algorithms suitable for on line use and thus recursive identification algorithms are considered. The applications presented use the recursive extended kalman filter for parameter identification which has excellent convergence for systems without process noise

    Proposing "b-Parity" - a New Approximate Quantum Number in Inclusive b-jet Production - as an Efficient Probe of New Flavor Physics

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    We consider the inclusive reaction \ell^+ \ell^- -> nb +X (n = number of b-jets) in lepton colliders for which we propose a useful approximately conserved quantum number b_P=(-1)^n that we call b-Parity (b_P). We make the observation that the Standard Model (SM) is essentially b_P-even since SM b_P-violating signals are necessarily CKM suppressed. In contrast new flavor physics can produce b_P=-1 signals whose only significant SM background is due to b-jet misidentification. Thus, we show that b-jet counting, which relies primarily on b-tagging, becomes a very simple and sensitive probe of new flavor physics (i.e., of b_P-violation).Comment: 5 pages using revtex, 2 figures embadded in the text using epsfig. As will appear in Phys.Rev.Lett.. Considerable improvement was made in the background calculation as compared to version 1, by including purity parameters, QCD effects and 4-jets processe

    Efficiency at optimal work from finite reservoirs: a probabilistic perspective

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    We revisit the classic thermodynamic problem of maximum work extraction from two arbitrary sized hot and cold reservoirs, modelled as perfect gases. Assuming ignorance about the extent to which the process has advanced, which implies an ignorance about the final temperatures, we quantify the prior information about the process and assign a prior distribution to the unknown temperature(s). This requires that we also take into account the temperature values which are regarded to be unphysical in the standard theory, as they lead to a contradiction with the physical laws. Instead in our formulation, such values appear to be consistent with the given prior information and hence are included in the inference. We derive estimates of the efficiency at optimal work from the expected values of the final temperatures, and show that these values match with the exact expressions in the limit when any one of the reservoirs is very large compared to the other. For other relative sizes of the reservoirs, we suggest a weighting procedure over the estimates from two valid inference procedures, that generalizes the procedure suggested earlier in [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. {\bf 46}, 365002 (2013)]. Thus a mean estimate for efficiency is obtained which agrees with the optimal performance to a high accuracy.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Models and Phenomenology of Maximal Flavor Violation

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    We consider models of maximal flavor violation (MxFV), in which a new scalar mediates large q_3 q_1 or q_3 q_2 flavor changing transitions (q_i is an i'th generation quark), while q_3 q_3 transitions are suppressed, e.g., \xi_{31}, \xi_{13} ~ V_{tb} and \xi_{33} ~ V_{td}, where \xi_{ij} are the new scalar couplings to quarks and V is the CKM matrix. We show that, contrary to the conventional viewpoint, such models are not ruled out by the existing low energy data on K^0, B^0 and D^0 oscillations and rare K and B-decays. We also show that these models of MxFV can have surprising new signatures at the LHC and the Tevatron.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, 1 figure. Version as publishe

    Evaluation of the effect of vibration nonlinearity on convergence behavior of adaptive higher harmonic controllers

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    Effect of nonlinearity on convergence of the local linear and global linear adaptive controllers is evaluated. A nonlinear helicopter vibration model is selected for the evaluation which has sufficient nonlinearity, including multiple minimum, to assess the vibration reduction capability of the adaptive controllers. The adaptive control algorithms are based upon a linear transfer matrix assumption and the presence of nonlinearity has a significant effect on algorithm behavior. Simulation results are presented which demonstrate the importance of the caution property in the global linear controller. Caution is represented by a time varying rate weighting term in the local linear controller and this improves the algorithm convergence. Nonlinearity in some cases causes Kalman filter divergence. Two forms of the Kalman filter covariance equation are investigated

    An investigation of adaptive controllers for helicopter vibration and the development of a new dual controller

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    An investigation of the properties important for the design of stochastic adaptive controllers for the higher harmonic control of helicopter vibration is presented. Three different model types are considered for the transfer relationship between the helicopter higher harmonic control input and the vibration output: (1) nonlinear; (2) linear with slow time varying coefficients; and (3) linear with constant coefficients. The stochastic controller formulations and solutions are presented for a dual, cautious, and deterministic controller for both linear and nonlinear transfer models. Extensive simulations are performed with the various models and controllers. It is shown that the cautious adaptive controller can sometimes result in unacceptable vibration control. A new second order dual controller is developed which is shown to modify the cautious adaptive controller by adding numerator and denominator correction terms to the cautious control algorithm. The new dual controller is simulated on a simple single-control vibration example and is found to achieve excellent vibration reduction and significantly improves upon the cautious controller

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking through Mixing

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    We discuss a model, in which the negative mass square needed in the Higgs mechanism is generated by mixing with a heavy scalar. We have two scalar doublets in the standard model. Phenomenological properties of the heavy new scalar are discussed. The heavy scalar can be detected by the LHC.Comment: 4 page

    Signature of heavy Majorana neutrinos at a linear collider: Enhanced charged Higgs pair production

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    A charged Higgs pair can be produced at an ee collider through a t-channel exchange of a heavy neutrino (N) via e^+ e^- -> H^+ H^- and, if N is a Majorana particle, also via the lepton number violating (LNV) like-sign reaction e^\pm e^\pm \to H^\pm H^\pm. Assuming no a-priori relation between the effective eNH^+ coupling (\xi) and light neutrino masses, we show that this interaction vertex can give a striking enhancement to these charged Higgs pair production processes. In particular, the LNV H^-H^- signal can probe N at the ILC in the mass range 100 GeV < m_N < 10^4 TeV and with the effective mixing angle, \xi, in the range 10^{-4} < \xi^2 < 10^{-8} - well within its perturbative unitarity bound and the neutrinoless double beta decay (\beta\beta_{0\nu}) limit. The lepton number conserving (LNC) e^+ e^- \to H^+ H^- mode can be sensitive to, e.g., an O(10) TeV heavy Majorana neutrino at a 500 GeV International Linear Collider (ILC), if \xi^2 > 0.001.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, 3 figures. V2 as published in PR

    Quantum memory for squeezed light

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    We produce a 600-ns pulse of 1.86-dB squeezed vacuum at 795 nm in an optical parametric amplifier and store it in a rubidium vapor cell for 1 us using electromagnetically induced transparency. The recovered pulse, analyzed using time-domain homodyne tomography, exhibits up to 0.21+-0.04 dB of squeezing. We identify the factors leading to the degradation of squeezing and investigate the phase evolution of the atomic coherence during the storage interval.Comment: To appear in PRL. Changes to version 3: we present a larger data set featuring somewhat less squeezing, but also better statistics and a lower margin of error. Some additional revisions are made in response to the referees' comment