19 research outputs found

    Pembatalan Hibah dan Akibat Hukumnya terhadap Sertipikat Hasil Peralihan Hak

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    On the cancellation of the transfer of right in the form of a grant due to the claim made by the heir thinking that his/her legitieme portie has been violated, the legitimaris should claim for the fulfillment of the legitieme portie they deserve as regulated in the stipulation of Article 913 and Article 914 of the Indonesian Civil Codes, not to claim for the cancellation of the transfer of the right to land violating the legitieme portie. Legal consequence of the cancellation of the transfer of ownership of right to granted land occured at Medan State Court through the Decision No: 506/Pdt.G/2008/PN-Mdn in connection with the Decision of Medan High Court No: 297/PDT/2009/PT.MDN, and the Decision of the Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia No: 2711 KJPdt/2010 stating among other things that the Grant Certificate No: 180/2002 dated August 19, 2002 was invalid and canceled for the sake of Law because the process of its transfer is illegal, therefore the ownership of right to land in accordance with the Certificate of Ownership No: 254/Sei Sikambing-B is returned to the grant giver, Herminder Singh. Legal protection for the certificate holder attached to the revoked certificate of right to the granted land as a strong evidence as guaranted by the stipulation of Article 19 paragraph (2) c of Law No. 5/1960 on Basic Regulation of Agrarian Principle, therefore the plaintiff must be able to prove the existence of the procedural mistakes in the provision of will of grant from Herminder Singh to Rahul

    Optimizing Genomic DNA Isolation and PCR Amplification for Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma Longifolia)

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    Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) is a shrubs growing wildly in the forests of Southeast Asia and widely used throughout the region because of its medicinal properties. Uncontrolled harvesting of wild-grown trees has led to rapid decrease of it natural populations, as well as causing a potential decrease in genetic diversity. Information about population genetic of pasak bumi still not determined yet, including the optimal DNA isolation and it reference marker. Therefore, our research was conducted to get information about optimal DNA isolation using CTAB methods and reference marker for population genetic study. DNA isolation was conducted through CTAB (Cetyl Trimetyl Ammonium Bromide) method. The yield DNA was PCR amplified using four barcoding standard marker those were ITS, matK, rbcL and trnL-trnF. The result showed that CTAB method was able to yield good quality DNA and 30% dilution produced the best band. The trnL-trnF primer was able to amplified DNA of pasak bumi with 50∘C annealing temperature, rbcL with 55∘C annealing temperature and ITS with 50∘C annealing temperature. While the matK primer failed to amplified.     Keywords: DNA, genetic, isolation, amplification, pasak bum

    DNA Barcoding of Rattan (Arecaceae) From Gunung Walat Education Forest, Sukabumi-West Java

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    Rattan is a forest plant that has high economic and ecological value. This species grows in various habitats because of its good adaptability. Gunung Walat education forest (GWEF) is an ex-situ conservation location owned by IPB University and rattan conservation potential. In 2005 rattan were planted in this area from some material source in Indonesia, but the information regarding its identity was still limited. Therefore, this study aims to identify rattan in GWEF using barcode methods. Four barcoding those were rbcL, matk K, psbA-trnH, and ITS 1 was used for this purpose. Molecular analysis was conducted through DNA extraction using the CTAB method, DNA quality and quantity observation using electrophoresis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification. The result of this research showed that DNA barcodes show a differen

    Building Pro-Social Behavior in Nursery Student

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara menumbuhkan perilaku sosial pada anak sekolah di Taman kanak-kanak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan luar dan dalam dapat membentuk perilaku sosial siswa mulai dari siswa akan memahami keterbatasan alat permainan sehingga rela untuk mengantri, siswa juga bisa bekerjasama dan menjalin interaksi sosial melalui permainan. Temuan lain yaitu untuk menjalin interaksi sosial maka guru mengatur posisi tempat duduk siswa membentuk huruf U sehingga interaksi guru dan siswa serta antar siswa bisa dilakukan. Kemudian, dalam menjalin hubungan sosial antar siswa maka kerja kelompok diberikan oleh guru sehingga mereka bisa bekerjasama. Disamping itu, market day sebagai salah satu cara yang dapat membentuk nilai-nilai sosial pada siswa mulai dari negosiasi sosial, komunikasi, interaksi sosial, dan kepedulian sosial. Bahkan sebagai cara untuk membentuk jiwa entrepreneurship semenjak usia dini. Temuan terakhir yaitu siswa diajrkan untuk hidup harus saling tolong menolong dan saling berbagi. Caranya yaitu guru memotivasi siswa untuk memberikan makanan yang mereka bawa dari rumah ketika ada teman yang lain yang tidak membawa. Siswa ada yang membawakan untuk teman dan guru sehingga diharapkan dapat membentuk perilaku sosial yang baik. Agama juga diajarkan untuk mengatur perilaku sosial anak sehingga anak-anak baik secara sosial dana agam