
An investigation of adaptive controllers for helicopter vibration and the development of a new dual controller


An investigation of the properties important for the design of stochastic adaptive controllers for the higher harmonic control of helicopter vibration is presented. Three different model types are considered for the transfer relationship between the helicopter higher harmonic control input and the vibration output: (1) nonlinear; (2) linear with slow time varying coefficients; and (3) linear with constant coefficients. The stochastic controller formulations and solutions are presented for a dual, cautious, and deterministic controller for both linear and nonlinear transfer models. Extensive simulations are performed with the various models and controllers. It is shown that the cautious adaptive controller can sometimes result in unacceptable vibration control. A new second order dual controller is developed which is shown to modify the cautious adaptive controller by adding numerator and denominator correction terms to the cautious control algorithm. The new dual controller is simulated on a simple single-control vibration example and is found to achieve excellent vibration reduction and significantly improves upon the cautious controller

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